Valley Middle School
March Newsletter

Here is a list of the important information explained in greater detail in this newsletter:
- Parking for Valley Middle School
- Busing
- Summer Rise Program
- 7th and 8th Grade Block IV Sports
- 6th Grade Intramurals
- School Routines and Expectations/ Tardy Procedures
- Cell Phone Policy
- Valley Clothing Store
- Medication Information
- Cell Phone Policy
- Yearbook Purchasing
- Team Newsletter
- Important Dates
- Mentor Center Newsletter
- Safe Kids important information
- Eligibility Policy
Parking for Valley Middle School
End Of The Year Letter
TEARS Talk Event
Career Summer Camp
Creative Writing Camp
Group Therapy
Important Dates
- May 8th - 1PM Early Dismissal
- May 22nd- 1PM Early Dismissal
- May 27th- NO SCHOOL
District Calander
Day 1/Day 2 Calander
Summer Rise Program
Hey Valley Middle School Families!
Get ready for an awesome summer at Valley Middle School! We are once again putting on our summer RISE program; this is open to all incoming 6th graders as well as our current 6th and 7th grade students. RISE runs from June 10, 2024-July 12, 2024 from 8:00 am-12:00 pm.
RISE Summer School is all about exciting learning! Your child will dive into engaging reading and math activities, including Novel Studies, Close Reading, Math Story Problems, and more. Our program features a fun, culturally relevant curriculum to keep students motivated and ready to excel when they return to school in the fall.
In addition to academics, we're mixing in community-building activities rooted in building a broad array of student skills and having fun. A prime example from last year included time in the food lab learning to cook the food we learned about in our novel study.
This program is free for all students, and we are also providing breakfast and lunch each day. you can sign up here, and we're accepting sign-ups through May 10th. You can also use the QR code included in the flyer attached to the newsletter.
Got questions? Want more info? Email npederson040@mygfschools, or call Valley and ask for Nick Pederson. Don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to make this summer an enriching experience for your child. Thanks for your support, and we look forward to seeing you in June!
Camp Good Mourning
Summer Fast Break Basketball
GFC Activities Fair Invite
Little Red Reading Bus
GFC Strength Registration
Medication Pickup
Attendance Line: 701-746-2326
- School begins at 8:40am and ends at 3:30pm. (Band and Orchestra start at 7:50am).
- Breakfast starts at 7:45 am. The front of the building doors are unlocked at this time.
- Students should exit the building by 3:45pm, unless they prearrange a meeting with a teacher or are involved with music, sports practice, or remain in assigned areas.
If you have any questions or concerns, please stop in or call us at 701-746-2360. Skylar, Jocelyn or Bridgit will be happy to help you.
Once school begins, please use the front entrance and ring the doorbell for access. All doors are locked for security.
Water Bottles & Water Fountain
Bus Information
GFPS partners with Valley Bus company to transport students to and from school. With this partnership, signup is required to determine bus routes, pick-up/drop off locations, etc. Bus sign up is included in your online PowerSchool registration. If you miss the deadline and are still wanting to sign up for busing, please visit the website below.
My School Bucks Store
Bus Expectations
Please click on the link below to be directed to the site for more information. You will find a link to the form on the right hand side.
Food Policy
- NO outside foods/drinks (Starbucks, pop, breakfast foods from restaurants etc…) will be allowed into the building. A water bottle is fine. Note, students may still pack a cold lunch to eat during lunch hours.
- IF your child comes to school with a beverage, snack or food item they will need to eat it prior to coming inside of the building.
- Breakfast is available in the cafeteria from 7:45 – 8:30 a.m. No food can be taken out of the cafeteria during breakfast.
- If you bring your child back from an appointment and you have purchased lunch for them, they will need to have eaten the food prior to coming back into the building. They can not bring their outside purchased food or drink into the cafeteria to eat lunch. Please plan accordingly so that they have time to eat the food you buy them prior to returning to school.
Important information from Safe Kids
School Routines
Doors Open: The main entry door, Door 7, opens at 7:30 am for band, orchestra, or early morning athletic/music practices. Any other students who arrive before 7:45am, will be expected to wait outside.
Morning arrival: Students who arrive before 8:30am will have the following options:
- Cafeteria: The cafeteria opens at 7:45am. Your child may choose to work on homework or eat breakfast in the cafeteria. Breakfast is served every morning from 7:45-8:30am.
- Morning Hallway: Students who chose to not attend breakfast, may sit along the walls in their team hallway, quietly. Students can work on homework or find something else to work on until school starts.
Tardy Procedures:
Cell Phones and other electronic devices during school hours
First Offense:
- Device will be kept in the office until the end of the day
- The student will be able to pick up their electronic device at 3:30 PM
Second Offense:
- Parents will be called and must pick up the electronic device in the office
- Students will not be allowed to pick up the device
Third Offense:
- Parents will be called and must pick up the device in the office
- Students will not be allowed to pick up the device
- In addition, the student will serve detention
Middle School Grading Information
Valley Bell Schedule
Valley Athletics - Block IV Sports (April 1st-May 24th)
7th & 8th Boys and Girls Track & Field: April 1st - May 24th
- 7th Grade B&G Teams
- 8th Grade B&G Teams
Girls Soccer: April 8th-May 24th
- 7th and 8th Grade Combined
- 3 Week Indoor Season
- 2 week Outdoor Season
Middle School Activity Eligibility
A student is ineligible if any of the following apply:
- Two or more F's
- Two or more citizenship grades of a "2"
- One citizenship grade of a "1"
- An alcohol, tobacco, drug, or criminal violation (6 weeks) Follows NDSHAA Guidelines
- Misdemeanor, 6 weeks felony after being reported
Improvement Plan (Academic & Citizenship)
A student may rejoin their activity after 1 week of ineligibility if they create an improvement plan that is signed by their teacher and submitted to Dr. Larson.
Physical Form:
All athletes must have a physical form submitted to the Valley MS office before they will be allowed to participate in practices or contests. Every athlete must get a yearly physical. Since Block I practices start before school, parents and athletes must complete this task in the summer. Physical forms are available in the Valley MS office and online at www.gfschools.org; click on Departments - Athletics - Documents & Forms - Physical form. The physical form must be turned in before your child is allowed to participate.
Sport Physicals
* Watch clinic web sites for walk-in times.
Altru (Grand Forks)
- Family Medicine – 795-2000
- Family Medicine Residency - 780-6800
Aurora (Grand Forks) 701-732-2700
Riverview Clinic (EGF) 218-773-1390
My Ally (Grand Forks) 701-757-2559
Participation Fees:
Athletes must pay participation fees (or pay online at myschoolbucks.com) or have a waiver form for participation fees submitted to the Valley MS office before they will be allowed to participate in a contest. Fee waiver forms are available in the Valley MS office and are confidential. The participation fee for each block is $50.00
Concussion Form:
Every year all athletes and parents need to read and sign off on the concussion information form for the district. Concussion forms are available in the Valley MS office and online at www.gfschools.org; click on Departments - Athletics - Documents & Forms - Concussion Form.
All athletes in grade 7 and/or any new athletes to Grand Forks Public Schools will take the IMPACT concussion test. This test is required only once in their middle years. This information is very important in helping to assist local physicians and parents in making a decision on when an athlete may return to practices or games in a particular sport.
6th Grade Intramurals
Valley offers flag football; soccer; floor hockey; strength training; volleyball; basketball; outdoor games; and other activities at the discretion of the activities director and intramural supervisor(s).
Intramural activities meet 7-10 times per block. There is a 12.50$ fee (reduced pricing or free are available based on family income). No student will be denied the opportunity to participate in intramurals.
Block V: April 16 - May 17
- Outdoor Activities
*Dates and activities may change based on weather and space available.
Dragons Newsletter
Science : Science classes will be studying electromagnetic forces for the month of May
Math: Focusing on geometry and data analysis
Social Studies:
ELA: We are starting the book “I Am Malala,” which talks about one girl’s fight for equal education in Pakistan.
The Dragons will be taking part in the “Field Days” field trip at Turtle River State Park May 14th. Lunch will be provided. Students will need to wear a dependable pair of shoes, weather appropriate clothing (pants, shorts, jacket, etc.). Water bottles are permitted but it will be the students responsibility to keep track of and use them as intended.
- 6th Grade track meet is scheduled for May 16th with a backup date if May17th if weather does not cooperate.
Bears Newsletter
Bears May Newsletter
In RLA’s latest literary journey, we've just concluded our captivating exploration of George Orwell's timeless classic, "Animal Farm." Through its allegorical lens, we've delved deep into themes of power, corruption, and societal structures. But the adventure doesn't end here! As we bid farewell to the farmyard inhabitants, we will begin to wrap up our year with a new unit that allows us to see the connection between fiction and fact. We will be tandem reading the fiction novel "Fever 1793" by Laurie Halse Anderson and the nonfiction book “An American Plague” by Jim Murphy. These gripping stories promise to transport us to the tumultuous times of the yellow fever epidemic in Philadelphia to enrich our understanding of the historical context and deepen our analytical skills.
Launch into a captivating journey through the world of geometry! In this exciting exploration, your child will discover the wonders of shapes, angles, and spatial relationships. From the simplicity of points and lines to the complexity of polygons and circles, students will unlock the mysteries of geometric concepts. They will learn to measure angles, and calculate area, surface area, and volume of geometric shapes. Students will also learn how to create accurate representations of real-world objects and spaces in smaller or larger proportions. Join us on this geometric adventure and let the world of shapes and patterns unfold before your eyes. Get ready to think critically, reason logically, and explore the beauty of geometry!
For our final subjects in Geography, we are embarking on an exciting journey down under to explore the vibrant landscapes, rich cultures, and unique ecosystems of Australia. Australia's physical geography is as diverse as it is breathtaking. From the iconic red deserts of the Outback to the lush rainforests of Queensland, students are learning about the country's varied landscapes and the forces that have shaped them over millions of years. We will look at the Great Barrier Reef, one of the world's most spectacular natural wonders, and explore the unique flora and fauna that call Australia home. Our final project will include in-depth country studies using locations of the students’ choosin. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of their country’s history, politics, economy, and society. By analyzing case studies and real-world examples, students are honing their critical thinking skills and developing a global perspective on Australia's place in the world.
In recent weeks, our seventh graders have become adept at unraveling the mysteries of inheritance through the powerful tool of Punnett squares. Through interactive lessons and real-world examples, they've honed their skills in analyzing genetic inheritance patterns and making informed predictions about offspring traits. The mastery of Punnett squares represents a significant milestone in their understanding of genetics, setting the stage for deeper explorations into the mechanisms of inheritance and evolution.
Currently, our students are embarking on an exploration of natural and artificial selection—the driving forces behind the diversity of life on Earth. Students are gaining insights into how environmental pressures and human intervention shape the characteristics of populations over time through interactive labs, high quality Kurzgesagt videos, and designing their own humans. This unit provides a fascinating window into the mechanisms of adaptation and survival, laying the groundwork for our upcoming study of evolution.
In the coming weeks, your seventh grader will delve into the captivating world of evolution—a journey that will take them through the annals of time to explore the origins and diversification of life on our planet. Students will examine the compelling evidence of evolution, including fossils and embryonic development. They will unravel the intricate threads of the human evolutionary chain, tracing our species' remarkable journey from ancient ancestors to modern Homo sapiens.
As we approach the end of the school year, students will have the opportunity to engage in a hands-on learning experience that brings science to life. They will dissect frogs—an experience that provides valuable insights into vertebrate anatomy and physiology. Additionally, we have an undisclosed game planned as a culminating activity—a fun and interactive way for students to apply their scientific knowledge and problem-solving skills in a collaborative setting.
Eagles & Mustangs Team
Please add this for the 8th Grade Team:
The 8th Grade has some exciting events coming up in the month of May!
May 9, 2024 - Eagles Team going to Character Challenge Course in Park Rapids, MN
May 10, 2024 - Mustang Team going to Character Challenge Course in Park Rapids, MN
May 24th - Donut Day in RT (students will need to bring $1.00 in order to participate)
May 29th - 8th Grade Award Ceremony at 2:00PM in the Large Gym
May 30th - Knowledge Bowl in the morning; Water Wars (Balloon Battle) in the PM (exact location TBD).
We ask that you encourage your student to remain focused and show Royal Pride Behavior at all times during the school day. This time of year can become a bit hectic, and while we all want to have fun, we also want everyone to be safe and included in our events. Thanks for your support all year long and in this final month before they transition to high school!
Music Department
Ferpa Form
Last Call for Yearbook Orders
Last chance to purchase your 2023-2024 yearbook! Yearbooks are $22. Cash or checks (made out to Grand Forks Public Schools) can be brought to the office or Ms. Westrum in room 1.