This Week @ PS 88Q
May 22, 2022
A Message From Mrs. O'Shaughnessy
This week we begin the grade 4 hands on part of the NYS Science Test. We are so confident our students will excel. We are also hosting another in house trip for all grades. Our live animal experience will be visiting classrooms all week. We are bringing the zoo to PS 88Q! Stay tuned.
As you hear, citywide, covid numbers are rising. Many of us have questions about the guidance. I have attached the flow chart below (in both picture and file) for guidance. Any questions, as always, feel free to reach out to me.
Important dates:
- Animal experience week of May 23rd
- Superintendent Interviews May 24th
- SLT May 25th
- Memorial Day May 30th: No School
- Grade 4 Hands On Science Test May 31-June 3
- Grade 4 Written Science Test June 6
- Clerical Day: June 7: No Students. No GRYC
- PS 88Q Carnival: June 8 (during the day)
- Chancellors Day: June 9. No Students. No GRYC
- 3k/Prek/Kindergarten Stepping Up Week of June 13-June 17
- Last Day of GRYC June 17
- Juneteenth (June 20) No School
- Grade 5 Breakfast and Yearbooks June 21
- Grade 5 Graduation June 22 (Raindate June 23)
- Grade 5 Dance June 24 (12:30pm)
- Last Day of School Monday June 27
Important!! Superintendent Candidates Town Hall
Dear District 24 Community,
On Tuesday, May 24th at 7:15 pm, the Community Education Council of District 24 will be having a Superintendent Candidate's
Town Hall Meeting.
Please register for this event at the following link, https://learndoe.org/supt2022
Do not miss this excellent opportunity to provide feedback, which can be used by parent leaders to support the Superintendent hiring process!
You can also participate by calling in on any phone using conference lines below:
English Conference Line: Dial 1 929 205 6099 (Local NYC) and enter Webinar ID: 813 0128 4526
Mandarin Conference Line: Dial 833-548-0282 (Toll Free) and enter PIN 685 187 0290 ##
Spanish Conference Line: Dial 888-475-4499 (Toll Free) and enter PIN 962-530-4959 ##
您也可以撥打以下會議電話號碼參加會議:英語會議撥入電話:撥打 1 929 205 6099
(紐約市電話),輸入網絡會議(Webinar)號碼:813 0128 4526 普通話會議撥入電話:撥打 833-548-0282(免費電話),輸入個人識別號碼(PIN):685 187 0290 ## 西班牙語會議撥入電話:撥打 888-475-4499(免費電話),輸入個人識別號碼(PIN):962-530-4959 ##
No deje pasar esta excelente oportunidad para dar su opinión y ayudar a los padres líderes en el proceso de contratación del superintendente.
Inscríbase para este evento en el siguiente enlace: https://learndoe.org/supt2022
También puede participar llamando desde cualquier teléfono a las líneas que figuran más abajo:
Línea de conferencia en inglés: Marque 1 929 205 6099 (línea local) e ingrese el número de identificación del seminario web: 813 0128 4526
Línea de conferencia en mandarín: Marque 833-548-0282 (línea gratuita) e ingrese el PIN 685 187 0290 ##
Línea de conferencia en español: Marque 888 475 4499 (línea gratuita) e ingrese el PIN 962-530-4959 ##.
Please share with friends and families.
Por favor, cmoparta con amigos y familiares
Any questions, please let me know at CEC24@schools.nyc.gov
Science Fair Exhibition
Dear PS 88 Families,
This year PS Seneca School, School Leadership Team, will participate in a Science Fair Exhibition on Tuesday, May 31st. The purpose of this event is to raise awareness of various topics pertaining to the wellness of the Earth. We are asking each student in Grades 3, 4, and 5 to participate, both as a class and individually. Your child should be discussing and receiving the topic at some point over the next week. The students are encouraged to be as creative as they wish. The top five projects in the class will be displayed at the Science Fair Exhibition. All other projects will be displayed in the school yard. Grades K-2 will get a cap, and they can get creative in decorating their cap with recycled materials from home.
· Design a game
· Create a brochure
· Complete an experiment or investigation
· Design a poster
· Make a diorama
**Please note these are just some ideas and if your child comes up with a project other than what is listed above that would be fine. The internet is a great source of information for such projects.
PROJECT DUE DATE: May 20th, 2022
TOPICS: 3rd Grade – Recycling 4th Grade – Pollution 5th Grade – Rain Forest
**The google classroom for each class will have a slide presentation on topics and ideas**
Participation in this event is an enjoyable way for students to learn and participate in the importance of investing in our planet. Parents are encouraged to help guide their children through this project and in this way, it will provide the opportunity for you and your child to work together. Below are some websites that you might find helpful.
If you have any questions regarding the project, please feel free to contact me via email Lherastorres@schools.nyc.gov
Thank you,
Mrs. Heras-Torres & Mrs. Williford
LTA & STEM teacher
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
May is Mental Health Awareness month! A month dedicated to talking about mental health and breaking the stigma of mental health diagnosis. The aim of this month for many people is to help make conversations about mental health a little easier to have and acknowledge those around us who struggle with mental health issues.
Our amazing social worker, Justyna Nawiesniak and our Social Justice Committee have highlighted this need and supplied our community with resources, for both adults and children. They are from the National Institute of Mental Health, giving parents' information on what to look out for in their children regarding mental health. IThey are in both in English and Spanish for our families. Attached are also Coloring/activity pages for the kids that teaches them a little about mental health and the brain!
Greater Ridgewood Youth Council Reminders
PS 88Q
Email: loshaughnessy@schools.nyc.gov
Website: https://www.ps88q.com/
Location: 60-85 Catalpa Avenue, Queens, NY, USA
Phone: 718-821-8121