OLHMS Weekly 9/5/23
D123 Late Start Tomorrow (9/6/23)
Tuesday's Top of the Mind Topics:
Did you know that timing is everything?
We do ask that all student drop off and pick up takes place in the back of the building on Oak Center Dr. During arrival and dismissal this is a one-way street. Please note that as our timing and efficiency balances out as the year progresses. Typically, once buses are running more smoothly (usually takes 3-4 weeks) parents would have access to our main parking lot on the front of the school (99th Street) after 3:35pm. Students remaining in the back of building after 3:30 will be directed to the main office for parent pick up in the front.
Did you know our scholars follow our Mustang Musts on a daily basis?
Please have conversations with our scholars about these three very simple opportunities to ensure a successful experience here at OLHMS!
Did you know that many commonly used social media platforms are recommended to be used by young people aged 13 and up?
We are inundated with social media concerns taking place outside of school or on the weekends! Critically important is monitoring the use of our scholars' devices. Please remain vigilant with what is happening on social media- TikTok, Snapchat and Instagram are consuming our scholars! Here is the perspective from the National Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) thinking about whether or not TikTok, Snapchat and Instagram are safe for kids. Please remind our scholars that cell phones should be turned off and locked in their lockers daily.
Announcements/ Reminders
D123 Late Start: 9/5/23 (Classes begin at 9:30am)
Mustang Families,
We hope everyone enjoyed the extended weekend and was able to relax in your best way possible! We are very excited for our start to this school year! Our scholars have been demonstrating our Mustang Musts- Be Responsible, Be Respectful and Be Safe! Please continue talking with our scholars about their opportunities to make great choices through these expectations!
Tuesday, September 5, 2023: PTSA Meeting
- Meeting Begins at 7:00pm in our 1st Floor Staff Lounge
Wednesday, September 6, 2023: D123 Late Start
- All D123 schools will begin an hour later than normal!
- We look forward to seeing our scholars at 9:30am to begin our school day.
- Dismissal remains at normal time, 3:20pm.
- Future D123 Late Start Dates: 10/4, 12/6, 2/7, 3/6, 5/1
Thursday, September 14, 2023: OLHMS Open House
OLHMS Open House is a wonderful opportunity to begin our learning partnership!
- Doors will open at 6:30 and will close at 8:00pm
Classroom/ Team Presentations
Homeroom assignments, schedules and bus routes have been posted in Skyward Family Access. Please know there have been and will continue to be additional adjustments made to assignments, schedules and bus routes prior to or after the 23rd. We appreciate everyone’s understanding and cooperation with any future adjustments. Students who were enrolled or activated today may not have schedules prior to the Supply Drop Off.
First Student Bus Company: We will continue to work with our bus partners to elevate efficiency and timely communication. Typically, this will take 3-4 weeks to balance out.
Student Device Insurance
The student device insurance policy provides full replacement cost coverage and protects the item worldwide (on and off school grounds) for only $25/year. The policy will be transferred to any replacement device that your child may be issued. Without insurance D123 families are fully responsible for the costs associated with the repair/replacement of their student's device. Insurance coverage is for the device only and does not extend to the case or the charger. Families of students in all grade levels can sign up for this insurance program by adding the optional “Student Device Insurance” fee through Skyward Family Access. You have until the end of September to purchase device insurance every year. Additional information about the student device insurance program and deductibles can be found at: https://d123.org/about/technology/student-device-insurance/
Please view either the written or video tutorial on how to add Chromebook / iPad insurance to your student's account.
Free & Reduced Lunch Reminder
The federal program allowing districts across the country to offer free breakfast and lunch to all students regardless of income has expired. At this time, the federal government has not extended the waivers for this school year to allow free meals for all students. As a result, schools across the nation will be reverting back to free and reduced-price meals based on income eligibility guidelines set by theU.S. Department of Agriculture. Beginning with the 2023-24 school year on August 23, families who do not qualify for free or reduced lunch will have to pay for school meals. Students whose families are eligible for free or reduced-price breakfast or lunch will be able to access meals this school year at no cost or a discounted rate. D123 will continue to explore ways we can help families with this adjustment since this may create a financial burden for some of our families. At no point would we ever want any child to go hungry at school. If you would like to apply for free or reduced priced meals, please click here.
Health Examination and Immunization Requirements
There are specific requirements for students entering preschool, kindergarten, second grade and sixth grade, as well as for all new students. Visit our Health Forms & Guidelines page for more information. Please note that these vaccinations and/or health examinations are required by state law.
- All incoming 6th Graders must have a physical and dental report on file.
- Current 7th and 8th Graders will need sports physicals to try out for teams.
One-Way Traffic Reminder!
Arrival and Dismissal
Parking lots are for staff parking only. All parent/student drop off and pick up takes place in the back of the school on Oak Center Dr.
Main Entrance: Bus entrance only!
Oak Center Drive: One-Way moving West to East for morning and afternoon drop off and pick up.
Parents dropping off and walkers enter the building in the back of the school on Oak Center Dr. Parents please be patient, follow guidance from support staff and do not block the driveways of our neighbors on Oak Center Dr.
6th Grade scholars use Door 4
7th Grade scholars use Door 6
8th Grade scholars use Door 5
Please make sure students are using designated crosswalks!
Membership is $6.00 per student and $10.00 per family
PTSA Spirit Gear- Order Link- Orders due 9/10/23
Reach out to Mrs. Masek, our PTSA President for more information (oliviacmasek@gmail.com)
PTSA Meeting- September 5, 2023 at 7:00pm
All parents/ guardians/ staff & students are highly encouraged to join the PTSA and attend meetings. This is an incredible opportunity, partnership and fun way to support our scholar’s experience at the middle school!
Looking Ahead
9/5/23: PTSA Meeting @ 7:00pm
9/6/23: D123 Late Start
9/7/23 & 9/8/23: NWEA MAP Testing
9/10/23: PTSA OLHMS Spirit Gear Online Store Closes
9/14/23: OLHMS Open House (6:30pm-8:00pm)
9/23/23: D123 6K
9/28/23: PTSA Open Gym
Make Your Calendars
10/12 & 10/13: Family Conferences
10/19/23: OLHMS High School Fair
2023-24 School District Calendar