Study of air pollution on cities
Activities 2021
Teacher's third online meeting
Air pollution and health, a case study (International Group Work)
Students are divided into teams according to the international color of the team. Using previous activity and discussion on harmful substances emitted into the air, as a result of their research, the teams created joint presentation materials using web2 tools.
Each team have one teacher mentor.
Task and instructions
BLUE Team on the TwinSpace forum
BLUE Team on Google Hangouts
Final video of activity
The topic of the video was Air Quality Index in our cities: Paris, Zabok and EskiÅŸehir and studying the concentration of particles in the air in a certain period
RED Team
The task is to search the air pollutants which are given below
- Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)
- Ozone (O3) and related Oxidants
- Herbicides
Brainstorming activity
RED Team on the Twinspace forum
RED Team online meeting
The task is to search the air pollutants which are given below
Green Team A: insecticide
Green Team B: heavy metal
Green Team C: hydrocarbon
Students had to fill it in collaborative google slide "Database Photos", they had to put some pictures of their toxic substance and they had to answered the question.
- What is your toxic substance?
- Where your toxic substance come from?
- What is the effect of your toxic substance on health?
GREEN Team on the Twinspace forum
Database Photos
Database Photos
The task is to search the air pollutants which are given below
Yellow Team A: ammonia
Yellow Team B: sulfur dioxide
Yellow Team C: fungicide
Students had to fill it in collaborative google slide "Database Photos", they had to put some pictures of their toxic substance and they had to answered the question.
- What is your toxic substance?
- Where your toxic substance come from?
- What is the effect of your toxic substance on health?
YELLOW Team on the Twinspace forum
Database Photos
Database Photos
YELLOW Team: Fungicide
YELLOW Team: Air pollution and health
e-brochure: Air Pollution on Cities
e - book: Air Pollution On Cities
Post Assessment
Post Assessment for students
Post Assessment for teachers
Results of The Post Assessment Tests - Teachers
The results of the post test that was implemented to the teachers are below. According to the results all teachers would like to join and create a new eTwinning project and conduct studies on air pollution in their schools. %100 of teachers believe that this project has contributed to their knowledge on air pollution and their language and digital competences.They think that this project has raised awareness on pollutants, toxic substances and air pollution in their schools and neighbourhood.