Massabesic Middle School
January Family Newsletter
Dear MMS Families,
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and Winter Break. December tends to fly by in a blur, so I hope you were able to enjoy down time with loved ones. We were excited to welcome our students back to school this week and there were certainly many happy voices in our hallways!
Below you will find a write up about our amazing 7th Grade NASA Spinoffs; a Music Department update on their fantastic holiday performance recordings; information about our upcoming annual student climate and culture survey; and an update from our School Counselor's Office. We have some dates to note for this month and early next:
- Youth Truth Survey week (information below)— Week of January 10th
- Early Release Day— January 12th
- No school in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day— January 17th
- Quarter 2 ends for our 8th grade Specials— January 21st
- Winter NWEA Reading and Math tests— February 1st and 3rd
As always, reach out if you have any questions. We all thank you for your support of our school.
Kelly Grantham
7th Grade NASA Spinoffs
- Mrs. Turner, Ms. Dodge, and Ms. Carnell, MMS 7th Grade Science Teachers
MMS Choir and Band
This December, the Choir and Band both held virtual concerts. This was the first performance our students have had in almost 2 years! For some, it was the very first performance they have ever had. With all 55 members of the choir singing their hearts out, a few members were given the opportunity to perform solos: Julia Bryant, Aidyn Lane, Alexis Beaulieu and Noella Champagne.
The 6th, 7th and 8th grade band all performed individual concerts. For the first time ever they all sported their brand new matching polo shirts with the “Massabesic Band” emblem. The band sounded and looked amazing!
All of our concerts have been posted to YouTube and links were sent out through email/Google Classroom. If you have not seen the videos, please contact your music director for the private link. In addition to our concerts, the following students have been selected to participate in the MMEA District 1 Honor Festival:
Choir: Jay Coleman, Noella Champagne, Charlie Gulledge, Zoey Spicer, Bella Blaisdell, Tessa Rossignol, Blue Desimone, Abigail Smith, Hazel Blanchette, Lauren Labbe, Konner Tarbox, Ryan Lee, Sebastian Bisson
Band: Coral Lopez, Ian Tassinari, Dexter Lord, Julia Dochtermann, Mark Curtis, Kilee Francis, Devenny Bricket, Jakub Slawiec.
Congrats to all on such a high honor!
- Mr. Laciano, Director of Instrumental Music, and Mr. Holbrook, Director of Choral Music
Youth Truth Survey
Winter Update the School Counselor's Office
The school counseling office has been busy working with students to create a welcoming, inclusive school environment through a number of classroom, small group, and individual activities. Throughout the fall our department has continued to organize our school advisory program. This year, lessons have focused on team-building, self-reflection, communication, and improving school culture.
Small groups are underway at each grade level and have covered topics including friendships and social media, coping skills, social skills and peer relations. Groups meet during morning homeroom, RTL, and during the lunch block.
If your child is interested in meeting with their school counselor one on one or in a small group, please have them reach out to their grade level counselor. For more information about the role of the middle school counselor, please visit our district website at: https://mmsguidance.weebly.com/
RSU 57 Nurse Links
York County is experiencing a high rate of transmission of Covid-19. It is extremely important to keep students home when they are unwell. Please call the Main Office (247-6121) to report the absence. Remember to do a daily pre-screening prior to attending school. Visit RSU57 Pooled Testing for more information and to complete the online consent form if interested in pooled testing. See the linked information letter and electronic consent form here for permission to do BinaxNow Rapid testing if symptomatic at school.
Massabesic Middle School
Email: info@rsu57.org
Website: https://middleschool.rsu57.org/o/mms
Location: 134 Old Alfred Road, East Waterboro, ME, USA
Phone: (207) 247-6121