January 2024
Monthly Parent Newsletter

Parent/guardian involvement is essential to student success!
Cicero District 99 continues its efforts to engage parents and students in learning at home.
Through the Strategic Planning process, community feedback indicated that parents want support and resources to use at home with their children.
The purpose of this newsletter is to provide resources you can use at home to support students in extending their learning. Each month, the topics will align with classroom instruction.
Working together, we can improve outcomes for our students.
Math Resources
Grado 1: Forma una decena para sumar
Grade 2: Use Addition and Subtraction Strategies with Three-Digit Numbers
Grado 2: Usa estrategias de suma y resta con números de tres dígitos
Grade 3: Solve Two-Step Word Problems Using the Four Operations
Grado 3: Resuelve problemas verbales de dos pasos usando las cuatro operaciones
Grade 6: Use Percents to Solve Problems
Grado 6: Usa porcentajes para resolver problemas
Grade 7: Write and Solve Multi-Step Equations
Grado 7: Escribe y resuelve ecuaciones de varios pasos
Literacy Resources
Kindergarten - Students are finishing Unit 6 and beginning Unit 7
Conocimiento 6 - Pueblos nativos de los Estados Unidos
Conocimiento 7 - Reyes y reinas
First Grade - Students will be finishing Unit 5 and beginning Unit 6
Domain 5 - Early American Civilizations
Conocimiento 5 - Antiguas civilizaciones de América
Second Grade - Students will be finishing Unit 6 and beginning Unit 7
Conocimiento 6 - Los ciclos de la naturaleza
Conocimiento 7 - La expansión hacia el oeste
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
6F: La Colección sobre el Titanic
Seventh Grade
7E: The Frida & Diego Collection
7E: La Colección sobre Frida y Diego
Eighth Grade
Language Practice: The Four Language Domains
Were you aware that there are four domains to mastering a language? These domains include listening, reading, speaking and writing. Engaging in language practice at home is essential because it will help students:
- Grasp the meaning of spoken information, comprehend instructions and follow conversations.
- Express their thoughts and ideas, engage in conversations and participate in discussions.
- Comprehend texts, gain knowledge and improve their vocabulary.
- Communicate effectively in writing and express their ideas clearly.
This link provides you with some activities you can do with your child to help practice these different areas, as well as additional information about the four domains.
Social/Emotional Wellbeing
January is National Thank You Month
It’s National Thank You Month! Thank You Month is an opportunity to spread kindness by thanking all the people who’ve helped us along the way.
To kick off Thank You Month, we want to thank you for your dedication. Every day, you encourage your student to learn and grow. You are a major reason for the success of our students,
and it’s an honor to serve your family.
We encourage you to spend some time this January thinking about what you’re thankful for and express gratitude for those who have helped you. Help from others is so appreciated and,
at times, needed.
If you or a family member needs extra support, Cicero District 99 partners with Care Solace to support the well-being of students and family members. If you or a family member are looking for help with mental health or substance use treatment and would like to use Care Solace to help you find a provider:
- Call (888) 515-0595. Multilingual support is available 24/7/365.
- Visit caresolace.com/cicd99 and either search on your own OR click “Book Appointment” for assistance by video chat, email, or phone.
Thank you again for your dedication to your students and this community.
Cicero District 99
Website: www.cicd99.edu
Location: 5110 W 24th St, Cicero, IL, USA
Phone: (708) 863-4856
Facebook: facebook.com/CiceroDistrict99
Twitter: @D99Cicero