Teaching with Magazines
Motivation, Literacy and Standards
The Power of Teaching with Magazines
After researching a compilation of articles and blog posts it is evident that the use of magazines to promote literacy in school, at home and in the classroom is an essential factor when trying to reach a diverse group of learners. The resources presented in this digital article were put together to help educators, librarians and parents utilize magazines when developing life long readers.
Keys to Magazines Over Textbooks and Traditional Curriculum
- Engagement - magazine articles are presented in appealing formats and help to teach visual literacy
- Multiple Genres - one magazine can provide both fiction, non-fiction, comics, and poetry. This repeated exposure to varied genres makes for a quick way to build background knowledge
- Varied Lengths - shorter articles with rich content that provide quicker access to comprehension skill building in manageable chunks.
- Current - magazines provide up to date information and address subjects relevant to a given time exposing learners to multiple points of view that are not usually addressed in textbooks
- Text Complexity and Readability - magazines are accessible to multiple ages and skill levels while maintaining common interests among a diverse group
- Informational Reading - repeated practice engaging in non-fiction helps students identify and read using multiple text features
- Subject Area Rich - science and social studies standards are easily addressed allowing for cross curricular connections
- Fosters the Reading Habit - shorter, frequent and appealing text makes reading magazines less threatening than text books or novels thereby encouraging a regular habit of reading and may even lead to looking forward to the next issue
Links to Support Keys - 5 Great Articles
- Five Ways Using Magazines in the Classroom Improves Student Performance from Ebsco
- The Power of Magazines and Comics for Literacy from Magazine Literacy
- Magazines in the 21st Century Classroom from Scholastic
- Classroom Management: How to Use Magazines by Janelle Cox from TeachHUB.com
- 8 Reasons Magazines Belong in the Classroom - by Alycia Zimmerman from Scholastic
Complimentary Webinar from Cricket - Print vs. Digital Reading?
By far the most interesting key to literacy learning and magazines that I have encountered is the idea of the Print Reading Brain vs. the Digital Reading Brain. Both are necessary for reading success and magazines provide a unique link to both types of reading functions. This webinar is well done and contains especially critical information for those teaching with digital devices.
Magazines in the Classroom - click here to watch the webinar
"Take a break from books and bring magazines into your classroom. Why? There’s no better way to develop students’ critical thinking and literacy skills while building their knowledge of the world around them."
Magazines in the Classroom - click here to watch the webinar
"Take a break from books and bring magazines into your classroom. Why? There’s no better way to develop students’ critical thinking and literacy skills while building their knowledge of the world around them."
What Magazines are Most Effective when Promoting Literacy?
There are so many magazines out there it might be hard to pick which ones to use as educators. Consider these factors...
- Interest of Readers - age, reading ability, and relevancy to reader
- Quality of Magazine - some may have too many ads and not enough content to be effective text models
- Cost - what is in the budget? How can you get free subscriptions?
- Purpose of a Given Lesson - lessons may require old or discarded magazines, while others require current relevant topics to move a lesson forward
Here are 5 links to articles that will help you make great choices for magazines especially in the elementary classroom. You are sure to find a new magazine favorite!
22 of the Best Magazines for Kids to Add to Your Classroom Library
The Best Magazine Subscriptions For Kids Who Are Into Art, Science, And Nature
Tips for Choosing Good Magazines
16 Magazines for Kids
Magazines for Kids of All Ages
Have you heard of these magazines? - click image
Resources for Teaching - click image or title
Using Magazines
Differentiation with Magazines
Making the Most of Magazines
In the News
Non-fiction Text Features
Using an Article of the Week
Magazines and Text Features
Activity Cards
Magazine Book Report
Palencia Elementary Media Center - The Pirate Cove
The mission of the library media program is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas, information and technology. Creating a foundation for lifelong learning is at the heart of our program, so that we are prepared to set sail into tomorrow’s world.
Email: shannon.ayrishbooysen@stjohns.k12.fl.us
Website: http://www-pes.stjohns.k12.fl.us/media
Location: 355 Palencia Village Drive, Saint Augustine, FL, United States
Phone: 904-547-4010