Shadowlawn Scoop
School Newsletter December 2023 & January 2024
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Message from Principal Eliason
Please mark your calendars for the evening of Tuesday January 23rd for our annual Student Led Conferences. All students will have an opportunity to present to their parents the Leadership Notebooks where they keep track of their goals, progress, and achievements. Dinner will be served and you are sure to walk away with a deepened sense of pride for your child and their efforts here at school.
I hope this holiday season brings you much peace and joy. Wishing all a wonderful winter break!
Important Dates
12/14 Picture Retake Day
12/18-1/1 Winter Break
1/2 Students Return to School
1/9 SAC & PTO Meeting 7:30 AM
1/12 End of Quarter 2 & Early Release Day - Dismissal at 12:05 PM
1/15 No School in Observation of MLK Jr. Day
1/16 No School - Teacher Plan Day
1/22 Report Cards Go Home
1/23 Student Led Conferences 5:00-6:30
1/24 Early Release Day - Dismissal at 12:05 PM
1/30 3rd Grade Cultures Concert 6:30 PM
Thank You: Read-A-Thon Success!
Due to your generosity and our students' hard work at fundraising, we raised over $4,000 for our school from our Read-A-Thon! All monies raised go directly to the grade level your child is currently in. The teacher's will use the funds to support field trips, class events, and other activities for students. We appreciate your support!
January Snow Cone Fundraiser
PreK Enrollment Open
The pre-application period for PreK enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is now open. Click the link below to get started.
Full Day Head Start Pre-K Program (NO COST TO PARENTS)
The Head Start program is available to children of disadvantaged families and requires pre-approval. This program is offered at multiple sites. Eligible children must turn 3 or 4 years old by September 1 of the current school year.
- Children in foster care
- Families experiencing homelessness or house sharing (living "doubled-up" due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or similar reason)
- Families receiving public assistance (TANF, SSI, SNAP)
- Families earning below the Federal Poverty Guideline
Spelling Bee
this year SLE is excited to be hosting a Spelling Bee for all 3rd – 5th grade students. Winners at the classroom level will participate in the School Bee which will be held in the spring. Your children have been given a list of words to study. Please encourage them to do so, especially during our 2-week holiday break.
Click on https://www.safesearchkids.com/how-to-prepare-your-child-for-a-spelling-bee/ for tips on how to help your child prepare.
Leader in Me
Each month at SLE we focus on one of the 7 Habits of being an effective leader. During the months of January we will focus on Habit 4: Think Win-Win. Take a moment to talk with your child about this habit and where they can apply it in their everyday lives at home and school.
Communication Corner
Did you know that adults say between 120-200 words per minute during everyday conversation?! That’s a lot of words! Now think about young children who are learning to communicate. They need to listen to that constant stream of speech, try to understand what is being said, pick out individual words that are important to the message, and eventually use those words themselves. Not an easy task! When children are learning language, they typically pick up new words from this stream of speech naturally, and they gradually increase their vocabulary over time. But for children who have difficulty with language learning, it takes a lot more effort. There are some practical ways to help these children. One way is to make words stand out with some small changes in the way you talk with your child. Click on the link for more information.
Activity Calendar for December
It has short speech and language exercises to do with your child every day!
ELL Department
Partnering with Indigenous Families from Latin America
Partnering with Indigenous Families from Latin America" is a family outreach video series featuring Henry Sales (Mam), an Indigenous educator from Guatemala who came to the U.S. as a teenager. In the videos, Mr. Sales encourages other Mam and Indigenous families from Latin America to keep their culture and language strong in this special PSA series, available in English, Spanish, and Mam.
Links to Videos:
· English
· Spanish
· Mam
· Interview Clips: Henry Sales
Around the School
We got to see a firetruck and learn about all the tools they need to use if there is a fire. During Free Choice Time we got to pretend we were a firefighter. We continue to work on recognizing and saying the sounds of the alphabet.
Our Kindergarteners had the opportunity to participate in many educational events including our first field trip to Golisano Children’s Museum. During the fire truck visit, students explored a variety of tools that fire fighters use in case of emergency. Students mixed primary and secondary colors to make a rainbow during “Make and Take Home “art session conducted by Artis Naples.
First Grade
Students had such a blast during the Read-a-Thon! Our 1st grade classes read the story “Run Turkey Run” and competed in partnered relay races. We cheered on our friends and had a lot of fun!
Second Grade
In November, our second-grade students embraced Habit 3: Begin with the End in Mind! Each class diligently recorded their iReady lessons, symbolized by feathers in their team colors. A special shout-out to Ms. Sam's class, leading the way with the highest number of lessons completed! Well done!
Second graders also built a superhero by completing the subtraction problems (with regrouping) as a group. Each member of the group had to get the correct answer!
Third Grade
Third grade celebrated our school-wide Read-A-Thon by reading the book “Balloons over Broadway: The True Story of the Puppeteer of Macy's Parade” written by Melissa Sweet. This book explained the history of the annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade held in New York City. To celebrate this event, students developed a plan and created their own balloon characters to show off in a parade throughout the school. They had a great time showing off their designs!
Fourth Grade
4th graders in Ms. Kuhn’s ELA class studying vocabulary words by “punching a box” prior to reading a Non-Fiction story.
5th Grade
Related Arts: Music
On November 14th, the 5th graders performed several patriotic songs in honor of Veteran’s day. They had been working diligently on these pieces of music for several months and did an amazing job honoring and recognizing Veteran’s with their performance. They also learned about national, historical, and cultural connections tied to the holiday, important vocabulary terms within the context of the lyrics, and proper performance techniques. Great job 5th grade!!!
Social Media & SLE Website
School Board Policies 2266, 3362, and 5517 – Prohibits discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including sexual orientation and/or gender identity), disability, or age in the provision of educational opportunities or employment opportunities and benefits. The District School Board does not discriminate on the basis of sex or disability in the education programs and activities that it operates, pursuant to the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
For additional information or to report Title IX or any other discrimination/harassment concerns, contact Ms. Valerie Wenrich, Chief Human Resources Officer/ Title IX Coordinator, at (239) 377-0351, wenriv@collierschools.com or at 5775 Osceola Trail, Naples, Florida 34109.