
Important Dates!
Red Ribbon Week!
October 23rd through 31st
Pumpkin Patch Trips
October 10th - 1st/3rd
October 11th - 4th/5th
October 12th - K/2
Friday, October 20th
Vision Screenings
Wednesday, October 4th
1st & 3rd Grade Pumpkin Patch
Tuesday, October 10th
PTO Meeting
Tuesday, October 10th 5:30pm
5th & 4th Pumpkin Patch
Wednesday, October 11th
K & 2nd Pumpkin Patch
Thursday, October 12th
Wednesday, October 18th
Thursday, October 19th
Friday, October 20th
October 23 - October 27
Character Assembly
Friday, October 27th
Tuesday, October 31st
Welcome to Kindergarten,
We are excited for another month in school as our kindergarteners are getting used to being in kindergarten all day. We continue to reinforce classroom procedures and routines. As you have noticed in your child’s work, we are busy.
For this upcoming month in reading, we are working on character, setting and events. In foundational skills, our main focus is initial sounds of different consonants. In writing we are adding more details to our writing/drawings, writing the sounds/letters we hear in words as we label our drawings, and understanding personal narratives. In Kindergarten math, we are focusing on number recognition, ordering, counting and value of 1-10 numbers. In science, students are learning about animal needs, plant needs and reducing human impact on our environment.
First Grade
In reading we have been working on informational text. Identifying the main topic of our text, and writing facts from our stories. We will be taking the end of Unit 1 assessment in the next few days.
In math we are focusing on number sentences. We are strengthening our understanding of addition and are beginning to learn subtraction. We will also be finishing this module up in the next few weeks.
We are beginning social studies. During this we will focus our attention on being a citizen of a community.
During the month of October we will be visiting the pumpkin patch. We will learn more on bully prevention and celebrating Red Ribbon Week. We will also have our Fall parties and our Character Parade. Be on the lookout for more information.
First Grade Teachers
Ms. Morton, Ms. Barrientos, Ms. Falcon
Second Grade
Reading: Students are working finishing Unit 1 Module B and will start on Unit 2 Module A.
In Unit 2 Module A, students are going to understand that knowing the structure of a story helps them comprehend the text. In writing, students will understand that describing a character’s actions, thoughts, and feelings enhances story.
Math: Students will continue working on Module 3 understanding place value units of one, ten, and a hundred.
Social Studies: Students will learn about history/cultural economics.
Third Grade
Third Grade has had a great start to the new school year! In Reading we have been working on word endings such as ing, er, est, well as vowel diagraphs. We have been discussing character’s motivations and sequence of events and how the two are related. In Math we have been skip counting, multiplying, and dividing things into groups. We started the year with Social Studies, and learned about Economics and how we are consumers and producers! We have just started Science with a unit on animal survival and development. Thank you for everything to do to help get your student to school on time and ready to learn! We cannot wait to see what Third Grade has in store for us this year!
Fourth Grade
Math: -In our unit this month, we are working on Module 2 and starting Module 3. In Module 2 we will be covering Unit Conversions and Problem Solving with Metric Measurement. This is a shorter module that will cover 2 topics. Topic A: Metric Unit Conversions and Topic B: Application of Metric Unit Conversions. Module 3 is a much longer module that will continue through December. Module 3 covers multi-digit multiplication and division. We suggest practicing multiplication and division math facts at home now to help this module be more successful for them!
Reading: This month we will continue Unit 1 Module B. In this module, READERS will use
information presented in different ways and from different sources to understand a topic. WRITERS will use organizational structure, specific word choice, and evidence when explaining a topic. LEARNERS will understand that multiple sources and evidence can be used to build ideas and information. Our performance based assessment will be creating an infographic over an animal of their choice. They will then write a supporting introduction and conclusion telling more about the animal.
Science: We will be focusing on plant and animal parts, and sense receptors in science this month. In our unit, students will explore plant and animal parts and animal sense receptors. Your child’s mission will be to design a zoo that is organized by animals with the best sense receptors and to describe how having those sense receptors helps animals survive. In addition, your child will design a scavenger hunt for students who go on field trips to the zoo.
Thank you for your continued support at home!
-4th Grade Team
Fifth Grade
The month of October is already looking to be a busy month for our 5th graders. We will be taking a trip to the Pumpkin Patch that will be filled with fun activities, red ribbon week, and completing a brochure about an ecosystem.
In the month of October, we will be working on multi-digit multiplication and division. This will include an introduction into decimals as well as mental math strategies to help us solve problems quicker. We cannot stress enough the importance of each child knowing their multiplication and division facts. Please continue working on these skills with your children at home.
For ELA we will continue with our unit theme of “Depending on Each Other” with a book called Washed Up. In this book we will follow the lives of three families in their journey to survive on a remote island. We will then read Rain Forest Food Chains and Pale Male. These stories will guide us towards our next writing project where we will be writing an informative essay about one of the environments from our stories.
In Social Studies we will begin learning about exploration, focusing on 5 European explorers and their journeys. In this study we will review the paths they took, the struggles they encountered, the Columbian Exchange, and Slave trade. In Science we will continue learning about the web of life. We will get to do a fun experiment with worms, then head on to ecosystems where we will use what we have learned about plants, animals, and decomposers to see how they interact in an ecosystem.
We are excited as Fall brings changes to the outdoors and many opportunities for learning.
- Your 5th Grade Teachers
Kindergarten is learning all about the parts of a book and how to take care of them. First grade has learned to check in and out books, shelve them and choose new materials. Second grade is learning more about Fiction Versus Non- Fiction and learning to be able to describe the characteristics of both genres.
Third, Fourth and Fifth graders are learning about different genres of books. They are getting to sample many types and discover what they are drawn to. They are also doing research online with World Book. Fifth grade is reading to the Frist grade – which they all really enjoy!
Parents – please help your students read the books they are bringing home. Ask questions about them, discuss why they like (or dislike) about it. Reading to children boosts cognitive development, improves vocabulary, boosts memory, and strengthens your bond with your child.
Mrs. McDaniel
Mrs. Groth
Students used puppets and stuffies to retell the story of The Very Lazy Ladybug
Physical Education
In PE students will continue to work on demonstrating competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns as we practice the essential skills, volleying and striking. Students will be able to volley an object demonstrating a mature motor pattern in drills and lead-up games. We will be practicing forearm passing and underhand serving. Students will also be able to strike a moving object demonstrating a mature motor pattern. These drills will lead up to different games such as volleyball, Spikeball and more!
Our next unit will be focusing on throwing and catching!