For Pet's Sake
August 2023
A Home for Beulah
Thank You!
Team Work
This rescue put a tremendous toil on the resources at VRHS but our loyal donors have been helping as always! The shelter still needs food donations and other necessities. If you would like to donate your can do so in person or order through Amazon for delivery directly to the shelter at https://a.co/9lzhf2F
Thank you to our hardworking law enforcement, VRHS supporters, and volunteers.
Photo Courtesy of Cherokee Scout
Kirsty Waller Memorial Garden
We are committed to honoring her desire. To raise funds we have created the Kirsty Waller Memorial Garden fundraising campaign. Our goal is to raise $3000 to install a permanent garden at VRHS featuring masonry, flower beds, a water feature and some of Kirsty's favorite shrubs and plants.
This will be a place to gather to remember our beloved Kirsty and the pets who cross the rainbow bridge in search of her warm embrace. Please join us by donating to our effort. You can donate via our website at vrhs.org/donate or by mail at VRHS, 7450 US 19, Marble. NC 28905.
- Your $5 weekly donation helps VRHS to purchase badly needed supplies -- everything from pet food to veterinary medicine. Sign up for $5 Fridays here:https://www.paypal.com/donate/...and THANK YOU for your continued support. WOOF!
Microchip Your Pet Today!
You and your pet belong together!
When did you last update your pet’s microchip registration?
It is crucial that you update your contact information when you move or get a new phone number. A microchip can help find your lost pet only when this information is accurate.
After you adopt a new pet from the VRHS, please register your dog (or cat if chipped) immediately by calling Smart Tag at 1-866-603-6863 or go online at https://www.idtag.com.
If you don’t know the name of your pet’s microchip company, the microchip number can be input intothe microchip registry lookup at the AAHA’s Universal Website: https://aaha.org. The name, phone number and website of your pet’s microchip company will be provided, along with the last time the microchip was updated. Alternatively, your local veterinarian and the VRHS can scan your pet for the microchip number.
Any found pet without a tag can be scanned for a microchip. All local veterinarians and the Valley River Humane Society will scan a found pet to help locate its owner. Please help VRHS keep you and your pet together!
Did you know 1 in 3 pets will go missing in their lifetime? We’re partnering with Petco Love Lost to help pets reunite with their families. Petco Love Lost is a free, easy-to-use national resource, using patented pet facial recognition technology to make it easier than ever to find possible matches for lost and found pets. Join us, let’s unite to reunite at petcolovelost.org.
We are thrilled to partner with Petco Love Lost, a central searchable resource helping lost pets reunite with their families. 1 in 3 pets will go missing in their lifetime and almost 10 million pets go missing every year, but, together, we can change the outlook for lost pets.
Petco Love Lost is a free, easy-to-use national resource, using patented pet facial recognition technology to make it easier than ever to find possible matches from community members and shelters like the Valley River Humane Society.
Help lost pets reunite with their families at petcolovelost.org.
You can order directly from Amazon and have it shipped to us!
Our cupboards are getting very bare...please consider donating to our animals, and helping us through these extraordinary times.
We appreciate all the support from our local community and beyond.
Become a Member!
In our community, hundreds of animals each year are abandoned, mistreated, or left to fend for themselves. The VRHS offers several different memberships. The fees are used to help keep the doors to our shelter open. Support for our organization comes mostly from private donations from people like you. Your membership fees will help a great deal!
Consider becoming a member…Your gift can provide neglected and abused animals with shelter, food, medical care, kindness, and a chance to find a forever home!
Heidi's Fund
VRHS Thrift Store Needs
Volunteers needed! This is an easy and rewarding volunteer opportunity. Come by and talk to us.
Over 40% of all expenses for the Shelter are subsidized by the VRHS Thrift Shop! So, every time you donate to or buy something from the Thrift Shop it REALLY helps.
Anytime you clean out your closet, your basement, your attic, or any other area, please bring those things to us you no longer need or want. We can then turn around and resell those things and those proceeds go to helping the animals. Please visit the Thrift Store often. There are some GREAT bargains and it really helps!
Store Address:
Valley River Humane Society Thrift Store | 1161 U.S. 64, Murphy, NC 28906 | (828) 837-6137
Store Hours:
10:00 AM -5:00 PM Monday thru Saturday
About Us!
Website: http://www.ValleyRiverHumaneSociety.org
Location: Valley River Humane Society, U.S. 19, Marble, NC, USA
Phone: 828-837-2304
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VRHSMarbleNC/
Become a Volunteer
Many people do not realize how vital volunteers are to both VRHS Shelter and the Thrift Store. Please consider being a VOLUNTEER!
For Donations and Adoptions
Valley River Humane Society
PO BOX 658
Murphy, NC 28906
Valley River Humane Society
7450 US 19
Marble, NC 28905
(828) 837-2304
- Tuesday thru Saturday……11:00 am thru 4:00 pm
- Sunday and Monday……CLOSED
- Intakes……Tuesday thru Friday 11:00 am thru 3:00pm
Valley River Humane Society
Website: https://valleyriverhumanesociety.org/
Location: Valley River Humane Society, U.S. 19, Marble, NC, USA
Phone: 828-837-2304
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VRHSMarbleNC/