Timber Wolf Times
News for TMS Families Week of October 11, 2021
Principal Updates
Dear Trailside Families,
Dear Parents and Guardians,
On Tuesday, it will be the 30th day of school for the 2021-22 school year. When planning for the reopening of school, we anticipated that many students would need a longer transition period back into school structures, routines, and expectations. In many discussions with teachers, team leaders, counselors, and administration; we are finding some trends that we need your support and assistance with. We are finding that many students are forgetting about "hands to self". The typical horseplaying is more "hands on" than what is school appropriate. While we are redirecting and counseling with students, the health and safety factors of close contact is very concerning. We are asking parents to please have a conversation with your children about keeping hands to self and when possible, to social distance.
This week, we will begin after school clinics for reteaching of student expectations, routines, and norms. For students who are consistently struggling with following and practicing safe school behaviors, we will invite them to remain after school with a dean for re-teaching and re-learning school behaviors. Deans will always make a phone call home prior to scheduling a clinic with a student.
At Trailside, we also have personal devices (phones, airpods, etc.) off and away in the locker. The ability to engage in learning is much easier without the distractions of personal devices. We also find that with devices off and away in the locker, the interruption of learning with social media, texting, and taking photos; ensures the privacy of each and every student and school staff member. Please support us with reminding your student to keep their phone off and away in their locker all day. If you child needs to reach you, they are able to use the house phones or main office phones. We appreciate your support.
As a part of our ongoing equity work across LCPS and at Trailside Middle School, we will be selecting students to represent our school to serve in the role of Student Equity Ambassadors. This opportunity for students stems from an action step included in the LCPS Action Plan to Combat Systemic Racism, which can be found on the LCPS webpage at https://www.lcps.org/EquityOverview. The goal is to provide a forum to amplify the voices of those students who have experienced or witnessed racism, injustice, marginalization, or discrimination.
Each middle and high school in LCPS will select up to three Student Equity Ambassadors to meet regularly with the Office of Equity and other LCPS leaders during the Share, Speak-up, Speak-out meetings. These sessions will occur six times during the school year. This opportunity is open to all students who, amongst other attributes, have a passion for justice, are willing to engage in conversations, will listen to learn, and will represent the voice of their peers.
Application is now open for students interested in serving as Student Equity Ambassadors for Trailside. Interested students may apply by completing and submitting this form by Monday, October 11. Selected students will be notified by Monday, October 18. Please be advised that the Equity Team, together with the principal and Equity Lead, will make the final decision regarding student participation.
Ensuring that our school is a welcoming, inclusive, and affirming environment for each student is important. Providing this opportunity for students to meet in a space where their voices are heard is one way of supporting this effort. We are looking forward to selecting our Student Equity Ambassadors and their future participation in the Share, Speak-up, Speak-out meetings.
Thank you for your continued support of our commitment to provide a safe and caring learning environment for our students.
Mrs. Beichler
School Contact Information
“Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other.”
― Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture
Email: bridget.beichler@lcps.org
Website: https://www.lcps.org/Trailside
Location: 20325 Claiborne Parkway, Ashburn, VA, USA
Phone: 571 252 2280
Twitter: @TrailsideMiddleSchool
Important Dates and Communication
The team at Victor O’Neill Studios would like to thank your school for a great picture day!
We are reaching out to inform you that student images are now online.
Please share the information and graphic below with your parents:
Any student who has not had a chance to order, it’s not too late!
Please visit: https://vando.imagequix.com/g1000874409
use your student ID when prompted for the online code.
For questions regarding school pictures please email: underclass@vosphoto.com
Thank you!
Victor O'Neill Studios
When your child is absent from school, please report it using ParentVUE or by sending an email to TMSattendance@lcps.org. If able, your child can check Schoology for missed assignments and classwork.
Yvonne Carolan
Upcoming Dates:
10/14 PTA Meeting 7:00 PM in the library
10/22 6th grade dance 7:00-9:00 PM
10/26 Principal Coffee 9:30 AM
10/27 IMPACK Award Ceremony
10/28 Last day of the marking period.
10/29 No School, Teacher Professional Learning Day
11/1 No School, Teacher Work Day
11/2 No School, Holiday
11/4 No School, Holiday
TMS School Spirit Store from Cheers is on-line
School Hours
Late Bell: 8:35 AM (students are tardy if arriving after the bell and will need to report to the main office for a tardy pass)
Dismissal: 3:23 PM
TMS Online Payment Portal
Easy access to TMS's Online Payment Portal - now that PE Uniforms, Sketchbooks, Class Fees, Instrument Rentals, etc... are posted. Parents can always check the site for updates regarding products posted.
Online School Payments (OSP) portal is a service provided to parents to facilitate payment for school fees for a variety of products and services.
6th Grade Dance!!!!
6th grade parents, the dance is coming up on October 22nd. Tickets are $10 each. No refunds. If you are paying by cash or check, please make sure your child brings the attached filled out form when paying for the ticket. We are selling tickets during 6th grade lunch on October 8th and 15th. Your child cannot attend the dance unless we have a permission form. If you are paying online via
https://tmspta.ptboard.com/formvw?store=2137&form=5, please fill out the form online at https://tmspta.ptboard.com/formvw?store=2137&form=6.
Please sign up to help with the dance, https://tmspta.ptboard.com/sgnvw?group=&signup=t5zZeTI3T5yaqn07Wpv_43N___6E8mhFT3___oPbHmRp
Thank you!
Pancakes and PTA!!!
Parents, there is still time to join the PTA! This is our final week in our membership drive (although membership is year-round) and the CLASS with the highest membership as of Thursday by 6pm will receive a pancake breakfast on Friday morning during Compass. Currently 6th grade is in the lead, with 7th grade in 2nd place, and 8th grade in 3rd place. Join here.
PTA Membership Drive: Pancakes & Prizes
We're now in the second week of our PTA membership drive - Pancakes & Prizes.
- On 10/1, we awarded 10 lucky winners a spirit shirt courtesy of Cheers Sports.
- This Friday (10/8), we'll provide donuts for the top 10 Compass classes with the highest membership!
- On 10/15, the grade level with the most memberships will celebrate with a pancake breakfast. We are in need of volunteers for this special event. Please click here to sign up.
THANK YOU to those who have already joined the PTA. We currently have 261 family memberships. We'd love to reach our goal of 300! A family membership is $20. Won't you join in on the fun and become a member of the PTA?
How to become a PTA member:
1. Go to tmspta.ptboard.com and sign up for an account. Use code JFCRTH.
2. Pay for your membership. Click here to pay online. (There is a small convenience fee.) If you prefer to pay by cash/check (made out to TMS PTA), send it in an envelope marked PTA along with your name and your child's name and grade.
If you have any questions about membership or the PTA, please contact ptaboard@trailsidemiddleschoolpta.org.
Kristi Vaughan
Trailside Middle School PTA
Trailside Middle School participates in the National PTA Reflections Program and as parents and guardians, you’re in a great position to encourage your kids to reflect on the theme, create an original work and be recognized. The theme for the 2021 program is "I can change the world by ..." which is such a great theme! Adults can't help the students with entries, but they can ENCOURAGE and SUPPORT them. As a student, thinking about how they can change the world is such a worthy challenge. There are six categories available to choose from (and they can enter more than one) - dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography, and visual arts. In an effort to provide an inclusive program, students who identify as having a disability and may receive services under IDEA or ADA: Section 504 may enter in the Special Artist Division or grade division most closely aligned to their functional abilities.
The PTA website has all of the rules for all of the categories posted here - https://tmspta.ptboard.com/school/cm?mid=4270
Submissions are due 11/5 and instructions are on the Reflections page linked above. Gwen Meehan is the POC and can be reached at reflections@trailsidemiddleschoolpta.org if you have any questions.
Thank you so much for supporting our students and their expression of ideas through the arts!!!
What’s up in the Library
It has been a whirlwind start to the school year in the library! Every English class from 6th-8th grade came through the library for a quick orientation on how to navigate and explore the library collection. The students joined the Library Schoology course and also participated in a QR code scavenger hunt to familiarize themselves with the library. The shortest time that the scavenger hunt was completed was 3 minutes and 14 seconds!
We will be highlighting a different genre every month and September’s Genre Spotlight was on Humor. Humor is much more than just Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Captain Underpants, we have many short humorous novels in our library for readers who like books that make them laugh.
This month we also featured Hispanic Heritage. This display features Hispanic/Latinx authors, or books about Hispanic culture and Hispanic Americans.
Beginning in 1982 the last week of September has been designated as Banned Books Week. Banned Books week is endorsed by the Library of Congress and sponsored by a coalition of organizations such as the American Library Association, American Society of Journalists and Authors, American Book Sellers Organization as well as many others. This year’s theme is Books Unite Us- Censorship Divides Us. The TMS library celebrated our freedom to read by featuring some books that are in our library that have been banned or challenged in school districts or public libraries around the country.
Our Makerspace is now up and running with only low tech activities at the time but we will be adding high tech activities such as 3D printing soon. Students are welcome to come enjoy the Makerspace area during Pack time or during resource with an ehall pass.
Great news from the Green Team! Cedar Lane Elementary School has donated their composter to us. A great big Thank You and shout out to them! We look forward to making this a student-centered opportunity and learning experience.
Thank you for the interest the Green Team has raised. We are excited to get different activities and initiatives in place. We have set up a club starting in October for our students to take part in the Green Team. For parents, our biggest area of need, right now, is volunteering at lunch time to help students remember where each of their items should be placed.
If you are interested in lunch volunteering, or helping in any other area, please fill out the form below:
Mrs. Amy Santos
TechED 7th & 8th
Trailside Middle School
Counseling Update!
The application to apply for the Academies of Loudoun is open to all interested 8th grade students The admissions criteria for the Academies are:
Enrolled in Algebra I or above at the time of application
Writing Assessment
STEM Thinking Skills Assessment
Final grade of C or above in Math and Science courses in grades 6 and 7, and semester 1 of grade 8
The deadline to apply for the Academies of Loudoun is Friday, October 22 at noon. For more information about the admissions process, including parent information nights and a copy of their parent presentation, please go to the Academies admissions page at https://www.lcps.org/AcademiesAdmissions.
October is National Bullying Awareness Month and we will be having an Orange Out on October 21st to promote Bullying Awareness.
6th grade will have Bullying Presentations out of Resource on October 18th & 20th
7th Grade will have Bullying & Digital Citizenship Presentations out of Resource on October 13th & 15th
October 21st we will have our Orange Out to show that TMS is United Against Bullying! Students are encouraged to rock their orange to show their dedication to stand up against bullying.
The Step Up Loudoun Youth Competition - Middle and high school students have an opportunity to identify an issue in their communities and implement a solution as they contribute to the world around them.
In the past few years, we have seen projects delve deep based on things already being done in school as part of Project Based Learning and Personalized Learning methods. These provide the perfect place for students to make their project work public by explaining, displaying and presenting it to people beyond the classroom. This year, students will create a team video due March 3, 2022, and then the top 40 teams will present live to judges on March 24, 2022.
Registration for the Step Up Loudoun Youth Competition is now open. You will find information about SULYC and the link for the application at: www.loudounyouth.org under Programs: Step Up Loudoun Youth Competition.Student Council Officers Elected
- President - Calvin Balda
- Vice President - Bartu Mamur
- Treasurer - Madeline Moyer
- Secretary - Connor Leff
- Historian - Giovanni John