Elm Street School
Weekly Update
November 11, 2019
Dear Elm Families,
I hope you have enjoyed the long weekend with family and friends. Many classes acknowledged Veteran's Day with thoughtful discussion, read alouds, and letters of appreciation to Veteran's thanking them for their service. We thank all who have served and those who continue to serve today.
We are looking forward to another great week.
Carrie Ruggiero/ Principal
Cold Weather
Elm Street Glow Run
Glow Run Kickoff Date: November 15th
We are just less than ONE WEEK AWAY from kicking off our Elm Street Glow Run Fundraiser this year. In just a few weeks the students will all be running laps to help our school. Next week, students will be coming home with a Pledge Book that explains how YOU can help our school this year by logging onto FunRun.com. Pledging is open NOW!
Food Drive
Walpole Community Food Drive
November 4th-22nd
Dear Elm Families,
Please help support our Student Council in collecting non-perishable food items that will go to the Greater Boston Food Bank. A collection box will be outside the main office.
The most desired items are:
tuna fish
peanut butter
Thank you,
Elm Student Council
Minted Holiday Cards
Purchase your holiday cards and gifts from Minted this year!
You save 20%
AND Minted donates 15% to Elm Street School PAC!
Place your orders during the months of November and December
PAC Meeting Wednesday, November 13th 7:00 pm. Hope to see you there!!
What is happening around Walpole?
The WHS Fall Musical is coming!
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
The Walpole High School Theatre Club will be presenting its annual fall musical , The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, on November 8th through the 10th at the Walpole High School Auditorium.
This six-time nominated Tony Award winning musical tells the story of six eccentric kids vying for 1st prize, bragging rights, and most importantly, a trip to the National Spelling Bee Competition.
With music and lyrics by William Finn and book by Rachel Sheinkin, this show is known for its humor, originality, and poignancy.
Performances are November 8th and 9th at 7:00 PM and Sunday November 10th at 2:00 PM.
Tickets are reserved seating and are available on-line. $12, adults, $10 children and students k-12, and $10 for senior Citizens.
Tickets are available through our online store at:
Support Walpole Music - Have Dinner at Clyde's on November 19!
Support Music in Your School!
Walpole Friends of Music is holding its annual Direct Appeal to raise money to support music in all the Walpole Schools, grades K-12. WFM funds music teachers' requests for instruments and workshops, provides scholarships to graduating seniors, and supplies volunteers to help out at school concerts. Please see the attached flyer for more information and donation form. Visit our website at walpolefriendsofmusic.org, find us on Facebook, or contact us at wfriendsofmusic@aol.com.
Upcoming Important Dates
13-PAC Meeting 7:00 pm
15-Kickoff Date for Elm Glow Run- More information to come
26-Glow Run Event - Elm Street Gym - (students/staff only)
27-Early Release - 12:25
28-No School-Thanksgiving Day
29-No School-Thanksgiving Recess
13-Early Release-12:25
17-Elm School Council Meeting 3:45pm
19-Winter Sing-a-long
23-Winter Break - No School December 23 - January 1, 2020 (Classes resume on January 2nd)
Elm Street School
Email: cruggiero@walpole.k12.ma.us
Website: http://walpoleess.ss5.sharpschool.com/
Location: 415 Elm Street, Walpole, MA, USA
Phone: 508-660-7374
Twitter: @elmwalpole