April 24 - April 29
A) ANCHOR - Mrs. Rachel Morris
L) LIGHTBULB - Mrs. Nikki Brinlee
O) OAR - Mr. Larry Taylor
April 25 - Oklahoma State ROTC, Juniors and Seniors - 1:00 in Seminar Room
April 26 - JOM Banquet @ 6:30 Pete's Place
April 28 - RTI - Tier III Intervention - PLC Time - Early Release Day @ 1:30
April 29 - MHS PROM @ Lucy Smith Center 7:00 - 10:00
*McAlester Junior & Senior Prom is coming up, with that being said, (per district handbook) all school dances may not be attended by any student who is ineligible (academically or attendance) or who has any debts or outstanding disciplinary obligations to the school. Pre-approval must be given by site administrators prior to purchasing tickets. All guests must be approved by administration, and a guest form must be submitted to Mr. Newberry by April 21. Juniors and Seniors can pick up a guest form in the main office at MHS. Prom tickets are currently being sold for $30.00 each. See Mrs. Collier in room #270 to purchase tickets.
May 1 - MHS Choir Spring Program - S Arch Auditorium @ 7:00 p.m.
May 4 - MHS Awards Assembly & MHS Fun Day
May 11th & May 15th - Enrollment Night at MHS Lucy Smith Center 4:30 - 6:30 p.m.
May 14 - MHS Band Spring Program - S Arch Auditorium @ 2:00 p.m.
May 14 - Senior Baccalaureate @ S Arch Auditorium @ 7:00 p.m.
May 15 - MHS Senior Assembly @ S Arch Auditorium
May 17 & 18 - Semester Tests
May 20 - Senior Graduation @ Hook Eales Stadium at 10:00 a.m.
Friday, April 28th - Scholarships you have been awarded are due in Mrs. Week’s office in order to be recognized at the senior assembly.
Saturday, April 29th - Prom in the Lucy Smith Center (7:00 p.m - 10:00 p.m.)
*McAlester Junior & Senior Prom is coming up, with that being said, (per district handbook) all school dances may not be attended by any student who is ineligible (academically or attendance) or who has any debts or outstanding disciplinary obligations to the school. Pre-approval must be given by site administrators prior to purchasing tickets. All guests must be approved by administration, and a guest form must be submitted to Mr. Newberry by April 21. Juniors and Seniors can pick up a guest form in the main office at MHS. Prom tickets are currently being sold for $30.00 each. See Mrs. Collier in room #270 to purchase tickets.
Monday, May 8th - Delivery of Caps and Gowns in the Lucy Smith Center (11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.)
Thursday, May 11th - Senior Assembly Practice (12:30 p.m. S. Arch Auditorium)
Sunday, May 14h - Baccalaureate (7:00 p.m. S. Arch Auditorium) Wear Cap and Gown
Decorations can NOT be added to caps or tassels.
Commencement Guidelines
The commencement ceremony is a dignified occasion. In that spirit, we have established the following guidelines for student participation and for our audience.
1. Students should wear: a. long pants, a shirt with a collar and tie, or b. a dress, or c. long pants and a blouse.
2. Shorts are never appropriate but Jeans may be worn as long as the jeans are full length, do not contain visible markings or holes, and are a solid color. The cap and gown are formal attire.
3. Regular street shoes, boots, and dress style slides must be worn. Tennis shoes and flip flops are not allowed.
Monday, May 15th - Senior Assembly
(8:00 a.m. S. Arch Auditorium) Wear Cap and Gown
Decorations can not be added to caps, tassels and sashes. Nothing can be added.
Board the buses for Elementary Walk Through (IMMEDIATELY after assembly) end at MHS for
Final Senior Walk Through & Graduation Information (Lucy Smith Center)
Graduation Practice (IMMEDIATELY after Final Walk Through - Hook Eales Stadium)
Wednesday, May 17th - Semester tests in classes 1, 2, 5, 7
Thursday, May 18th - Semester tests in classes 4, 6 ,8 - Last day of school
Saturday, May 20th - Commencement (10:00 a.m. Hook Eales Stadium on First National Field) ARRIVE at 9:00 a.m. Wear Cap and Gown
If you will not be graduating for any reason such as a failed class, not completing an online course, or an NG due to attendance your counselor, Mrs. Bonnie Weeks will notify you on or before Thursday, May 18th.
Diplomas, transcripts, and cumulative folders will be available in the high school office on Thursday, June 1, 2023 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
If you want your diploma on June 1st, all of your books, extra-curricular uniforms, cords, all loaned graduation attire must be returned and any fees paid.