Family Religious Education Program
Follow-up for 2022-23 and the future of FREP
As current and veteran families of the FREP Program at St. John Vianney are aware, due to low enrollment and family participation, the FREP Program will not be an option at St. John Vianney this year. While we are disappointed this decision had to be made, we are inspired by those who attended the family meeting last Sunday, October 2nd.
As has been suggested by The Diocese of Lansing, the sharing of resources among local parishes is encouraged as much as possible. To that end, the FREP Core Team presented seven different options that are available in multiple geographic areas within Genesee County. Please take time to consider the options and make a decision that would be best for your family.
This is not the first time there has been a pause in the delivery of religious education program at St. John Vianney. In 1995, religious education programs were suspended and families pursued options at other sites as is the case this year. In 2006, soon after Father Tom Firestone came to St. John Vianney, the FREP program was introduced and has been successful for the last 16 years. At its peak, there were 38 families in 2016 with 106 students in the FREP Program for grades K-12.
It is our hope that plans to return to offering the FREP Program for the 2023-24 year will become a reality.
The coming year will include planning, and recruitment on the part of current and veteran families who have been a part of the program. as well as new families who are contacted to begin the FREP Program again.
Families in The Catholic Community of Flint who plan to participate in any of the programs while still remaining a member of The Catholic Community of Flint CLICK HERE to review the options.
For more information about each or any of the programs, the website link is listed as well as a contact person and telephone number at each parish.
Sacramental Preparation for First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation Information
Sacramental preparation programs WILL be available for families at St. John Vianney and The Catholic Community of Flint this year.
First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion will be led by Cindy McNea
Mrs. McNea will contact families for for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Prep Dates
First Holy Communion at St. John Vianney will be: May 7, 2023
Confirmation Sacramental Prep will be led by Father Matthew Bonk
. Please contact the parish office for details about time and place of meetings.
Confirmation Celebration Mass: Date, Time and location to be determined
Contact the St. John Vianney Parish Office at 810-235-1812 for additional information regarding class meeting times and dates, and textbook details.
FREP Leadership Team Contact Information
Email: martinits@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.flintcatholic.org/
Location: 2415 Bagley Street, Flint, MI, United States
Phone: 810-235-1812