Chesterbrook Academy
March News
Note from the Principal
March looks to be a busy month. Our focus this month will be on Art and artists. The children will learn about different styles of art and have the opportunity to create art of their own using various methods. The month will wrap up with a school wide Art Show, where each class will showcase one style of art and their interpretation of that style. We will hang all of the art work and everyone will be invited enjoy the children's work while having refreshments! This has become one of our favorite events.
Looking forward to a fun and busy month!
Early Bird Registration
It is time to secure your spots for the next school year. Early Bird registration starts on Monday , March 9th and will continue until March 20th. If you want to secure your spot for the next school year be sure to return your registration right away. Some of our classes were are on a waiting list, this is the time that we will keep your child's spot in their class. On March 21st all available spots will be open to the public. Early Bird paperwork will come home in the folders as a hard copy, we will also email a copy. We do need the actual hard copy to be handed in.
We are all looking forward to another great school year!
Camp Registration
The camp registrations are pouring in. We have many weeks with only 1 spot remaining. If you have not handed in your camp registration yet do so immediately! If you are unsure about a week, give it your best guess and you can make changes up until June 1st as long as there is room to add. We suggest that if you are unsure about a week, schedule it. It is easier to take a week away than to add on later. Also, if you decide that you do not need a week let us know as soon as you can as there will be someone waiting for the spot.
Important Dates
March 2-6 - Dr. Seuss Week
16th - Art Show
17th - St. Patty's Day
18th - Art to Remember orders due
March 9th to 20th - Early Bird Registration
21st - Open House
24th - Soccer Shots starts
April 1st - Picture Day
Art Show
The Art Show will be Monday, March 16th from 3:30 to 5:30. Each class will be displaying their art work along the halls. Be sure to make time to stroll through he halls and check out their masterpieces. We will be serving light refreshments to enjoy along with the art work.
The art work will remain hanging for the entire week so if you don't make it for the show you will still have an opportunity to check it out.
Shoes - Children must wear properly fitting, close toed shoes to school. Please refrain from wearing rain boots, crocs, party shoes etc. Children should be wearing sneakers or other similar well fitting shoe that they can run and climb in comfortably and safely.
Lysol Wipes - There are lysol wipes, tissues and hand sanitizer located at the front desk. It is partially behind the counter so that kids can not reach it. Adults are welcome to use these products but please keep them out of reach of the children.