Wagner Weekly Newsletter
Week of September 11th

Wagner Weekly Newsletter for the Week of November 6th
Election Day - No School
This is a reminder that schools are closed for students on Tuesday, November 7th for Election Day.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thursday, November 9th
We would like to remind you there will be a half day of school on Thursday, November 9th to accomodate for Parent/Teacher Conferences. Students will be dismissed from school at 11:41am. 6th Graders will have lunch in the building. 7th and 8th Graders will be dismissed before their lunches. Links for virtual time slots were sent out on Friday, November 3rd via Operoo. If you have trouble scheduling an appointment with a teacher, please reach out to them directly.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please email your grade level Assistant Principal.
6th Grade - Ms. Buck - KBuck@schools.nyc.gov
7th Grade - Mr. Waldeck - DWaldeck@schools.nyc.gov
8th Grade - Ms. Oakes - LOakes@schools.nyc.gov
2023-24 Wagner Middle School Grading Policy
Please find the attached link for Wagner's 2023-24 Grading Policy. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your grade level Assistant Principal.
Reminders from Previous Newsletters
Early Dismissal
Students are not permitted to leave school on their own prior to the end of the school day (2:45). The parent/guardian or any adult listed on the student’s emergency contact card can pick them up from school.
When arriving to pick up your student, please inform one of our staff members in the lobby of your child's full name and homeroom class number. This will allow us to call your child down promptly. We kindly request that you avoid early pick up during their lunch period or right before dismissal. Thank you for your cooperation.
As we approach the cold and flu season, we need your assistance. To ensure a safe and healthy environment, we’re asking for donations of tissues, disinfecting wipes, paper towels, and hand sanitizer. Your contributions make a big difference. Donations can be dropped off at the school. We thank you in advance for your support.
A Few Words from the Parents' Association
Thank Yous
As always, the PA wants to thank the incredible volunteers who stepped up this past week! We had an enthusiastic crew of parents and guardians who helped at the Halloween Carnival, one of the most exciting events of the year for Wagner students. We’re also grateful to our Fundraising Team who just wrapped up a successful holiday pie and cake sale!
Parent Social on November 8th
Please join us at our first parent social of the year! We’ll be gathering at Tacombi this Wednesday, November 8th from 6-8pm for some child-free fun. Tacombi is a terrific Mexican restaurant conveniently located at 202 East 70th St. (and 3rd Ave.). Hang with old friends and make some new ones. We hope to see you there! Click here to register.
8th Grade Scary Movie Night
Time for our 8th graders to have some fun! The PA will be hosting its 8th Grade Scary Movie Night this Friday, November 10th at 6:15pm in the gym or yard, weather permitting. We’d love to have some volunteers to help pop popcorn, sell tickets and concessions, and set up and break down the event, so save the date! We’ll send out a volunteer sign-up soon.
Parents’ Association Meeting
Save the date for our next PA meeting on Friday, November 17th! We’ll hear from Ms. Duplessis about Wagner’s ARISTA program. We’ll also feature “Parents as Partners,” a special presentation by Asst. Principal Stefanick and “the Dean Team.” As a reminder, all Wagner parents and guardians are encouraged to attend! Click here to sign up.
Family Appeal
The Parents’ Association budget at Wagner Middle School supports vital programs for over 1,100 students, including enrichment, staff development, technology upgrades, parent and student workshops, and so much more. Please support the PA and the Wagner community by making a donation. We’d love to have 100% family participation by June! Any amount is appreciated. Click here for more information.
Mark Your Calendars - More to Come!
November 8th at 6pm - Parent Social at Tacombi
November 9th at 9am - Executive Board Meeting
November 10th at 6:15pm - 8th Grade Scary Movie Night
November 17th at 9am - PA General Meeting
December 4th at 6:30pm (TBD) - Winter Parent Social at Framebridge
Interested in Volunteering?
The PA always appreciates volunteers. If you’re interested in partnering with other parents and guardians to help out the school (and have fun while doing so!), please fill out this Google Form. Here is also the chance to provide feedback about the time and format of PA monthly meetings. We look forward to hearing from you!