Hometown School Newsletter
February 28, 2023
Bencik's Buzz
Hometown Families:
Thank you to all of the families that participated in our family conferences this past week. It was great to hear all of the positive learning and experiences our families and students are having.
We need your help. We only have 6% of families who have taken the 5Essentials Survey. Please help the school get the 20%. Please see the link below to take the survey.
5Essentials School Survey
We are looking for your input! Please let us know how we are doing! Complete the survey.
We are only at 6% of a response rate. We need your help to make our goal of 20%. Please take a moment to ensure your voice is part of the process by participating in the survey. The 5Essentials survey helps school administrators in District 123 prioritize and plan for the upcoming school year. Our school will only receive the results of the survey if enough families, staff, and students participate.
Late Start- Wednesday
We will have a late start on Wednesday, March 1st. Classes will start at 9:30am.
Day of Play
Thank you to all of our parents who helped during our day of play last week!
A Visit from Love on a Leash
On Thursday, February 23, the CASE program received some very special furry visitors. As part of their end of the trimester PBIS reward, the CASE classrooms enjoyed a morning with Love on a Leash, a pet therapy program. Love on a Leash brings comfort, happiness, and healing people nationwide by using pet-provided therapy. This volunteer organization provides therapy services throughout the community. A therapy pet, most often a dog, is trained and certified with its owner as a team to provide comfort and stress relief to others in a variety of situations. Therapy pets are personal pets; they work as a team with their handler to provide comfort and happiness to others. Therapy pet teams volunteer in settings such as schools, hospitals, nursing homes, private homes – anywhere they are invited. Therapy pets may also help individuals achieve physical and educational goals; petting or walking with a dog may help increase mobility, and reading to an animal may build a child’s confidence. Our CASE students were able to pet these cute puppies, play with them, and of course get plenty of puppy kisses. Thank you to this wonderful organization for providing our kids with this amazing experience.
District 123 is hiring! Please see the flyer and visit our website under employment.
What is New in Case?
For the month of February, Miss Merrion's room is focusing on a Social Studies unit. The theme this month is "Natural or Human-Made". They are also working on a variety of Valentines activities, as well as Kindness activities. Miss Merrion's kiddos made a Valentine wreath and Valentine cupcake, along with Valentines to give one another. They wrote about their crafts afterward. Students also are working on making a "Sprinkling Kindness" activity, where students are making paper donuts with ways to spread kindness written on the sprinkles. Students also are completing a journal about Sprinkling Kindness. They also completed some Valentine math too. The literacy core word this week is "what" and they are working on what habitats animals can be found in.
PTA Nominations
We are looking to fill spots on our PTA board. If you are interested or know someone who would be great at it, please fill out the form below. Please note, we will work alongside of you and not leave anyone alone.
Baseball Anyone?
The attached flyer gives the final dates to sign up for baseball. Please check out the opportunity .
Title I Family Math Night
RSVPs for math night are due TOMORROW! We can't wait to have some math fun. Please send in your slip to participate.
Book Fair
We are excited to bring the book fair back in the spring. We will host the book fair February 28th-March 2nd. The teachers will reach out with the times each class will attend.
Teacher Spotlight: Five Fun Facts About Your Teacher
Five Fun Facts about Mrs. Coughlin
1. This is her 35th year at Hometown School. She has taught about 800 students!!!!!
2. She has worked for 7 princpals and have taught in 13 different classrooms at Hometown School.
3. When she got married she only had to change one letter in her name. She went from Coughlin to Coughlan.
4. She can sing all fifty states in an alphabetical order.
5. She will retire in June of 2024
Brand new teacher
She hasn't aged at all! Check out he first year at Hometown.
Happy Holidays
Celebrating her favorite holiday with her family
Happily Ever After
From Miss Coughlin to Mrs. Coughlan
Bring A Special Person to School
We will have our students bring a special person to school on March 17th. Please see the attached flyer for details. We are excited to bring in all of our special guests.
Preschool/Kindergarten Registration
Please register your child for the upcoming school year for Preschool/Kindergarten. The links are provided.
2023-2024 Preschool Registration is now open!
For more information and to start the process please visit:
2023-2024 Kindergarten Registration is now open!
For more information and to start the process please visit:
Dental Forms
Kindergarten, second, and fifth grade families received dental forms last week from Nurse Sheila. Please turn forms in as soon as possible. If you are in need of a form, please reach out to Nurse Sheila.
Save the Date
Please see the attached flyer for tacos and trivia.
Principal Hometown School
Email: abencik@d123.org
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @AmandaBencik
Hometown Elementary School
Website: d123.org/hometown
Location: 8870 S Duffy Ave, Hometown, IL, USA
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @d123hometown