MST Weekly Update
October 6, 2023
Good afternoon to all of our MST family members.
Week 5 has come to an end, and we are halfway through the first quarter. This week was a short week, and this week's update is also brief.
Wednesday night was our annual fall open house. It was great to see all of you who attended. Several parents of 9th graders attended a brief presentation about competency grading and what to expect when the first report card is distributed in November. More information will be provided in this newsletter at that time as well.
Most high school teachers use Google Classroom for day-to-day assignments. If you have not received an invite to Google Classroom, feel free to contact your child's teachers. In the meantime, you can ask your child to sign you in to their Google Classroom account.
In Aspen, you can also see when assignments are handed out and their due dates. If you do not have access to the Aspen Family Portal, you can sign up here: Aspen Family Portal | MANCHESTER SCHOOL DISTRICT ( Please be aware that Aspen does not calculate competency grades. If you do see a percent grade, that is not your child's average in that class. For example, a 3 indicates proficiency, but Aspen will see it as a 3 out of 4 and assign it a grade of 75% (or a 2 will report as 50%). This is not correct; we do not issue % grades in the high school.
Don't forget, Monday s a holiday and there is no school.
GearUp Door Decorating
Last week, students and staff decorated their classroom doors for the GearUp door decorating contest. The theme of the contest was When We Grow Up. The winning door was Mrs. McGee's door that is the entrance to the school store. Congratulations to them for their excellent work and to all who participated. Thanks to GearUP for sponsoring this fun event.
PSAT Exams
Sophomores will be taking the PSAT exams on one of three days; October 11th, 12th or 13th. Khan Academy has free PSAT preparation lessons that are very valuable. PSAT tests are all digital this year.
Recreational Basketball League
Important Dates For First Quarter (and Beyond)
Monday, October 9th-No School for Students, Columbus Day
Tuesday, November 7th-No School for Students, Election Day
Thursday, November 9th-End of Quarter 1
Friday, November 10th-No School for Students, Veterans' Day Observed
That's all for this week! Have a great weekend.
Timothy Otis-Principal
Manchester School of Technology
Location: 100 Gerald Connors Circle, Manchester, NH, USA
Phone: 603-624-6490
The mission of the Manchester School of Technology is to foster a safe and respectful learning environment while cultivating academic and technical competency, career success, and social awareness.