Goffs Academy Newsletter
February 2018 - Designed by Digital Leaders
Letter from the Principal
Dear all,
It seems that hardly any time at all has passed since our Christmas newsletter, but here we are, another half term further into the year. Whilst it has been a relatively short half term, a lot has been squeezed into those weeks, much of which you will read about below.
Year 11, 12 and 13 students are very busy working towards their exams with just one full half term left before the exams start in earnest. Many staff are in over the holiday to provide additional revision sessions, and I know that students are really appreciative of that.
With regards to staffing, I would like to take this opportunity to update you on a few matters. You may be aware that Eleanor Upton has made the decision to step back from her leadership role in order to facilitate her spending more time with her young family. As such, I am delighted to announce that Tom Cahill has moved into the position of Assistant Principal in charge of the Sixth Form. I have spent much time with Tom discussing his plans going forward, and I can confirm that he has many excellent initiatives and actions planned out in order to fully support students in making the best progress possible as they draw near to their exams in the summer. Eleanor will remain at Goffs on a part time basis, and will continue to teach all of her scheduled Science classes. I would like to take this opportunity to thank her for all of her hard work with the Sixth Form last term.
As a result of this change, I would also like to announce that Cheryl Poag has moved into the position of Associate Assistant Principal for Most Able, whilst retaining her Head of History role, and Erhan Bora and Daniel Chichester Miles have moved into the position of joint Head of RS and Sociology. You may also be aware that Sophie Enstone, Assistant Principal for Learning and Teaching, is due to go on maternity leave shortly after half term. Laura Edwards, previously Lead Practitioner in maths has moved into this role for the duration of Sophie's leave. I am sure that you will all join me in congratulating all staff on their promotions - I am absolutely confident that they will continue to ensure excellent provision and progression in their respective areas.
Finally, after more than 11 years of loyal service and commitment to the school and our community as Site Manager, Chris Turner left us at the end of January for 'pastures new'. I thank Chris for all of his hard work and dedication and wish him all the best for the future. Angela Peacock has moved into the position of Estates Manager for the Trust and is now the point of contact for all matters relating to the sites.
I hope that you enjoy reading about some of the events and activities of the past half term, and as always should you wish to contact me with any queries or suggestions, please do not hesitate to do so.
Kind regards,
Ben Pearce
- Safer Internet Day
- London Marathon
- Year 13 Art
- Attendance & Punctuality
- Jack the Ripper Tour
- 'In the Hot Seat'
- House Update
- Football Update
- Year 8 Update
- Writers' Club
- School Facilities
Safer Internet Day
Safer Internet Day is celebrated globally in February each year to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology for children and young people and inspire a national conversation. Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre the celebration sees hundreds of organisations get involved to help promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people.
Children and young people, schools, parents and carers, and organisations all across the UK are invited to make a pledge to do something great and positive online using the hashtag #ItStartsWithUs.
This Safer Internet Day, here at Goffs, we encouraged everyone to play their part in building a better internet. We extended Safer internet day to run between the 5th – 9th of February and we ran lessons in ICT and Computing for years 7 to 9. Students started off with an introduction to what this day means and how we can help. We then discussed where online influences come from. We asked students to consider what influences people online; exploring the messages, comments and content they see online and what they can do to make a difference.
The main part of the lesson was based around a quiz the students took to consider how much of an influence the online world has on them and the decisions they make online. Then they used a scoring grid to see if they are easily influenced.
Finally, they all wrote a pledge about how they will do something good or positive online and examples of this can be seen in the picture below.
We believe it is really important to raise awareness of how people can be easily influenced by what they read online through social media. By running these lessons we can help promote the safe and positive use of technology in young people’s lives as well as raising an awareness of creating a positive digital footprint.
Miss A Nicola
ICT & Computing Teacher
KS5 BTEC Coordinator
Charlie Nicholls
Jordan Rogers
Fatma Guven
Digital Leaders visit BETT 2018
On 26th January 2018 the Digital Leaders visited the BETT show. We found new technologies for learning that could seamlessly be integrated into the school environment. We found Teacher’s Gaming Desk which has over 100 pre planned lessons in the form of loads of video games (including Universe Simulator). We found an amazing 3D printer that we are considering that could really be useful in Product Design and maybe other things. DELL and Windows pro have provided us info on a VR headset that could immerse use into our lessons and allow us to better visualize the environment which could really be of use to the history and geography departments which we would otherwise need to go on trips to see. You will be relieved to hear that we also spoke to Doddle about their app of which they said is in the works due to be integrated into the doddle network in September. I could mention so much more that we saw but it wouldn’t fit in its own article. We were amazed by the amount of people there and the friendliness of all of the people who were running the stands and showing off their tech. We really enjoyed the day and we hope that some of the fantastic opportunities that we found there can be fully utilised by the school and we hope that soon we will have new tech coming to our lessons soon.
By Aidan Harris and Rhys Dell, Digital Leaders
The London Marathon 2018 - Nina Wood
Running the London Marathon has always been a dream of mine and I was lucky that after 4 years in the public ballot, I finally secured my place. I am excited to achieve this goal but am hating every step of training in the cold and dark!
I am raising money for Edie's Butterfly Appeal - a special named fund linked to the Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group, which raises money specifically for Ependymoma; a form of malignant brain cancer in young children.
Edie is a beautiful 12 year old who has been battling cancer since age 6. The daughter of my best friend, she has shown strength beyond her years and continues to fight this hateful disease that has its grip on her.
Edie's Butterfly Appeal was set up in 2014 by Edie's Mum, myself and other friends - so far it has raised over £200,000 for Ependymoma research and has just been awarded its first major trial in the UK.
So, I will fight my way through the pain, the rain and the blisters to raise what I can towards research into brain cancer for Edie and other young sufferers like her. Please visit my fundraising page if you would like to support us - thank you https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/NinaWood2
Nina Wood
Principal's PA
The London Marathon 2018 - Caroline Legg
On 22nd April 2018 I am going to attempt to run the London Marathon, all 26.2miles. Training in the dark, cold winter months has not been in the least enjoyable, although Maximus the school dog has loved it! This terrible decision was inspired by my late father in law and to try to raise as much money as possible to support the excellent work Macmillian do in helping people and families with Cancer. If you would like to make a donation please find the link attached - thank you! https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/CarolineLegg
Caroline Legg
Vice Principal
The London Marathon 2018 - Mark Ellis
I am excited to be part of the Goffs contingent who will be running the London Marathon in 2018, and to be raising money for NSPCC. NSPCC works to keep every child safe, and helps to protect the most vulnerable children in society. I am proud to be following in the footsteps of my Mum, who ran the London Marathon and raised funds for NSPCC a few years ago.
This gives me inspiration during the long training runs on dark, cold Sunday mornings!
If you would like to support, please use this link: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/MarkEllis26/3
Mark Ellis
Vice Principal
Year 13 A Level Art
Students are now in the middle of their Personal Investigations. Having chosen their own personal themes such as ‘Government Control’, 'Embellishment’, ‘Attract, Defend, Attack’ and ‘Fear’; students have been gathering research, drawing, developing in lots of exciting ways, using exciting media and processes.
We will keep you informed of their work as it develops. Here are a couple of highlights.
Ms Brown
Head of Art & Photography
Isabel Andrews
Modroc & mixed media sculptures
Plaster of Paris relief sculpture with watercolour and guar gum.
Molly Matthews
Research (Royal Academy Visit) and development boards; cardboard and brown paper sculpture
Morgan Tomkinson-Burden
Explorations with stitching and thread, lino cutting and photoshop manipulation; research on door graffiti & artists.
Attendance and Punctuality
- YR7 - 95.7%
- YR8 - 96%
- YR9 - 96%
- YR10 - 95.6%
- YR11 - 95.7%
- AVERAGE 95.9%
We fully appreciate all the parents'/carers' efforts in ensuring your child attends school every day and are only kept at home for serious illness. The reward trip to Thorpe Park and Colchester Zoo will be going ahead later on this year; we really do hope to be able to reward many of our students for their attendance and behaviour!
Please can I remind you that all students need to be in school by 8.25 to avoid being late as the school doors close at 8.27 precisely. Anyone not through the doors at that time will receive a 45 minutes detention on that same day - not attending will result in more serious consequences which will be logged on their school record.
Please remember to call the school on each day of your child’s absence to avoid him/her having an unauthorised absence. Also if you are going to take your child away from their learning for a specific reason, you must request this 3 weeks in advance with the correct form, a decision will then be made if it can be authorised. Please note that family holidays will not be authorised.
Good attendance and punctuality will be reflected in any references we have to give for any future education, apprenticeship or employment for your child.
Mrs Françoise Grote
01992 424200 ext. 215
Jack the Ripper Tour
On Tuesday 30th of January, 27 students were selected for the Jack the Ripper Tour in London. The students were selected based on their excellent achievements in history. The tour was given by a guide who was an expert in the Ripper case which gave students great insight on how London was in the 1800s and the life of the poor people and how the police system worked. The walk consisted of the locations of where the murders took place and ripper imagery which showed images of the victims and possible Ripper suspects. Students really enjoyed their experience of the trip and were really engaged in the guide’s presentation of the facts. Students behaved exceptionally well and the guide was impressed on how knowledgeable our students were and how well they communicated their ideas.
The History Department
Jude Bell – "In the Hot Seat"
What made you want to get into teaching?
From a very young age I was fascinated by sport and excelled in many skills which were used in team sports. These skills were later enhanced by securing a place at university.
What do most enjoy about teaching PE?
I enjoy teaching team sports the most and taking extra-curricular activities after school.
What is your sporting claim to fame?
Former Watford Academy footballer!
How are you finding life at Goffs Academy?
I am really enjoying my time so far at Goffs. Everyone has made me feel welcome and offered really good support and advice on how to develop as an outstanding teacher.
What would be your career goal within teaching?
For now, I am happy to grow and develop as a teacher by learning new skills but eventually I would like to become a member of SLT at a secondary school or possibly move into higher education as a lecturer.
Sophia Sefton – "In the Hot Seat"
What made you want to get into teaching?
I always wanted to do something within sport and I was close with the PE Department at school, they were role models and I aspired to be like them.
What do most enjoy about teaching PE?
I enjoy the feeling of knowing you’ve helped someone progress, within a single skill or whole sport/activity in general. And the fact that no two students are the same.
What is your sporting claim to fame?
My sporting claim to fame is playing for Hertfordshire Mavericks at the Olympic Copper Box in front of a thousand fans!
How are you finding life at Goffs Academy?
I absolutely love life at Goffs. Everyone is great here; staff and students. I couldn’t imagine not being here now.
What would be your career goal within teaching?
My career goal would be to continue to grow as a teacher and never stop learning. I also want to teach in the United Arab Emirates.
House Update - January 2018
A variety of House events have taken place before the Christmas break and during this half-term. These events were organised by the House team and other students and supported by the whole school. Already this year, our school community has raised an incredible £4,221.15 for charity through events and non-uniform days (around £1500 was raised at this point last year!). A big thank you to all those involved in helping to organise, run and support these events. Some of the highlights are outlined below.
Christmas Tree Competition
Each house had a Christmas Tree to decorate and the results were as follows:
1st place = Falcon
2nd place = Phoenix
3rd place = Hawk and Eagle
ATM Christmas Quiz
Congratulations to the winners who were: 9Y
Guess the baby competition
The winners were: Ashley Stannard and Matheus Borges (both Year 13)
House Football and House Netball Competitions
The PE Department along with student from the Goffs Sports Academy organised the House Football and House Netball Tournaments. The results can be seen below:
- = No entry
Bags of Kindness
Miss Huseyin and Mrs Abazi helped students with the ‘Bags of Kindness’ collection for women who were homeless, living in poverty, in shelters or refuges over Christmas. Each bag also received a Christmas card. In total we managed to put together 150 bags! Thank you for all of the contributions. This will have made a huge difference to a large number of women over Christmas!
Senior Citizen’s Christmas Party
The evening was attended by over 80 senior citizens and carers from the local area and was organised and supported by the Sixth Form Top Team, Prefects and Student Leadership/House representatives along with staff in the Sixth Form team.
Thank you to everyone involved as this was a massive success. An extra thanks to students who provided entertainment for the evening, including the Goffs Singing Club, Goffs Dance Club and pianists.
Goffs’ Got Talent
Auditions will happen from Wednesday 31st January – Friday 2nd February at lunch time in GO8. The finalists will be announced on Monday 5th February with the finalists performing on Thursday 8th February 3.30-4.30pm in the main hall.
Finally, over 1,781,600 House points have been issued to date since the start of this academic year, demonstrating healthy competition! There is a visible increase in the pride students take in their Houses. Keep up the good work!
Year 7 football report
The Year 7s have had a lot of recent success in the National Cup, however sadly they were knocked out in the 6th round to a last minute goal which ended their recent run in the competition. The final result ended 3-2 to Shenfield High School. Mr Spaul is very proud of every single member of the Year 7 football team and they have been an absolute credit to the school for what they have achieved.
The Year 7 football team will now focus their attention towards the District cup competition, to try and bounce back with a win against Broxbourne.
Mr Spaul
Teacher of PE
Girls' football report
Girls' football has got off to an excellent start this academic year; the Year 7 team are currently unbeaten in the District tournament and now through to round 3 of the National competition. For a new team they have performed well together and created an excellent team spirit. They have had outstanding results such as 16-3 and 13-0. Top goal scorers are Maddison Moore and Chloe Ions.
The Year 8 girls have started off well in their District Games showing great promise of reaching the finals, excellent performances from Madison Lucas, Maddie Murchison and Billie Grayston. All girls attending football this year have shown great potential and dedication in training. All have represented the school with great pride. A special mention to Robin Attard who demonstrates great leadership and talent at girls' football club each week.
Miss Hague
Physical Education Teacher
Year 8
I have had the pleasure in seeing Year 8 students working hard this year in a their lessons. There has been a real focus and resilience to wanting to improve in their classes.
During assemblies we celebrate students' bi-weekly rewards which prove that students are applying themselves in lessons with an aim to work towards doing the best they can. This is great to see, considering students will be picking their preferred options on 5th March.
Year 8 students have a busy and varied programme during ATM. They cover cyber bullying, mental health, social networking, importance of exercise, staying safe, and freedom of religion topics during term time. There have been some lively and interesting discussions within the form groups and it is always great to see the pupils so involved in their work and motivated to learn.
Well done Year 8!
Miss Charles
Year 8 DOL
Writers' Club
The girls are in the process of finalising their conflict poem that they are hoping to share with other students in the year group - stay tuned for the published copy upon its completion in the next writers’ club update!
The club runs every Friday lunchtime in F24 and is open to all Year 7 students who are interested: We would love to see some fresh new faces (boys and girls) after half term for our dystopia project!
School Facilities
The Generations Multi Academy Trust has enjoyed a successful start to the new year in its drive to bring more community groups to its facilities.
The 1st January saw the operation of the leisure facilities at Goffs Academy transfer from Broxbourne Borough Council to the Trust. For the first time in many years the school is managing the operation in the evenings and weekends and we have been welcoming new and existing customers on to the site for a variety of activities including:
Rugby Tots
Girls' Football
Martial Arts
Dance Classes
Goffs Churchgate has also been a hive of new activity launched in January including:
One to One Swimming Lessons
Insanity Fitness Classes
Highlights of the month have been seeing the first group of new football coaches gain their qualifications at our sites and bringing two enthusiastic personal trainers to the organisation to provide after school sessions for students and develop their businesses in our gym in the evenings.
If you would like to take part in any of these great activities please contact me at KYA@Goffs.herts.sch.uk and I will connect you with relevant club or instructor.
The Tesco bags for help scheme will be supporting our push to raise funds for a new 3D printer during February so don't forget to ask for your blue token when you shop in your local store and use it to vote for our project!
We are now operating two thriving community hubs and are working to support all of the groups based at the schools to offer quality activities that help get everyone active. There are still opportunities to access our fantastic facilities so if you run, or know someone who runs an activity that needs a new venue please contact us at bookings@goffs.herts.sch.uk.
Despite this success we are not planning to stand still. In February there will be even more new activities launched for the community with plans in place for drama and boxercise clubs to start soon. The X-Plosion disco will be coming to Churchgate and Goffs will benefit from a gourmet food truck at the weekends to provide refreshments to the ever increasing number of Rugby and Football teams playing their matches on our pitches and we hope to match this provision at Churchgate before long.
Perhaps the most rewarding thing for me is seeing our fantastic students from both schools when they come back in the evenings and weekends to take part in other activities and knowing we are helping them pursue their interests in an environment they are comfortable with. It is so lovely to see how well they represent the schools even in the evenings and they are now beginning to recognise me and say hello.
Thank you all for your support
Kevin Yardley
Director of Income Generation
Generations Multi Academy Trust
Goffs Academy
Email: admin@goffs.herts.sch.uk
Website: http://www.goffs.herts.sch.uk
Location: Goffs Academy, Goff's Lane, Cheshunt, United Kingdom
Phone: 01992 424200
Twitter: @GoffsAcademy