Career News
your go-to guide for career news and information.
Advisors Address
Hi Everyone,
Introducing the Caringbah Careers Newsletter. Welcome to your go-to guide for career news and information.
We will be sending through the most up-to-date information on all things related to exploring your interests, mapping out your career and educational pathways beyond school and building a well-rounded resume whilst you are completing your high school years at Caringbah.
If you have any questions, or just seeking a little more information, please come over to the careers office and say hello.
Talk soon,
Miss Murray
Career Updates - News
Year 11 Students
- Study a University level subject during your summer holiday @ UOW - Register HERE
Year 10 Students
- Would you like to study at University during Year 11? Macquarie University offers a Gifted and Talented Entry Program that will open for applications on the 15th of August. Study the Critical Thinking unit at University to benefit your HSC study. Click HERE for more information.
All Year Groups
Explore your Interests
University Information
Interested in attending a university open day? Click below to view the full list of NSW Universities and their corresponding open day dates as well as experience days and workshops.
Build your Resume
Find out the many ways you can build your resume during high school through a range of available volunteering opportunities, work experience and extra-curricular activities.
Looking for work?
Short Courses
See Ms Murray to register your interest in short courses including:
- Barista training
- White Card
- First Aid
Visit the Careers Advisor - Kate Murray
Book an appointment to see Miss Murray by email (kate.murray19@det.nsw.edu.au) or pop by the Careers office at NF2.
Alumni Success Stories
- Alex Sharp was successful in securing a Cadetship with UBS for 2016
- Rachel Hopping received a Co-op Scholarship at UNSW for Marketing
- Aolei Yu and George Petrides have begun pathways to Medicine courses at UNSW and USYD.