Linn Lion's Roar
October 2022
Information on Nutrition Programs
McTeacher Night
Join us for an effective fundraising event.
A night of food, friends, family & fun!
20% of food sales between
5:00pm and 8:00pm
Will go to Linn Elementary School
Come watch your favorite teacher work at McDonald's
Bring your family and friends on this special night to help raise money.
Thursday, Oct 6, 2022, 05:00 PM
2613 Central Avenue, Dodge City, KS, USA
Title I Family Game Night
Thursday, Oct 13, 2022, 05:00 PM
1900 Linn Street, Dodge City, KS, USA
Open Gym Night
Thursday, Oct 20, 2022, 05:00 PM
1900 Linn Street, Dodge City, KS, USA
October 21
PTO Meeting
Thursday, Oct 27, 2022, 05:00 PM
1900 Linn Street, Dodge City, KS, USA
Kinder News
First Grade News
Hi 1st grade families!
We are so thankful to have met with you over conferences to set goals for our students. Our focus right now is learning our letter names, sounds, and connect them together to make words. Our biggest goal right now is for students to start reading. In math we are adding two numbers for a sum (total) of 10 or less. We will be going to the Pumpkin Patch next month so be on the lookout for more information coming soon.
Thank you!
Second Grade News
Second grade has been working on measurements and in findings the lengths of various objects inside and outside the classroom using a meter stick and rulers for centimeters. For the following month we will be working on Place Value and in using our place value charts as well as other neat strategies that will help them with their counting. It has been amazing seeing each student grow and learn and we are all sure that this will be an amazing year!!
Third Grade News
Hello Families!
Third grade is in full swing. We have been perfecting procedures. In math we are currently learning about multiplication. Please have your student practice multiplication facts every night. The faster we get these memorized, the better! For reading, we are almost done with our first unit. We will be moving on to some stories about the Earth. Questions about the setting, characters actions and traits, sequence of events, and a situation in a story is what we have been focusing on. We recently started our Economics unit in Social Studies. Your student will be learning about goods and services and some basics in business.
Please make sure your student is getting plenty of rest at night. Also, please have them read and practice multiplication cards every night.
Mrs. Laskowsky, Mrs. Cuellar, Mrs. Salmans
Fourth Grade News
Hello 4th Grade Parents,
Thank you so much for attending conferences, we appreciate your support. We’re getting ready to start our second reading unit which will focus on Nonfiction stories, please make sure you are reading with your student each night to increase fluency skills. In math we are starting metric units and converting measurements. Please reach out via TalkingPoints if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you – 4th Grade Team
Fifth Grade News
Wow! We have had such an awesome start to this school year! We are all enjoying getting to know one another and adjusting to being the "Seniors" on campus. We have thoroughly enjoyed all our new learning. Our first books in Reading have been fabulous and we have had a blast learning about The Web of Life in Science. Be sure to ask your student what decomposers are? We are looking forward to an amazing year filled with an incredible amount of learning. Thank you for all your support. Be sure to read every night and practice those math facts!
Counselor's Corner
I hope you are having a great school year! As counselors, we are excited to have a curriculum that we get to work with. It is called Second-Steps. Last year it was taught by the teacher.
This year this is what I get to do with each class:
Kinder is studying “paying attention” in order to learn and stay safe. First is working on how to pay attention despite distractions.
In the second grade, we are learning that we learn through our mistakes and fix them by making small changes, starting again, asking for help, and avoiding negative thoughts.
The third grade is learning how their brain sends messages, makes pathways, and forms networks. We are learning how to make those new networks stronger by practicing and correcting mistakes.
Fourth graders are making a class goal complete with actions, materials, and support.
Fifth graders are making their goals more personal by making a goal for themselves, marking their progress, and overcoming roadblocks.
In October, we will do the Bully Prevention Unit so that all students can work on being alert to bullying and help stop the bullying together.
Many of us have noticed that students are very tired. Please make sure your student is getting in bed in time to get 8-10 hours of sleep. Thank you to all the parents who have told me that they are taking iPad, television, phones, video games, and computers away an hour before their student’s bedtime. Thank you also for having a bedtime routine every night. We can see the difference in your student.
Don’t forget that in Kansas, the weather can change at any time. Please make sure that your student is protected if it starts getting cooler. We will have some jackets for sale for those that forget –as long as they last. If your student has a donation of a time or a quarter, that is perfect. If not, we will still help them to find one to use, anyway. Once your child receives an extra jacket from the ones we have saved and cleaned, please do not bring them back to school. We will not be receiving any more jackets at this time.
Thank you for entrusting your students with Linn Elementary. We love our families.