The Good News
Faith Formation Newsletter - October 1, 2023
October Family Connection
Faith in the Everyday
It’s always in the practice of loving that we can get better and better. Here are a few simple ways you and your family can practice putting your love in action this month!
Little Habits for Little Prayers
Building prayer into our daily lives as a family is a great way to live out your faith in the little moments of life. You might have the wonderful habit of bedtime and prayers before meals, is there another small habit you can build to add more prayer to your family’s life?
Habits seem to ‘stick’ better when they are anchored to something – like a meal, time of day, place, or event. Below are a few other examples of ‘little reminders’ we can use to stop and pray. Kids especially love ones that you have to ‘be on the lookout for’. It connects the world around them with prayer.
Little reminders for short little prayers:
- When you hear an ambulance or sirens
- When you see your favorite animal or plant
- When driving by a church or hospital
- When you see a first responder, healthcare worker, or military personnel
- When you zip or unzip your backpack
Discuss as a family: What little reminder could you use to create a new prayer habit?
From the Catholic Newman Center. Visit for more ideas:
October Celebrations in the Liturgy
- October 1 - Saint Therese of Lisieux...her approach to life became known as "The Little Way". Talk with your kids about ways you can do things with great love - for example, doing chores without complaining.
- October 2 - The Holy Guardian Angels...God made a special angel for you called your guardian angel. Your angel is always with you all the time, even though you can’t see him. Your angel has 3 important jobs; to enlighten you, guide you, and protect you. Click here for some fun ways to celebrate this special day at home.
- October 4 - St. Francis of Assisi...the Patron Saint of animals is often shown surrounded by birds and petting a deer! Holy Trinity will celebrate a special Blessing of the Animals on Saturday, October 7 at 12 noon so bring your pets! St. Francis also founded the Franciscans and made the very first Nativity set.
- October 7 - Our Lady of the Rosary...Learn about praying to Mary with the Rosary at
- October 18 - St. Luke the of the four Gospel writers, he was also believed to be a physician. The next time you need to visit the doctor, thank him or her for their service.
- October 22 - Pope St. John Paul II...Karol Wojtyła was our pope from 1978 until his death in 2005. Growing up he was a good student and an athlete and as a young man he wrote patriotic plays and joined a theater group. He was called to the priesthood at the age of 26. When he was pope, he added five new mysteries to the Rosary...the Luminous Mysteries!
Blessing of the Animals (October 7)
Blessing of the Animals in honor of St. Francis of Assisi
Saturday, October 7 at 12:00pm
Murphy Hall Traffic Circle at Holy Trinity
All are invited to bring their pets (leashed or caged) to Holy Trinity on Saturday, October 7 to be blessed in honor of St. Francis’ feast day (October 4).
Support the Animals at Lollypop Farm, Humane Society of Greater Rochester
The Feast of St. Francis of Assisi provides an opportunity to teach children about endangered, abused, or homeless animals and what we can do to help. Consider donating canned kitten food (Fancy Feast or Friskies preferred), unopened dry pet food, unused dog and cat toys, unused Nylabones of any size, or soft dog treats to the animals currently residing at Lollypop Farm until they find their forever homes.
We will collect all items at our Blessing of the Animals and deliver them on behalf of our Holy Trinity parish family to Lollypop! Visit Lollypop Farm website for a list of their most urgent needs:
Family Mass (Every 3rd Sunday...October 15)
Extended Adoration (Every 3rd Thursday...October 19)
Eucharistic Adoration is held every Thursday from 3:00 to 4:00 PM. Every THIRD THURSDAY of the month, we offer extended Adoration from 3:00pm - 7:00pm with a Holy Hour and Benediction 7:00pm - 8:00pm.
It is an ideal time to bring your prayers and concerns to the Lord in the beautiful setting of our main worship space at Holy Trinity. Come as you are for any length of time, or join us at 7:00pm for a full hour. Jesus invites you with open arms, and so do we.
Children's Liturgy of the Word (begins October 22)
CHILDREN’S LITURGY of the WORD (ages 4-10)
Children's Living Rosary (October 27 at 6:30pm)
October is the Month of the Rosary, and all are invited to join us as we celebrate a living version of this beautiful prayer together with our parish children on Friday evening, October 27 at 6:30pm in the main church.
We invite children of all ages to participate in this beautiful celebration of one of our most powerful and prayerful Catholic practices. Prayers do not have to be memorized but will be given in advance for practice. Middle and High School students are invited to join us to help lead and assist our younger children!
Children, Youth, and Families are welcome to SIGN UP HERE to recite your favorite prayer:
You do not have to be enrolled in Faith Formation to participate...all parish families are welcome!! And if you would just like to join us to witness or to pray along with us, please come!!
Call our Faith Formation Office at (585) 265-4750 for more information.
TRUNK-OR-TREAT October 28 @ 2:30- 4:30 pm
Deborah MacKay School of Dance is hosting a
TRUNK-OR-TREAT event to benefit HOPE House
on October 28 @ 2:30- 4:30 pm
Bring a canned food item to donate!
Photo Booth, Crazy Cars, Candy, and Fun!
1695 Ridge Road, Webster NY 14580
YOUTH MASS (October 22 at 6:30pm)
SLEEP-IN-SUNDAY Youth Mass Returns!!
In addition to a homily conversation just for you, all ministry roles including Liturgical Greeter, Prayer Leader, Lector, Usher, Gift Bearers, Altar Servers, Sacristan, and Musicians will be filled by our teens! Youth can sign up HERE to serve!
Come and meet Fr. Jorge as we grow together in faith, in our understanding of who God is, and in our own personal relationship with Christ!!
Current Service Opportunities in our Community
Webster Comfort Care (on Holt and Klem Roads)
THIS WEEK...there is a huge pile of wood chips in the parking lot that needs to be cleared out. Reach out to Ruth at 872-5290 to help!
Webster JR. Warriors / Titans
This is a 100% volunteer organization, and the Tackle Football C-Team needs your help! They are a very small team this year and would welcome youth willing to work shifts in the concession stand at home games. Reach out to Juli Pastore (Volunteer Coordinator) for more information at (585) 802-6571.
Sleep-In-Sunday Youth Mass
Volunteer to help in one of our Liturgical Ministries for this special Mass (October 22 at 6:30pm) with your peers. We need musicians, ushers, lectors (readers), and more! Email Mrs. K for more information, or CLICK HERE to sign up to serve.
The Mass Readings Explained Bible Study
The Mass Readings Explained is an Adult Faith Formation journey to explore the weekend Mass readings; held twice/month in Trinity Hall 6:30-8pm; call Will and Linda Trout for questions at 315-333-1098. Upcoming dates for The Mass Readings Explained Bible Study include light refreshments:
- Wednesday, October 11 (6:30pm - 8:00pm)
- Wednesday, October 25 (6:30pm - 8:00pm)
- Thursday, November 9 (6:30pm - 8:00pm)
National Eucharistic Revival (click the image for more information)
- October 2 - October 6 … Respect Life Month Adoration daily 9:30am - 5:30pm
- October 4 … First Sacrament Parent Meeting at 6:30pm in Trinity Hall
- October 7 … Blessing of the Pets at 12pm at Murphy Hall traffic circle
- October 7 ... NCYC "Sunset & Scripture" Campfire in lower lot
- October 8 ... Deacon Sunday (a special day for Dcn. Gary sure to say "Hello"!)
- October 11 … Adult Bible Study "The Mass Readings Explained" at 6:30pm in Trinity Hall
- October 15 … Confirmation Enrollment Mass at 10:30am
- October 15 ... FAMILY MASS (homily for children and youth) at 10:30am
- October 19 … Eucharistic Adoration "Third Thursday" 3-7pm, Holy Hour & Benediction 7-8pm
- October 22 … Children’s Liturgy of the Word begins at 10:30am Mass (ages 4-10)
- October 22 … Sleep-in-Sunday Youth Mass at 6:30pm for all youth in Grades 8 through 12
- October 25 … Adult Bible Study "The Mass Readings Explained" at 6:30pm in Trinity Hall
- October 27 … Children’s Living Rosary at 6:30pm in the church
Holy Trinity Faith Formation
For more information about our programs you may contact:
- Tricia Kull, Faith Formation Coordinator at (585) 265-4750 or
- Silvia Parravano, Administrative Assistant at (585) 265-1616 x328 or
Location: 1460 Ridge Road, Webster, NY, USA
Phone: (585) 265-4750