Community Bulletin Board
Anacortes Public Library Programs
The library is open Mon – Fri 10 am – 6 pm, Sat 10 am – 4 pm, and closed on Sundays.
Please call us at (360) 293-1910 or visit our website: for more information.
Anacortes Food to Go - This is a weekend backpack food program for Anacortes students. If you are in need, please contact Food to Go - (360) 708-3037 or
Anacortes Waterfront Alliance is the organization that runs a number of learn to sail and competitive sailing programs in Anacortes. We operate the Spring and Fall High School Sailing Team, the Learn to Sail program at Seafarer's Memorial Park in the summer, and the Open Sail at the Seafarer's park from June through September. Open Sail offers anyone the opportunity to safely hop on a paddleboard for an hour or, with qualification, rent a small sailboat. We employ high school students to coach and operate the waterfront livery.
Anacortes Waterfront Alliance - Sailing Team
Northwest Academic Anchor - NAS Whidbey's Newsletter for families
Skagit Parent to Parent: Support for families of children with developmental disabilities and ongoing mental health needs.
Washington State Parks and Recreation Youth Outreach Program
If you love building robots or would like to try, check out Anacortes Robotics! Teams are forming now. Students will learn fun skills as they work as a team to build and program robots. Learn more:
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
Girl Scouts Info
With Girl Scouts, they can do all this and more! Making lasting friendships and building unshakeable self-confidence along the way!
Girl Scouts discover friendships, pursue passions, and develop leadership skills- and you can be part of it! Girl Scouts choose and design their own formative experiences, preparing them for a lifetime of leadership and success.
Join us for a sample of the Girl Scout experience and learn more and get involved! Thursday, May 26th at the Anacortes Public Library from 5-6 pm. Youth of all ages are welcome- or join online anytime at!
Advance registration is appreciated:
Salish Sea Opportunities
Summer camp enrollment is OPEN here!
VFW Essay Contest
- The essay award program is divided into three separate categories which align with high school (grades 9-12, named Voice of Democracy), middle school (grades 6-8, named Patriot's Pen) and elementary school (grades 3-5, named Dept of WA Youth Essay). The VFW website for the student awards can be accessed here. The website includes PDF links to the award rules and eligibility requirements as well as fillable entry forms for each category.
- There is a fourth award category for "Teacher of the Year" which applies to all levels. The website for the teacher awards can be accessed here. As with the student awards, the website includes PDF links to the procedures and a fillable nomination form.
- Each entry or award submission will compete at the Anacortes VFW Post level to nominate candidates to compete at the district (regional) and then WA state level. Thereafter, awards submissions that get endorsed at the state level will then compete at the national VFW level.
- All entry forms (for students) and nominations (for teachers) are due to our VFW Post by 31 Oct 23.
- Award entries should be emailed to by the due date. If there are any questions regarding the contest rules, eligibility, or procedures, folks can contact the VFW at the above email.
Nondiscrimination: The Anacortes School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:
Kristen Koehler, Section 504/ ADA Coordinator, (360) 503-1433,
Connie Sheridan, Civil Rights, RCW, Title IX Coordinator, (360) 503-1221,
Written complaints to: 2200 M Avenue, Anacortes, WA 98221
The Anacortes School District provides interpretation services upon request as needed. Please contact the Inclusive Services Department for more information: (360) 503-1216.
Anacortes School District
Location: 2200 M Avenue, Anacortes, WA, USA
Phone: 360-503-1200
Twitter: @AnacortesSchool