Wildcat News
August 8, 2023
Principal's Message
Hello to all Washington students and families. I hope everyone is enjoying some summer fun with friends and family and finding creative ways to beat the heat! Here are some summer updates:
~ Census Verification: If you have not yet done this, please do this soon. It's a very important part of our system and having up-to-date information is critical. You have likely received many emails about this. Here's some of that info to you get you started: Each year, Mankato Area Public Schools asks our families to review and update census information through the online census verification. This ensures that student information is accurate. We are asking that you complete your family's Census Verification online through your Campus Parent account by August 22, 2023. This MUST be completed in order to find out your child's teacher!
~ Entrance Conferences: These are scheduled for all day September 5 and the morning of September 6th. This will be a chance to meet your child's teacher and for the teacher to learn all about your child and how they can be most successful. School pictures will be taken during entrance conferences. You will be able to learn who your child's teacher will be AND sign up for entrance conferences sometime the week of August 21st, so be looking for that information in your inbox sometime that week.
~ As I am sure you have heard about in the news, Mankato Area Public Schools continues to prepare for a likely bond referendum vote on November 7, 2023. If approved by school district voters, the bond would be used to improve school safety and security, address early learning and daycare needs within our communities, and begin remodeling West High School, including replacing the swimming pool. Co-curricular facility needs are also under consideration by the School Board.
The School Board will decide in August whether to hold the November election. In anticipation of their decision, I am looking for a handful of parents who would be interested in supporting this effort. While I do not yet have specific details of what this will all entail, I am hoping that I can secure a parent name or two who might be interested in lending his/her time and energy to this. Please send me an email (ahagge1@isd77.org) if you would like to help with this very important work. I will make sure that this is manageable, doable, and FUN!
~ Looking for volunteers: The Washington PTO is looking for volunteers to help with school pictures during entrance conferences on September 5 and 6. Volunteers will receive a free picture package for helping with a time slot. You'll also sit near the PTO table and help encourage parents to look at the information from the PTO. If you are interested, sign up here--and don't delay--these slots fill up fast!
~ PTO Secretary: The PTO is on the hunt for a secretary as this position is open. We are a fun group, and the duties and responsibilities are all laid out for you. Please, please, please consider this. If you are at all interested, please email me at: ahagge1@isd77.org
~ Mark your calendar: For those of you who like to plan ahead and get events on your calendar, here are some of the biggies for the upcoming few months:
* September 5 & 6: Entrance Conferences
* September 7: School begins!
* September 19: 1st PTO meeting 6:00 in the Media Center
* September 20: First Early Release of year (12:30 dismissal time)
* October 5: Walk-A-Thon
* October 5: Fall Picnic 5:30-7:00pm (rain date October 12)
* October 9: No School - Indigenous Peoples' Day
* MEA Break: October 19 & 20
As always, thank you for your support of Washington Elementary--it's going to be a GREAT year!
Ann Haggerty
Washington Principal
MAPS Mission Statement
Washington Elementary
Email: ahagge1@isd77.org
Website: http://www.we.isd77.org/
Location: 1100 Anderson Drive
Phone: 507-345-3059