East Haven High School
Weekly Newsletter: September 24th, 2023
Family Relationship Survey
Dear Families,
Our district values your feedback! We are asking you to take a brief survey to tell us about your experience with East Haven Public Schools. To ensure we continue to provide high quality, rigorous learning experiences that meet the needs of our learners and prepare them for college and career, we need your feedback.
The survey is available now. It will close on Friday, September 29th. You will be able to take the survey online at home, or when you come to your school’s Back to School Night.
Please click here to access the survey.
We thank you in advance for your thoughtful responses. If you have any questions about the survey administration, please don’t hesitate to contact East Haven Public Schools Coordinator of Family Engagement, Julie Church at jchurch@east-haven.k12.ct.us.
Thank you,
East Haven Public Schools
Queridas Familias,
¡Nuestro distrito valora sus comentarios! Le pedimos que responda una breve encuesta para contarnos sobre su experiencia con las Escuelas Públicas de East Haven. Para garantizar que sigamos brindando experiencias de aprendizaje rigurosas y de alta calidad que satisfagan las necesidades de nuestros estudiantes y los preparen para la universidad y la carrera, necesitamos sus comentarios.
La encuesta ya está disponible. Cerrará el viernes 29 de septiembre. Podrás realizar la encuesta en lÃnea en casa o cuando vengas a la Noche de Regreso a Clases de la escuela de su alumno. Por favor haga clic aquà para acceder a la encuesta.
Le agradecemos de antemano sus atentas respuestas. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la administración de la encuesta, no dude en comunicarse con la Coordinadora de Participación Familiar de las Escuelas Públicas de East Haven, Julie Church en jchurch@east-haven.k12.ct.us.
Escuelas Públicas de East Haven
The EHHS Comet has begun posting some of our recurring columns on our site. This week we have STAT CHAT feating Valery Orrego, HoneyPaws featuring Pumpkin the Pit, Buzz Beats reviewing Olivia Rodrigo's new album GUTS, and more to come! Visit our site at easthaven.highschool.news
If you don't follow us on TikTok and Instagram, show your support @ehhscomet
We are also looking for community and business sponsors to support our program and keep growing.
Reach out to Ms. Caturano with any questions ecaturano@east-haven.k12.ct.us
Parents/Guardians ... Update Your PowerSchool Contacts
It is imperative that parents/guardians log into PowerSchool to update contact information for their student. This is important so that parents/guardians can stay informed of school activities, events, and information, BUT also so that other information, such as emergency contacts and school pickup permissions are accurate.
Reminder ... only individuals identified as a contact that has permission to pick up a student will be allowed to do so in the event a student needs to be dismissed early. There are NO exceptions to this and this is for student safety and security. In order to update a contact or create a new contact, please log into PowerSchool and click on Forms on the left side column. From there go to
- General Forms
- Contact Update
- Edit or Add a Card
- Click appropriate fields, especially those for Emergency Contact and School Pickup.
Saturday Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) Administration
The next Saturday session of the SATs will take place at EHHS on October 7th! We wish everyone taking the test good luck.
If you are interested in taking the Saturday November 4th SAT at EHHS register at https://mysat.collegeboard.org/ by October 5th.
Learn about fee waivers and see if you are eligible here: https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/sat/registration/fee-waivers
Upcoming Club Meetings
Yearbook Club
Next Yearbook Club meeting will be on Monday 9/25 in W103. All are welcome!
Creative Club
The Creative Club will have its first meeting on Wednesday, 9/27, in E110. We will discuss plans and ideas for the year. New members welcome. This meeting should only last about 30 minutes. See Mr. Gardner with questions.
Kindness Club
The Kindness Club will meet Wednesday, 9/27 in the lobby after school. Our activity is dependent on the weather so please check Google Classroom for important information. See Mrs. Pompano with questions. Also, make sure you follow us on Instagram @ehhskindnessclub!
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
FBLA will be meeting this Wednesday, 9/27 after school in W324, Mr Devany's room. Be sure to bring a friend.
"Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen." Wayne Huzienga
Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA)
HOSA - Future Health Professionals will be meeting after school on Wednesdays in room E312 with Ms. Martin. If your student is interested in the being a healthcare worker one day, have them come check it out. We will be voting in our club officers soon! For more information, have your student check out the QR code or use the google classroom code found on the fliers around the school. Email Ms. Martin with any questions
2024 Yearbook On Sale Now
Yearbooks are now on sale! The cost of the book is $70. Go to www.jostensyearbooks.com to purchase.
Purchase An Ad For Your Graduating Senior
Seniors & Senior parents/guardians, please click on the link for all information about the yearbook--buying ads for your graduating senior, buying a yearbook, etc. There are due dates of things as well. Any questions please reach out to Mrs. Gardner or Mrs. Wright.
Class of 2024 - Pay Your Dues Now
SENIOR students must pay their class dues this fall! Dues will go towards the cost of caps and gowns for graduation and senior activities (luncheon, trip, prom, etc.). All students should pay $100 over the last four years ($25 for each year you are an EHHS student). Pay on E-Funds: https://payments.efundsforschools.com/v3/districts/56620/
UConn Early College Experience (ECE) Registration
Students who are currently enrolled in classes affiliated with UCONN's Early College Experience (ECE) program need to complete an online application through UCONN to earn the college credit. Registrations for fall, spring, and full-year classes will be processed until October 20th. See this link for more information: https://www.smore.com/h6yg4
EHHS Drama Club Fundraiser
EHHS Drama Club is selling Lyman Orchards pies and cookie dough to fundraise for our spring musical! The products will arrive in time for Thanksgiving! Order by 10/16 by using this link: https://my.mcmfundraising.com/2023-fall-east-haven-high-school-drama-club/kari-collins or seeing an EHHS Drama Club member!
Community Service Opportunity
Goodwill of Southern New England - Fantasy of Lights
Goodwill of Southern New England is in search of reliable volunteers to assist in their Fantasy of Lights Event from November 18 2023-December 31 2023. They are looking for four volunteers per night, and students may sign up for as many nights as they would like. The hours that they need the students to be available are from 4:45 pm to 9:15 pm on Sunday-Thursday and from 4:45 pm to 10:15 pm on Friday and Saturday. Attached a link for the students to choose their dates that they wish to volunteer.
**Please note that although students will be selecting a time slot, they will be expected to attend for the entirety of the event.**
From The School Counseling Department
Several opportunities are coming up for our college-bound seniors:
Tues, Oct 3rd 9:00 - 10:00 am: Common App workshop with EHHS Guidance Dept
Tues, Oct 3rd 10:00 - 12:00 pm: Field Trip to Southern CT State University
Wed, Oct 4th 10:00 - 11:30 am: Field Trip to NEACAC College Fair at University of New Haven
Take advantage of these fantastic opportunities to get assistance with your college applications, talk to college reps about their programs and see some beautiful college campuses!
Attn seniors: do you have a part-time job? Are you interested in earning high school credit for it? Stay tuned for more information regarding EHHS's Work-Study program that will be announced soon.