Covington Connection
December 7th, 2021
Classroom Spotlight - Mrs. Pflederer Grade 2
Staff Spotlight
Winter Concert
Our Covington Kindergarteners, 1st Graders, and School Choir will perform on Monday, December 13th at 2:15 P.M.. The concert will be held in the Gymnasium and doors will open at 2:00 P.M..
Family members should enter throughDoor 2 near the Gymnasium. In order to ensure adequate spacing, we ask that only two family members attend per performer. Additionally, please remember that face masks are required all times when inside the school.
Computer Care
A wonderful resource that we have in District 123 is that we are a 1:1 district meaning that every student is provided with their own personal device. With this does come the responsibility of our students to care for the device. With these devices becoming more common in our day to day instruction, as well as students transporting them from school to home, we are seeing an increase in computer repairs. We do not want the students to lose access to their device for any time or for any expensive repair costs to our families. A few helpful care tips for students and their devices whether they are at school or home:
- Always transport your computer in the computer bag. A computer bag was specifically made for this and a backpack doesn't provide the same support or safety.
- Charge your computer every evening.
- Put your computer away when it is not in use. The computer can be stored in the desk, locker, or computer case.
- Do not leave your computer on the ground.
- Do not eat or drink anything when using the computer.
- Always carry your computer with two hands.
PTO Five Below Fundraiser
SHIELD Testing
Update: Our weekly SHIELD Testing will now take place every week on Wednesday morning.
The SHIELD Illinois program is a quick, simple, and non-invasive COVID-19 screening test. Students that have opted-in to the program will provide a small amount of saliva that is tested at a professional lab. Results of the test are then provided to families and our school district within the days following. The program offers students the opportunity to reduce or waive quarantine requirements in the event of close contact with a positive case or if the student demonstrates symptoms. You can opt-in to the program at any time by accessing Online Forms in Skyward Family Access. More information about the SHIELD Illinois program can be found at: d123.org/shield-illinois-testing-program
Parking During Pick-Up/Drop-Off
- Double parking on 52nd Avenue (or any street around Covington) is never allowed
- Parking or stopping on the school-side of the street on 52nd Avenue is never allowed
- There are designated crossing areas on 52nd Avenue and should use them when crossing the street
These expectations are to ensure the safety of our students and families and are expectations of Covington Elementary School and Oak Lawn.
Covington Elementary School
Website: d123.org/covington
Location: 9130 S 52nd Ave, Oak Lawn, IL, USA
Phone: 708-423-1530
Twitter: @d123covington
Mr. John Wawczak - Principal
Email: jwawczak@d123.org
Website: d123.org/covington
Phone: 708-423-1530
Twitter: @MrWawczak