RHS Newsletter
December 2022
Upcoming Dates & Reminders
- Friday, December 23rd: Early Release Day (dismissal @ 11:40)
- Monday, December 26th-Monday, January 2nd: Winter Vacation
- Tuesday, January 3rd: School Reopens @ 7:50
- Monday, January 16th: No School (MLK Jr. Day)
- Wednesday, January 25th: 3rd Quarter Begins
NHS & Planet Aid
Randolph High School’s National Honor Society recently acquired two Planet Aid donation bins. These bins are located on school grounds, in the front of the right side (poolside) parking lot. These bins are open to public donations which accept the following textiles: clothing, shoes, purses, towels, and linens. Bagged textiles can be placed directly in the bins.
Your donation helps by…
Raising funds for the National Honor Society
Keeps reusable textiles out of landfills
Provides affordable clothing to those who need it
Supports education, nutrition, and health initiatives around the world.
For more information, please visit www.planetaid.org. Thank you to those who have already donated this holiday season!
8th Grade Step-Up Days!
School Council
All parents/guardians are invited to join the RHS School Council. Please email Dr.
Conard directly at conardw@randolph.k12.ma.us if you are interested in joining this
very important work.
What is a School Council?
A School Council is a representative, school building-based committee composed of
the principal, parents, teachers, and community members at each school pursuant to
Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 71, Section 59C.
What does the School Council Do?
A School Council meets regularly with the principal and assists in identifying the
educational needs of students in the school, reviewing the annual school budget, and
assisting in the review and revision of the school improvement plan and/or working
on school improvement efforts.
When Are The Meetings?
Our School Council usually holds meetings on the first Monday of the month from
6:00 - 7:00 PM. Our meetings are on Zoom.
Chemistry Explodes with Fun!
Mr. Callum's chemistry lab had students using different physical properties to separate components of a mixture where the particles were all essentially the same size (salt, iron filings, and sand), while the pumpkin explosion was demonstrating the signs of chemical changes via an exothermic combustion reaction and the law of conservation in action. Great job!
The Winter 5 Bingo Challenge
ILC & Transition Students Spread Some Holiday Cheer!
Additionally, ILC and Transition students got together on the half day to spread a little holiday cheer. Students made candy cane ornaments, and packaged up hot drink treats for the elders in town. They will deliver them to the senior housing in town the week before break! Way to go!!
Congratulations Chris & Olisa!
Build & Fit Money Certificate
The program features 12 modules featuring key financial literacy concepts to empower all students towards their own financially fit future. This self-directed program covers loans, insurance, investing, credit and credit scores, analyzing paychecks, discovering how to pay taxes and how much to pay, payment types and apps, and much more.
In Mr. Healy and Mrs. Hodges Build class, students presented their Idea Pitch to judges from Build, community mentors and administration. Students build on their elevator pitch by adding in the value proposition - What makes their product innovative and effective in solving the client problem they identified? This was a Shark Tank style presentation for 3-4 minutes and graded by judges. The winners from each class will receive a gift card from Build!
Winter Concert & Visit to the State House!
On Friday, December 16th, the RHS Choirs and Band performed at the Massachusetts State House! Thank you to Senator Walter Timilty for inviting us and to Senator Michael Brady, State Reps Bill Driscoll Jr and Bruce Ayers, and Secretary Bill Galvin for listening to us and giving us such a warm welcome and tour!
On Tuesday, December 20th the RHS Choirs and Band presented their annual Winter Concert! They performed a wide range a music from Theme from Elf, to Furusato, to Sleigh Ride! If you missed this concert, you can catch us at our next concert on Tuesday, March 7th!
Winter Art Show
The art featured includes methods such as drawing what you see, experimenting with positive shapes and negative spaces as well as a variety of types of paint (watercolors, tempera and acrylics). Assignments provided the opportunity to mix and blend colors, use specific techniques to achieve a desired look, create in a range of styles from realistic to abstract to non-objective, and perfect their techniques.
Additionally, AP Art students are tasked with developing a guiding question that is personal to them, something they want to visually explore that holds personal meaning, and creating several pieces around the question. By May, they will have completed about 12-15 fully realized pieces of work. Five of the completed pieces and 15 samples from their overall work will be submitted, along with their personal writings, to College Board for assessment. Some of the topics students are currently exploring include: How does my view of my self, compared to what the world may perceive of me, feel?; Dreams; Exploring ways Vietnamese Americans show their love to their family; Carrying the burdens of yourself by yourself; Fears and Phobias; Exhausting conditions of womanhood.
Keep up the great work art students, Ms. Fancher-Kelley and Ms. Paredes!