Cedar Reader
Cedar Park Middle School - September 1, 2020
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Message from the Principal
I'm sending this brief newsletter knowing that I will send a more comprehensive, Back to School version very soon. I want to get the schedule to you, as I know many of you need to make plans for childcare, work at home schedule, etc. There is a lot of information below. Please read carefully.
We will be hosting a Parent Q&A session on Tuesday, 9/8 @ 5:30 PM. See information below.
To Do Checklist for Parents
- Complete online registration verification
- Set up learning space at home
- Make sure your internet is up to speed or apply for free internet
- Plan to attend Wolf Week Sept 8-11 (see specific info below)
- Round up any books that need to be returned to school
- Get school supplies or email for support
- Get your student ready to engage with teachers beginning September 8
- Plan time for Parent Academy Sept 8-11
- Commit to 150% engagement with your student and school Sept 8-18
- Sign up for the PTC blog to stay up to date on information throughout the school year.
Parent Q&A Session
We will answer questions about the schedule, distance learning, and how you can help your student be ready and successful.
Tuesday, Sep 8, 2020, 05:30 PM
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Important Dates for September
September 7 - Labor Day
September 8 - 8th Grade Wolf Day 2:00 - 4:00 PM
September 9 - 7th Grade Wolf Day 2:00 - 4:00 PM
September 10 - 6th Grade Wolf Day 8:00 - 11:00 AM
September 11 - 6th Grade Orientation with WEB 1:00 - 2:00 PM
September 8-11 - Parent academy online and teachers make connections with students and families
September 14 - Students log on to their first class at 9:15 AM
September 27 - October 3 - Chromebook Exchange and school photos at CPMS
What's Going on for Wolf Days?
Here is what you can expect:
- pick up a yearbook if you purchased one last year
- pick up class novels
- pick up science and art kits
What about school photos and new chromebooks?
Those will be distributed the last week of September. More information and details to come on that stuff.
Student Schedule Information
Dear Parents,
Thank you to all of you who were able to engage with us last spring or this summer as we worked through some of the challenges of creating a rigorous, structured plan for Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL). In order to provide you a sample schedule for planning purposes, please see the schedules below. There are some important details for you to be aware of that may impact your planning.
•Students are expected to engage in their assigned class for the entire period listed below
The first part of every class will be synchronous; this means a teacher will be present and providing new learning. The length of time may vary for synchronous lessons but plan on 15-30 minutes.
•The remainder of the class will be asynchronous; this means students will be engaged in independent work, getting help from the teachers, or small group student work (teachers will remain available).
•Student schedules will be available late afternoon/early evening Sept. 11 in StudentVue. Students with password issues need to email Katelynn_Hitsman@beaverton.k12.or.us
•Your child should receive a postcard before Sept. 11 with information about which teacher to "report" to at 9:15 AM on Monday, Sept. 14, as well as an email from that teacher with a link to log into zoom.
•Advisory is always a synchronous class; this time is designed to foster student relationships, develop social skills, and provide social and emotional learning opportunities. Students will sometimes be grouped across teams as a way to expand their social interactions with other kids.
•We strongly encourage you to work with your student to create a learning space where she/he will engage with teachers throughout the day, away from distractions, noises, etc.
Please have your student get up and ready/dressed for school; this will help provide routine and consistency. Consider having them prepare a lunch before school starts, as well, if there will not be a parent available during their lunch period.
•Teacher office hours are only for “as needed” access- to get clarification or ask a question about an assignment.
•If your child needs to get a lunch from a designated school site, they can use the part of the “orange block” adjacent to their lunch (6th and 8th grade) or the last part of their period 3 elective if your child is a 7th graders. Please reach out to your child’s counselor if you are concerned about your child’s access to food during lunch.
•If your child receives services through ESL, Special Education, or AVID they will have additional classes during the “orange block” of time.
•Your child’s first core teacher will help them “translate” their printed schedule into a template on the first day of school. Ask them to explain it to you! Also, please post it in their learning environment and maybe an additional copy for you in another location for reference?
•Due to safety concerns, if we return to an “in person” schedule, we must keep the cohorts of students as small as possible, even now, to avoid changes to a student’s teachers when that time comes. This means students are grouped by elective class. We tried to ensure a 1st or 2nd choice elective was included in their schedule, but they may also have a class that was not a top choice. Elective classes will switch at the semester. There will not be any schedule changes as a result of ODE and OHA requirements. Please take this opportunity to talk with your child about trying something new!
•We were unable to offer STEM or Spanish this year due to staffing reductions. Your child’s next highest choice was considered if those were their top choices for electives.
School Supply List
- Earbuds or earphones with mic
- Spiral notebook - 4
- Composition notebook - 1
- Graph paper or quad ruled paper (spiral or loose)
- Pencils
- Eraser
- Colored pencils
- 12 inch ruler
- Highlighters
- Glue sticks - 2-3
- Scissors
- Masking tape (not transparent) for science
- Calculator for 6th & 7th graders: basic calculator
- Calculator for 8th grade: scientific calculator
You can get most of these items at the Dollar Store. If you need assistance, we can help. Please send an email to tona_hattery@beaverton.k12.or.us
Chromebook Information
If your student does NOT have a working BSD chromebook to start CDL, please sign up for a time slot to come to Cedar Park to pick up a working chromebook using the link below:
Early chromebook distribution qualifications:
1. Student has a broken chromebook that needs replacement
2. Student is new to the Beaverton School District and never received a BSD Chromebook
Student does not currently have a BSD chromebook checked out and needs one