Bessie Coleman Middle School
April 5
Miller's Message
Dear BCMS Families,
Academic failure is not an option.
100% Passing : No Child Left Behind
The Expectation is the Expectation
Please continue to encourage your student to perform their best in class each day.
Board of Trustees Candidate Forum
You are invited to attend the Board of Trustees Candidate Forum April 13 beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Cedar Hill High School Performing Arts Center. Hear from candidates running in the May 6 general and special elections. The event is moderated by the Superintendent's Student and Educator Roundtable members. Candidates will answer questions previously submitted by students and staff; attendees may submit additional questions between 6 and 6:30 p.m. Doors open at 6 p.m.
Identification Badges: We've had several students forget ID's. If your student does not have an ID, they must purchase a temporary from the attendance office for $1. If they don't have $1, they can turn in their phone to receive a temporary, but must bring a $1 before the end of the day to get their phone back. If your student misplaces their ID or destroys it where the bar code can't be scanned it is $5 for a replacement. To gain entrance to Junior High games without a parent, all students must have their ID and pay the admission fee. Students without an ID will not be allowed entrance.
All students are expected to be at school on time. The tardy bell rings at 7:30 AM. Any student not in class by 7:30 AM are considered tardy. If a student misses more than 1/2 of a class they are considered absent. Students have a 4-minute transition between each class. If they are not in their classroom when the tardy bell rings, they are tardy. Students who are habitually late will have home visits made and truancy charges filed. All TARDIES TO SCHOOL ARE UNEXCUSED.
Final Exam Exemptions
Beginning February 6
Semester Exams:
Semester exams account for 1/5 of the semester grade for a course.
Exemptions – Spring Only:
A student may be exempt from taking a SPRING SEMESTER final examination in a course if s/he meets all the following criteria. The student has:
1. not been suspended (ISS, OSS, or DAEP) during the spring semester
2. Grades and allowable absences
· 100 and 5 absences and 8 tardies
· 98>and 4 absences and 6 tardies
· 96> and 3 absences and 4 tardies
· 94> 2 absences and 2 tardies
· 92> 1 absence and 1 tardies
· 90> 0 absences and 0 tardies
On the final exam day, students will be rewarded with a movie and popcorn in the gym.
STAAR Dates- No Visitors will be allowed on campus!
Test Date
5/2 Algebra I EOC
5/8 6th & 7th Grade Math
5/9 6th & 7th Reading
5/10 8 Grade Science
5/11 8 Grade Social Studies
If Parents only knew....
Cheating in School
High-tech tricks kids use to cheat
Announcement from the PTA
Announcement for 8th Grade Parents
For Students:
The new order of Class of 2021 T-shirts have arrived! If you have not yet received your t-shirt, the PTA will be in the cafeteria this Wednesday and Thursday morning from 7:00 - 7:30 a.m. Please stop by the PTA table to pick up your shirt.
For 8th Grade Parents:
New T-Shirt order has arrived! If your student paid for a Class of 2021 t-shirt and have not yet received it, please have them stop by the cafeteria Wednesday or Thursday morning between 7:00 and 7:30 a.m. The Bessie Coleman PTA will be distributing shirts to those students who ordered a t-shirt.
The Prom takes place Friday, April 28 from 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. at the Ninth Grade Center. If you are interested in assisting with the prom, please contact the PTA at bessiecolemanpta@gmail.com.
BCMS - Engineering and Environmental Science Academy
For the 2017-2018 School Year, Bessie Coleman Middle School will have an Environmental Science & Engineering Academy. Current 5th and 6th graders are eligible to apply. This academy offers an interactive learning environment for middle school students. Instruction will include hands-on activities and will combine physical, biological and computer science into their core classes. Through field experiences, competitions, and real-world problem-solving students will learn about different science and engineering careers and boost their creative, communication, and leadership abilities.
Additionally, the academy will introduce students to those who are already working in the science and engineering fields. Students will learn about what it takes to become a scientist or engineer, and the benefits of each career. In an ever-changing job market, careers in these fields are always in demand. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary for individuals in these industries begins at $82,000 per year.
Mark your calendars for the mandatory parent meeting to learn about this wonderful opportunity:
The deadline has passed, however, you can still complete the application and be placed on the wait list.
Tutoring Schedule-2016-2017
Tuesday- Math ( All Grades)
Wednesday- Science ( 8th Grade)
Thursday -Social Studies ( 8th Grade)
Tutoring will be from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM each day. Bus Transportation will be provided if your student already is eligible to ride the bus.
You will be notified in advance if tutoring is canceled for any reason!!!
College Trip Updates
Plans are in the works for bigger college trips for 2017-2018. We have tossed around ideas of a trip during Spring Break to Atlanta or Washington, D.C.
Be on the look out for parent meetings!!
Coffee with the Counselor/Administration and parent drop in day!
Important Dates for the 2nd semester ( Other Dates will be added or deleted)
April 28- 8th Grade Prom ( 9th Grade Center)
May 11 – Athletic Banquet
May 15- 6th and 7th Grade Awards Ceremony
May 16- Fine Arts Night ( IBOC)
May 17- 8th Grade Awards Ceremony
May 18- 6/7 grade Field Day
May 19- 8th grade Field Day
May 22- Walk Across/ 8th Grade Completion Ceremony ( PAC) 7 pm
May 23- 8th Grade Lock in (Altitude)
May 24- Six Flags 8th Grade
May 25 – 8th-grade Breakfast/Lunch Picnic ( On the grounds)
Walking home or riding the bus
Dismissal on any campus can be a challenging experience. When students are walking or riding the bus, they are still expected to abide by rules and regulation. We have too many students trying to figure out transportation at the end of the day. Please communicate your transportation procedures for your child prior to them coming to school.
Bus Transportation
We are asking all parents to support us by reiterating to your student appropriate behavior expectations. Students who are disruptive on the bus, will have their bus privileges removed. Misbehavior on the bus and disrespect of the bus driver will not be tolerated. CHISD contracts buses via Dallas County Schools. Please report any issues to Bessie Coleman MS and we will inform the appropriate party.
Walker are expected to immediately leave campus, on foot, at the end of the day. While walking home, students are expected to follow the local law and guidelines. As we know, students can become mischievous when an adult is not present. Please speak to your student about what your parental expectations are when they are off campus and walking home. We have been in communication with the Animal Shelter, next door. Students should not be dropped off/picked up on their property. They will start reporting habitual offenders and their license plate numbers to the local authorities.
Breakthrough Coach
Bessie Coleman MS is committed to educating and empowering every student to excel academically and socially. In order for this to come to fruition, we are committed to having district administrators in classroom 2-3 FULL days per week to improve teaching and learning.
As a result of being in class so often, we may not always be immediately available to you; however your communication important to us. If you have questions about a particular class , please contact the teacher directly, as we have found that is the most effective way to clarify issues. If you need to talk to an administrator, please contact the appropriate secretary, as she handles the administrator's calendar: Assistant Principal Secretary- Latoya.Jones@chisd.net : Campus Principal Secretary- norma.espinoza@chisd.net . They will need to know the nature of your call to find the appropriate time for us to talk or will direct your call to the correct department/administrator.
Thank you for your ongoing support of Bessie Coleman Middle School. You are a valued partner in your child's education. The implementation of these practices will enhance our ability to strengthen student learning in our district.
Calling All Dads , Moms, Brothers, Sisters, Uncles, Aunts, etc....
7:00 AM to 7:30 AM Student Arrival
10:15 AM to 12:10 PM Student Lunch Periods
2:50 PM to 3:30 PM Student Dismissal
We are only asking for 30 Minutes a week!!!
Below are the dates of school dances. Please note that dances are a privilege. Dances are only for BCMS students. We will never allow students to pay at the door for dances and if we do it will be advertised prior to the event. Typically students will be allowed to pay the week leading up to the dance....Dances will be scheduled from 7pm to 9:30 pm and will cost $3 to enter. Concession will be available. This schedule may be altered at the campus principals discretion. Students will not be allowed to attend dances for excessive absences, tardies, or disruptive behavior.
Next scheduled dance will be on the following date:
April 7- ( 6th , 7th, 8th)
Campus Culture/Relationship Initiatives
--Rolling Wednesday- Administrative staff ride the bus with students to build a positive relationship.
Administrative Staff Contact Informtaion
7th Grade Assistant Principal- Tashara Tuck tashara.tuck@chisd.net
8th Grade Assistant Principal- Cassundra Gipson cassundra.gipson@chisd.net
Campus Principal- Jason Miller jason.miller@chisd.net
We are here to assist you in any way that we can, however, you must address your concerns in the following order: Teacher, Assistant Principal, Campus Principal.
Important Dates
Site Based Meeting ( All Parents are invited)
April 13 at 3:15 PM
We will be reviewing budgets, Planning Events, and reviewing the CIP
Monthly Coffee With The Principal, Assistant Principals, or Counselors ( 7:30 AM)
April 21, 2017
Parent Drop-In Day
All Pro Dads Breakfast ( 3rd Breakfast of the Year)
Child Nutrition and Lunch
Parents ARE NOT allowed to bring outside food to anyone other than their own child.
Students ARE NOT allowed to bring large bags of chips, candy, or soda to school. If you are purchasing large bags of chips, please place a personal amount in a small zip lock bag.
Allowed Sizes:
Chips: 1 ounce to 1.5 ounce
Drinks: 12 ounces to 32 ounces
Not Allowed:
Drinks: liter or 2 liters
Chips: Large Bags ( anything greater than 1.5 ounces)
Candy: None
The aforementioned items will be confiscated and thrown away.
Attendance/ Tardies
A parent/guardian should contact the Attendance Office for each absence. If you wish to email, you may send to deniece.clark@chisd.net or use the Family Access Absence Notification Request, which allows parents/guardians to send a note by email through Family Access. Please submit all absence notification request within 3 days!
Students submitting a note from a doctor or dentist for a partial day will be considered Excused. Students submitting a note from court will be considered Excused.
All students are expected to be at school on time. The tardy bell rings at 7:30 AM. Any student not in class by 7:30 AM are considered tardy. If a student misses more than 1/2 of a class they are considered absent. Students have a 4 minute transition between each class. If they are not in their classroom when the tardy bell rings, they are tardy. Students who are habitually late will have home visits made and truancy charges filed. All TARDIES TO SCHOOL ARE UNEXCUSED.
According to the Texas Education Code §25.092, students are required to attend 90% of the days a class is offered. Excused and unexcused absences count toward this requirement. Please be aware of absences accrued throughout each semester.
Drop off and Pick Up Procedures
The main lanes will be divided by cones. Once you get on the main drive, and traffic has stopped please have your student exit the car quickly. If they exit the car in the far lane they must exit to the left and walk to the cross walk or staff member to cross. Under no circumstance should a vehicle be unattended in the morning or obstructing a lane. If you choose to walk your student in the building, please park in the designated parking lot and bring your ID to receive a visitor's badge to enter the secured area of the building.
The two outside lanes are available for pick-up in the afternoon. Do not leave your vehicle unattended. Students are instructed to look for their cars and load with caution the middle lane is not a pick up area. We do not release or call for students from the main office after 2:45 PM.
2016-2017 Dress Code and Grooming Policy
The approved dress code for 2016-2017 is in the link below. All students are expected to be in compliance on the 1st day of school.
Dress and grooming policies are enforced each day of the school year. All students are expected to dress in compliance with the standardized dress criteria. This will allow students to perform effectively in the learning environment without distractions to themselves or others. The principal has total discretion in determining compliance with the standardized dress criteria. Violations of the dress or grooming code warrant disciplinary action. If the principal or designee determines that the dress or grooming of a student is inappropriate, he/she will advise the student of why the dress or grooming fails to conform to guidelines and allow the student to give an explanation. The parent or guardian of the child whose dress or grooming is inappropriate shall be notified that their child has been assigned one day of In-School Suspension or until the parent brings compliant clothing for their child to wear. A third violation of dress code will result in the parent notification that their child is assigned to Out of-School Suspension for one day. Repeated offenses will be handled as Category III and/or IV offenses. Unless modified by the principal, students, including student spectators, at school activities such as sporting events, musicals, field trips, off-campus school events and commencement exercises shall meet the grooming standards. The Standardized Dress criteria may be modified for students who are officially representing the school in extracurricular activities and are wearing an official uniform or other appropriate dress for that school activity.
1. Unnatural or distracting hair color or style of hair
- No purple, green, blue, fuchsia, pink, etc....Only natural color hair or extensions are allowed: black, brown, and/or blond
2. Jewelry or other items worn in pierced body parts other than ears
3. Jewelry that is considered to be disruptive or offensive
4. Wearing of hats, caps, hair rollers, sunglasses, or any headgear inside the building
5. Bandanas, arm or sweatbands
6. Pocket chains or other chains determined as inappropriate by the principal
7. Hair that is not kept well groomed at all times
8. Any facial hair which is not short and neatly trimmed
9. Flip-flops, house shoes, or slippers
10. Dresses, skirts, or skorts that do not extend to the knee all the way around while fastened appropriately around the waist and hands placed at the side.
11. Slits in dresses, skirts, or skorts that extend above the fingertip while fastened appropriately around the waist
12. Shorts that do not extend to the fingertip while fastened appropriately around the waist and hands placed at the side
13. Sagging or over sized biking shorts, cutoffs, boxer shorts, or soccer-type shorts
14. Pants that do not reveal the shoes
15. Clothing that reveals undergarments
16. Rips or tears in clothing.
17. The presence of any apparel, jewelry, accessory, or manner of grooming which by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark, symbol, or any other attribute which implies membership or affiliation with a gang, secret society, fraternity, or sorority.
Parent Involvement
Site Based Decision Making-Site-based decision making is a process for decentralizing decisions to improve the educational outcomes at every school campus through a collaborative effort by which principals, teachers, campus staff, district staff, parents, and community representatives assess educational outcomes of all students, determine goals and strategies, and ensure that strategies are implemented and adjusted to improve student achievement.
8th Grade Planning Committee- The 8th grade planning committee coordinates the
8th grade End of the Year activities ( Prom, Six Flags, Social Event, 8th Grade Breakfast, etc) with the PTA and Administrative staff. Without assistance from parents these events WILL NOT happen.
All Pro Dad (APD)-A group of men passionately committed to bringing intentional focus to Fathers/Male Figures at Bessie Coleman MS. APD's offer assistance at various events around campus and CHISD. With the support of the APD's Bessie Coleman students will continue to grow in a positive manner at school and in the community.
Bessie Coleman PTA- A parent-teacher association (PTA) is a formal organization composed of parents, teachers and staff that is intended to facilitate parental participation in a school. For more information contact: bessiecolemanpta@gmail.com
Bus Schedule 2016-2017
CHISD and Bessie Coleman Mission and Vision
Lead; Learn; Engage; Excel
CHISD Vision
The Cedar Hill Independent School District will become a premier school district providing innovative opportunities and academic challenges preparing all students for the global marketplace.
Bessie Coleman Middle School Mission
(What we will do; Why we exist; Our purpose)
The staff and students of Bessie Coleman Middle School believe that anything is possible through collaboration, rigor, relevance and relationships. We are committed to becoming a national premier middle school by providing an excellent, effort-based education for all students.
Bessie Coleman Middle School VISION
(What we will see as we carry out the mission; what we want to become)
Bessie Coleman Middle School will be a premier school
preparing our students to become global competitors.
Who to Contact at BCMS
Cafeteria/ Lunch : Cassandra Pierson Cassandra.Pierson@chisd.net
Records: Patricia Jordan patricia.jordan@chisd.net
Counselor A-L: Patrice Gray patrice.gray@chisd.net
Counselor M-Z: Cicely Ham cicely.ham@chisd.net
We are here to assist you in any way that we can, however, you must address your concerns in the following order: Teacher, Assistant Principal, Campus Principal.
Assistant Principal Secretary: Latoya Jones latoya.jones@chisd.net
6th Grade Assistant Principal: Shayla Pratt shayla.pratt@chisd.net
7th Grade Assistant Principal: Cassundra Gipson cassundra.gipson@chisd.net
8th Grade Assistant Principal: Tashara Tuck tashara.tuck@chisd.net
Principal's Secretary: Norma Espinoza Norma.Espionza@chisd.net
Campus Principal: Jason Miller Jason.miller@chisd.net
Bessie Coleman Middle School
Email: jason.miller@chisd.net
Website: http://www.chisd.net/Domain/8
Location: 1208 E Pleasant Run Rd, Cedar Hill, TX, United States
Phone: 972-293-4595
Twitter: @ColemanMS_CHISD