Community Service Opportunities
Local Community Service in Houston County & Beyond
What is community service and why should I care?
If you have never considered the benefits of participating in community service, as a Westfield student, here are some opportunities to start helping your school and community during the 22-23 school year. If you already serve as a volunteer and want to expand your horizon, here are some additional community-wide opportunities.
If you are not sure if you should participate in community service, here are some reasons why you should reconsider.
Source: 5 Reasons Every Student Should Volunteer, Unigo
1. Volunteering in high school teaches team work which is important for college, work, the military, sports, etc. When you volunteer, you are working with a new group of people and you must learn how to work together as a team.
2. Volunteering develops leadership skills and confidence. If you want to enhance your leadership ability, volunteering is a practical way to help you become a more competent leader.
3. Volunteering helps you step outside the box. Since Westfield is such a small school, it is easy to stay comfortable in our surroundings without venturing out. Volunteering allows you to meet new people and try new things.
4. Volunteering helps you to solve problems that are part of the real world. This is experience that cannot be taught in the four walls of the classroom.
5. Volunteering enables you to look great on your resume which will help you apply for those hard to get scholarships. Also, many colleges want to see what you are doing to help your community.
Below, you will find a list of community service opportunities in Houston County. If you know of more possibilities, please email Dr. Morton to add to this list.
Community Service in Houston County
Perry Library
We are interested in student volunteers who have completed 7th grade who are self-motivated, reliable, hard-working, and cooperative. Please complete the Teen Volunteer Application found at the Youth Services Desk then return the application to any of the Library's service desks or print the application found below. After your volunteer application is reviewed, your name will be put on a list of potential volunteers. Your name will remain on the list of potential volunteers until a need arises. You will be contacted if we are in need of a volunteer.
PAWS Animal Shelter
- Student must be 16 and up.
- Application is in person.
- Hands on training.
Hours of Operation:
M-F (-11)
Saturday and Sunday (9-11)
Saturdays (11-3) Open to the public.
Grace Village
Looking for volunteers for cooking, exercise, and other activities.
2097 Hwy. 41 South
GA, 31069
Humane Society of Houston County
Go Fish Center
- Go to www.gooutdoorsgeorgia.com
- Click "Sign Up to Volunteer"
- Fill out the information and click "Submit"
- Once your application is approved, you can then look for volunteer opportunities on the calendar or contact Michael Sellers at michael.sellers@dnr.ga.gov or 706-557-3101.
Blessing Bags-Due November 2023
This year Westfield donated well over 100 Blessing bags to distribute to local families for Thanksgiving. If you want to participate in this holiday campaign, please create a decorated bag with the following contents:
$20 gift card to Walmart or Kroger to purchase the meat for the meal
1 package of Instant Mashed Potatoes
1 can of Gravy (jars break, so the can or packet mix is best)
1 can Green Beans
1 can Chicken Broth
1 Package of Stuffing Mix
1 Package of Cornbread Mix
1 can of Fruit or Fruit Cocktail
1 box of Jell-o
1 boxed Dessert
1 can of Cream of Mushroom Soup
1 can of Crispy Fried Onions
1 can of Cranberry Sauce
Outside of Houston County
Habitat for Humanity
Volunteers must be 16 or older to work on the job site and 18 or older to operate power tools. Younger volunteers are welcomed for landscaping days.
Contact: Katelyn Thigpen, (478) 745-0630, ext. 306
Office Address: 690 Holt Ave. Macon, GA 31204
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
ReStore Hours: Tuesday-Friday, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Saturday, 9:00 AM to 3:00
Construction: Tuesday-Saturday, 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM.
Thanks for building homes, communities, and hope with us!
Save a Pet
For students 18 years and older.
United Way of Central Georgia Volunteer Opportunities
Fuller Center for Housing
Rescue Mission of Georgia
The Rescue Mission of Middle Georgia is always in need of volunteers. Contact Event Manager, Amy at amy@rescuemissionga.com or call 478-845-7596 for more information on volunteering.
Heartland Hospice and Hospice Care Options
Heartland Hospice is in need of volunteers to spend time with hospice patients and to be a lending hand to their families. For more information, contact Jovan French Jolley, volunteer recruiter, at 477-0101 or 365-9678.
Homestead Hospice is in need of volunteers. Contact Margaret Dudley at 478-971-1099 or MDudley@HomesteadHospice.net for more information.
Hospice Care Options is in need of volunteers. Contact Tammie Malone or Richard Weires, volunteer coordinators at 743-3033 or 800-53-8680.
Southern Center for Choice Theory
thesoutherncenterforchoicetheory. com or call 478-471-7785.
Muscular Dystrophy Association
The Muscular Dystrophy Association is in need of volunteers year round, Monday-Friday 9 am – 5 pm. Contact Kimberly Turner at 471-9090 or kturner@mdausa.org if interested in volunteering.