Timber Ridge News and Notes!
January 6, 2022
Upcoming Dates!!
Friday, January 7 - Day 4
Monday, January 10 - Day 5
Tuesday, January 11 - Day 6
Wednesday, January 12 - school dismisses at 2:30 pm
Thursday, January 13 - Day 2
Friday, January 14 - Day 3
Monday, January 17 - NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Day
Tuesday, January 18 - Day 4
Wednesday, January 19 - school dismisses at 2:30 pm
Thursday, January 20 - Day 6
Friday, January 21 - Day 1
Monday, January 24 - Day 2
Tuesday, January 25 - Day 3
Wednesday, January 26 - Day 4 - school dismisses at 2:30 pm
Thursday, January 27 - Day 5
Friday, January 28 - Day 6
Monday, January 31 - Day 1
Beginning Monday, January 3rd, all 2nd-5th grade students will be roller skating in P.E. Students will have the opportunity to choose whether they use the traditional quad skates or rollerblades. All students will be required to wear a helmet during our skating unit. If students would like to bring their own helmet, please have them bring it on their P.E. days. Otherwise, a helmet will be provided for them. This has been a fun unit for our students, in the past, and I look forward to starting it, when students return in January.
Ms. Cowling
Personal Items Policy
Please note the section on "Personal Items" in the Elementary Handbook. This policy is in regard to cell phones, smart phones, smart watches and other personal items.
G. Personal Items
Video games, toys, baseball cards, radios, headphones, cell phones, smart phones, smart watches, IPods/MP3 players, electronic devices such as e-readers, itouch/ipad and other personal items are not appropriate in school as they frequently interrupt the learning environment. Personal property should be left at home unless specifically requested by the classroom teacher. If a parent has given permission for a student to have a phone at school, it is to remain in the student’s backpack in silent mode or off until the child is off school grounds. Electronic devices may be taken from a student for inappropriate use. (Board Policy 502.10R). The school is not responsible for loss of or damage to personal items.
In addition to personal items, the sending of balloons, flowers, or other gifts to students while at school is not allowed due to the disruption in the learning environment. These items will be held in the office until the end of the school day for pickup and these items will not be allowed on school buses.
**Save the Date - Fundraiser Update**
**Save the Date - Fundraiser Update**
On Tuesday, January 11th the delicious and generous McAlister's Deli (5910 Douglas Ave.) is donating back 20% of Takeout, Delivery, Drive thru & Pick up orders to support a great cause -- Timber Ridge Elementary PTO!
On behalf of Timber Ridge Elementary PTO you’re invited to join us and eat out, not only in support of the organization, but to show one of your Des Moines restaurants some love too!
We ask that you RSVP here: https://grouprai.se/e197106 (even if you’re not completely sure) so McAlister's Deli knows roughly how many orders to expect & so you have access to all the event details.
We hope you can make it, and please feel free to forward this invitation to your friends and family. Thanks in advance for your support!
Timber Ridge Elementary PTO