Linn Lion's Roar
May 2023
Dates to remember:
5th Grade @ DCHS for Instrument Demo
8:30am to 10:00am
May 4 -
4th and 5th Grade
8:25 to 9:15am
2nd and 3rd Grade
9:00 to 9:50am
May 11 -
Open Gym
6:00 to 7:00pm
May 16 -
Site Council Meeting
May 17 -
4th Grade Field Trip
9:00am to 5:00pm
May 25 -
Kinder News
We are nearing the end of the school year! It’s almost summer but we are busy as ever in Kindergarten. In ELA, we are moving on to long vowel sounds and talking about places/people in the community. We will keep working on blending sounds to read a word and being able to identify each sound in a word. In Math, we will finish up teen numbers, work on counting to 100 by 10s and 1s, and review 2D/3D shapes. There are a lot of fun things coming up this month so make sure to keep an eye on Talking Points so you don’t miss a thing!
First Grade News
Hello 1st families,
Our year is quickly wrapping up. In Reading, we are learning about different cultures. It would be awesome if you could talk with your child to teach them about your culture (the food, activities, traditions, holidays). We are now noticing most of our students are reading! Yay! This is a great celebration!!! Please continue to read to your child and have them practice reading at home. In math we just finished learning about 2D shapes, 3D shapes, and how to tell time on a clock. It would be great practice to work with clocks tell time to the hour and half hour. In science we are working on learning about how baby animals look like adult animals. This is just in time to go to the zoo and explore on our field trip.
As always let us know if you need anything.
Second Grade News
Hello second grade families!!
It is almost the end of the school year and we are finishing the year strong!! For this last quarter we will continue to work on identifying the main topic to understand our new reading text “Changing the World.” Students will continue to use text features, captions, and images to help support our evidence with our writing. Students will continue to work on their opinion writing and expand on this by using proper sentences and in using the correct punctuation needed. For our foundational skills we will start working with the vowel patterns aw, au, augh, and al.
In Math, we will start a new module which will be our last. Students in this module will learn more about using time, shapes, and fractions as equal parts of shapes. Students have done awesome with our previous module and have learned about problem solving and in measuring objects using the proper unit of inch, feet and yard. They have also improved on their money skills and also on using bar graphs to represent the information that is given.
In Social Studies, we will continue to learn more about our culture within our community and also the different sources there are around our communities and countries. Then we will start Unit 2, which will focus more on geography and in being able to learn how to use a map. Students will also learn how to interpret and use their background knowledge skills to learn more about different regions around the world.
In Science we have started with the Material Properties and learning more about materials and matter! They will learn how to describe and classify different types of materials by properties like hardness, flexibility, and absorbency along with investigating how these properties work and meet the basic human needs such as clothing and cooking.
Please encourage your child to continue reading at home as this will improve their reading skills!
Third Grade News
Hello Families!
This month has been busy, busy! We started state testing and the students are doing great with that. Thank you for your support and help with that.
In reading, we are reading a book about the Titanic, one about Children Labor Laws during the Industrial Revolution and finally a book about Rosa Parks. All of these have to do with characters changing throughout the story. Ask your student to explain the characters and how they changed or grew.
In math, we are working on Geometry. With this, we are learning about perimeter and shapes. You can find shapes in your house or outside and have students name them and say how many sides they have, or if they are parallel.
We are about to finish up our science plant unit. We learned about plant reproduction and how plants grow. After that, we will start our Government section for social studies. In this unit, we will learn about local, state and federal government and different aspects of all of them.
We have our field trip to Boothill on April 28th. We also have our field day on May 12. We will need students to wear comfortable clothes these days, sunscreen and tennis shoes. It may be chilly in the morning and then hot during the day, so dress appropriately.
Our fabulous year is quickly ending. We have more to do and we will be working hard all the way up until the last day! Students need to finish strong in their academics and behavior. We have Linn Lion PRIDE! We want the students to take our motto everywhere they go!
P = Positive Attitude
R = Respectful & Responsible
I = I am Honest
D = Do the Right Thing
E = Effort Matters
Please consider having a family meeting to discuss a routine for the summer that includes reading and practicing math facts every day, writing about summer adventures, and doing chores. All teachers will keep Razz Kids and Zearn open for the summer. Please have students work on these websites over the summer so they are practicing skills.
We want students to retain and grow their skills to start next year strong in 4th grade.
Please continue to access Talking Points, school flyers, and Linn Elementary social media. Stay connected!
We look forward to finishing out this year –
Mrs. Cuellar, Mrs. Laskowsky, and Mrs. Salmans
Fourth Grade News
Hello Parents!
Happy May! We have been working so hard on finishing up state assessments. They all worked so hard and we are very proud of them! Ask your student about Farm Day and all the adventures that we had. We had a lot of fun!
This month we plan on starting some end of the year projects including a math project, awards project, and a couple of fun science experiments.
In Reading we have started a nonfiction unit about how money works with banks, credit cards, and savings/checking accounts. In Writing, we will finish up fourth grade with an opinion unit. Students will be asked to write their opinions using evidence they find using the internet. Ask them about OREOs.
Make sure that you have made a plan this summer to keep reading, practicing math facts, and writing all about summer adventures. Keep it simple and have lots of fun!
Thank you for an amazing year!
4th Grade Team
Fifth Grade News
Math- We have begun our Geometry section and are learning how to find volume, about shapes, and coordinate planes and grids.
ELA- We are continuing to learn about Exploration around the world and the good and bad effects exploration had on societies.
Writing- We are working on opinion writing, which the students seem to love since it is from their point of view.
Science- We will begin learning about Chemical substances and their reactions.
Social Studies- We are continuing to learn about the American Revolution and the important people that were involved.
State Testing finished in April, and the students did Amazing!
Announcement: The 5th-grade teaching team has decided to have a 5th-grade graduation ceremony for our students! It is planned for Thursday, May 18th, immediately after the Senior and 5th Grade walkthrough. More information to come.
Counselor's Corner
Your student has learned some jobs that they did not know about before.
Kinder and first got to make and take home a coloring book with the job titles. Second has got to explore tools and tasks. Ask them if they remember some of the names. Third and up have learned about career clusters, and explored what they are interested in. Fourth grade had to start narrowing down some of their choices. It was very hard to do. Fifth explored how their passions, skills, and job environment that they were the most comfortable with affected their career choices and delved a little deeper into a specific career.
Students are excited about moving to the next grade. We have been practicing skills to help us be more successful. Your students are changing and growing. It is exciting to see how they have grown. Please keep them learning and safe this summer.
We can’t wait to begin again in the fall!