Equitable Practices
A Quarterly Publication
Spring 2022
2021-2022 Equity Action Plan Goals
Year 1
- Adopt and enforce an Educational Equity Policy (Complete)
- Identify administrator responsible for conducting review and analysis of data and leadership of EAP (Complete)
- Communicate the purpose and goals of the EAP broadly and consistently (In-Process)
- Support conversations in the classroom that help students to be prepared for difficult topics and conversations around equity
- Improve safety for marginalized students, including students of color and LGBTQ+ students
- Utilize analytics to assess the impact our communication has on students and families (Complete)
- Create feedback/communication system for parent teacher conferences (Complete)
- Provide training for ALL district staff on equitable practices that are able to be implemented in the classroom and across district offices
Springfield Equity Statement
Recognizing the diversity of our community, The School District of Springfield Township is committed to and accountable for advancing equity and excellence for all of our students. We, in the School District of Springfield Township, endeavor to provide equitable opportunities for high level, meaningful, and engaging learning experiences for each and every student, regardless of racial/ethnic background, economic condition or other dimension of identity or difference.
We recognize that in order to achieve Educational Equity we must apply principles of fairness and justice in the allocation of resources and work toward the elimination of institutional barriers to access and opportunity. We aim to ensure that funding, policies, practices, and initiatives will enable every student to receive what they need to maximize their success. In order to foster growth toward equity, we must engage in continuous reflection and ongoing measurement of our efforts.
Equitable Practices Meeting Summary
On April 27, 2022, Equitable Practices met in the Middle School Library at 6:30pm for a community meeting. Updates from the Year 1 Goals of the Equity Action Plan were discussed and shared through a presentation.
Attendees discussed how to get more involvement in Equitable Practices. Thoughts included pairing an outside presentation with meetings, issuing invitations to more community members through the Township newsletter, and continuing to build trust between teachers and the community.
In addition, the team will begin work to highlight equity work throughout the District and look into providing professional development for staff and community members around equity and how to support students when they encounter uncomfortable topics.
Out next meeting will be scheduled for the early Fall. Please be on the lookout for more information!

Meet the EAP Administrator
Dr. Michelle Lutz, the newly appointed Director of Support Services, began her work in Springfield Township on April 18, 2022. She is excited to serve as the Equity Action Plan Administrator. Her work will center on the Equity Goals outlined in the public presentation from January 18, 2022.
For more information on Dr. Lutz and her background, please click here. You can reach her at michelle_lutz@sdst.org or 215-233-6000 ext. 1017.

Parent Teacher Conference Feedback
This year, Springfield implemented an anonymous survey administered to families who participated in the spring conferences. Overall, the District received feedback from 206 families.
Overall, feedback from families was positive that conferences were successful and a great use of time. Families also reported that they liked the option for in-person or virtual conferences. While the survey was offered in English and Spanish, only English surveys were returned.
Moving forward, the District will continue to survey families around conferences and other opportunities for engagement.

Communication Analytics
SDST families had the opportunity to share their thoughts on District communications. Many families reported that they feel well informed because of the multiple forms of communication. However, some families reported feeling overwhelmed by the amount of communication.
Future efforts will focus on providing streamlined communication to families and ensuring that all communication is accessible in multiple languages and formats.
Think About It
The Genderbread Person
A useful tool for breaking down the concept of gender, orientation, and expression into manageable bits of information.
Use this helpful graphic to understand how gender identify, gender expression, biological sex, and sexual orientation differ and how to accurately depict how we experience gender today.
Everyday Anti-Racism
Voices matter! In order to raise our voices to speak out against racism, we need the tools to help tackle the shame, guilt, and anger and focus on the work of being anti-racist.
1. Education: You cannot acknowledge or change that which you deny or choose not to see. First, you must educate yourself about the history and experiences of those who experience racism.
2. Intention: Anti-racism is a way of life. Set the intention to have an open mind and pursue your goal of anti-racism.
3. Courage: Facing facts about racism, white privilege, and white supremacy is hard. Sit with your discomfort and put courage, compassion, and vulnerability over comfort.
4. Individuality: Noticing the details and qualities of people that set them apart from the group.
5. Humanity: Resist framing people into "good versus evil" and see the humanity in people.
6. Anti-Racist Work: Actively work to create anti-racist policies by promoting equity.
7. Equality: Hold all groups of people as equal and champion equality to fight for equity.
8. Empathy: Share, think about, and care about others' feelings.
9. Allyship: Take risks and share your privilege with any marginalized group of people. When you see something, say something. Fight to dismantle injustice.
10. Love: Choose love, healing, gratitude, and joy.
Reference: 10 Keys to Everyday Anti-Racism by Kirsten Ivey Colson and Lynn Turner
Expand Your Literary Horizons

Whoever You Are
By Mem Fox
This book takes readers around the world to see other children who look and live differently from them but experiencing the things about life that remind us we're all the same.
Reading Level: 3.3
Available at Enfield and Erdenheim

King and the Dragonflies
By Kacen Callender
Kingston "King" James' brother, Khalid, has recently died, but King is convinced he has returned to him as a dragonfly. While mourning his loss, King has also broken things off with his best friend, Sandy, after Khalid heard a rumor that Sandy was gay and didn't want King to be called the same. However, Sandy disappears, but King finds him, and agrees to help him escape his abusive father.
Reading Level: 3.6
Available at Erdenheim and Springfield Township Middle School

Hidden Figures
By Margot Lee Shetterly
The incredibly inspiring true story of four black women who helped NASA launch men into space.
Reading Level: 4.5
Available at Erdenheim