Fayetteville High School
January 27, 2023
Daily Announcements
- The FPS Color’s Day Dance will be tonight, Friday, January 27th from 9:30-11:30 pm in the cafeteria of Fayetteville High School. All FPS 9-12th grade students are allowed to attend. NO GUESTS. Tickets are $10.00 each. Tickets Sales: 4pm @ Friday, January 13th -4pm @ Friday, January 27th. We are using the GoFan app/website for students to purchase a ticket. Must use your school email. One ticket per student ID. Student ID # is the PROMO CODE. https://gofan.co/app/school/AR16990
If you haven't ordered your yearbook yet, you are running out of time. We will only be selling them for another 3 weeks. If you want to personalize your book with your name on the cover, the last day to do that online in Jan. 27. You can still order plain books online until mid-February, but the personalization option goes away after Jan. 27. Please see the included link that will take you directly to our online ordering site. https://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A00342500
SONOcamp 2023 Northwest is a three-day camp that will be held on the UAMS Northwest campus in Fayetteville for 30 students. Primary consideration will be given to rising 10th grade students but rising 11th and 12th grade students are encouraged to apply.
These are summer day camps that will give students selected to attend a chance to learn various medical procedures. See website for more information. The deadline to apply is March 10, 2023. https://medicine.uams.edu/neurobiology/outreach/arkansono/sonocamp-2023/
- Concurrent Credit: Interested in earning college AND high school credit at the same time? Through our Early College Experience (ECE) partnership with NWACC, we offer 36 concurrent credit courses consisting of both core and elective options. All concurrent courses are a semester in length but yield 1.0 high school credit and between 3 to 4 college credits. Scholarships are available. The application link and instructions can be found on our website. Deadline to apply and meet the entrance requirements is February 23rd. 23-24 FHS Concurrent Credit Application, Entrance Requirements -NWACC and NWTI, Accuplacer Test Sign Up, NWACC Concurrent Credit Handbook.
FPS Associates Degree Program: Through a program of study designed around AP and concurrent credit courses, students can graduate with both a high school diploma and an associate's degree through NWACC. The program is significantly discounted and scholarships are available. There will be a parent/student informational meeting on February 6th in the Lecture Hall immediately following the general CAP meeting at 7:00pm. Please see our website, FPS Associate Degree, for additional information including the application process. Deadline to apply and meet the entrance requirements is Feb 23rd. 23-24 Associate Degree Interest Form, Entrance Requirements -NWACC and NWTI, Accuplacer Test Sign Up, Associate's Degree Handbook.
Class of 2023
Important Information for Seniors
There is lots of fun stuff on the site but if you are just looking for Cap & Gown you can get to it by going to this link directly: Cap/Gown/Tassel
College Visits
- Students will sign up for College visits through Naviance.
- To see upcoming College Visits click HERE
Class of 2024
- Do you have too much blood??? Do you want to help those in need?? Do you want to give blood? If you are 16 or older and answered yes to any of those questions (which you should), you should sign up for the Student Council Blood Drive! Sign up during your lunch to donate blood on February 6th!!! YAY DOGS! #dawgsbleedpurple https://donate.cbco.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/131031
- Are you interested in a concurrent course that allows you to work off campus with local schools, teachers, and students? Would you like to explore educational careers like teachers, coaches, counselors, principals, and counselors? Sign up for Introduction to Education for the 23-24 school year! Complete the NWACC concurrent application by 2/23. See Mrs. Randall in room 2403 if you have any questions! https://fhs.fayar.net/o/fhs/page/nwacc-concurrent-credit
- Each year, Ozarks Electric Cooperative sends four high school juniors on an all-expenses paid trip to Washington, D.C. These students join 1,400 other juniors, also sent from cooperatives across the country to learn about our nation's government, our nation's history and their place in our nation's future. Students are selected through an essay and interview process. The deadline to apply is March 1st. https://www.ozarksecc.com/youth-tour
- The FPS Color’s Day Dance will be Friday, January 27th from 9:30-11:30 pm in the cafeteria of Fayetteville High School. All FPS 9-12th grade students are allowed to attend. NO GUESTS. Tickets are $10.00 each. Tickets Sales: 4pm @ Friday, January 13th -4pm @ Friday, January 27th. We are using the GoFan app/website for students to purchase a ticket. Must use your school email. One ticket per student ID. Student ID # is the PROMO CODE. https://gofan.co/app/school/AR16990
- Can you guess who this staff member is? Try your luck and see if you're correct! Small prize awarded to one of our lucky winners! Deadline January 31. bit.ly/3jHpiFB Who Dis? - Guess the Staff Member?
Are you planning on taking concurrent credit courses through NWACC, starting the associate's degree program or attending NWTI next year? It is important for you to know that you have until February 23rd to meet the Entrance Requirements -NWACC and NWTI . If you don't already have the required test scores, you need to sign up ASAP to take the Accuplacer Test-CAP Deadline Feb 23. There are a limited number of test slots available and they will be given to students on a first come first served basis. Procrastinating may mean you are unable to take concurrent credit courses. Questions? Contact Deanna Norman in the College and Career Room.
Glass Slipper is getting ready for prom season and searching for gently used converse sneakers of all sizes, preferably black or white. In addition to sneakers, we would love any gently used prom wear, such as formal dresses, shoes, jewelry and handbags. Thank you so much for considering a donation to Glass Slipper! We provide prom wear to financially challenged young women and men. All donations may be placed in the Glass Slipper donation box in the Purple Office.
- Fayetteville High School is a closed campus and students are not allowed to leave during the day unless approved ahead of time. This means that students are not allowed to leave campus during the lunch hour. Additionally, food from outside vendors may not be brought onto campus unless previously approved by the FHS administration.
- Phone calls will not be made into classrooms to excuse students after 3:20 pm daily so interruption to instruction can be limited. Parents should communicate information to students prior to this time if they need to be called out.
- All visitors should report to the Purple Office.
- Student Breakfast price this year is $2.15 and Student Lunches are $3.35. Families can apply for Free and Reduced Meal Benefits HERE
Bus Transportation
Student Drop Off/Pick Up
Student Parking
Grades and Attendance - Home Access Center(HAC)
FHS A/B Calendar
FHS Bell Schedule
What's for breakfast and lunch?
Join FHS Parent, Teacher, Student Organization
Please join us as part of the FHS Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO). We are a volunteer group that works with parents, staff and students to promote education and create a positive connected community. In order to be effective, we need the support and involvement of the parents and guardians of our students. The best way to show your support is to become a member! Your membership provides funding for programs that would not otherwise be available. In addition to joining PTSO, please consider donating to our special programs, such as Student Outreach (for students in need), Faculty Hospitality (to keep our staff fed and support special events), or Faculty Grants (for funding of worthwhile projects and materials to enhance FHS educational programs). Information on joining FHS PTSO can be found HERE.
Fayetteville High School
Email: Michelle.Miller@g.fayar.net
Website: https://district.fayar.net/o/fhs
Location: 994 West Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard
Phone: 479.444.3050
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FHSFAYAR/
Twitter: @FayettevilleHS