Prosper High School Newsletter
April 18, 2021
A Note from Dr. Burdett
We had a great week at PHS! Our kids continue to show the depth of generosity, kindness, and compassion that is on display not only at PHS, but in our community. This week, we have Relay for Life and our kids (along with our friends at RHHS) are preparing this wonderful event for us to give back from the abundance of our blessings that we have in Prosper ISD. When we talk about "We are Prosper. We are One." this is what we mean. ALL of Prosper ISD coming together for the greater good in hopes that we find a cure for cancer. "THANK YOU" to Dr. Ferguson and our PISD School Board for their continuous support of our kids and their efforts to serve others like they are doing in Relay for Life.
We have exemplary role models of servant leadership with Dr. Ferguson and our PISD School Board and I am proud that I get to serve as your principal under their leadership. If you did not have the opportunity to watch the Entering the Homestretch video by our PISD School Board President Jim Bridges, I invite you to do so. He does an outstanding job of reminding us what real leadership is during difficult times, he invites those with differing opinions to unite in supporting ALL of our PISD kids, and he signals where we are going as a District. We are "Grounded by traditions" and we are "Soaring to new beginnings" with our PISD Leadership.
We have a Graduation Celebration fundraiser at the Windsong Ranch Chick-fil-A this Thursday, April 22nd. Please stop by for breakfast, lunch, or dinner and mention "PISD Class of 2021" and a portion of the proceeds will go to our Graduation Celebration for our Senior classes at PHS and RHHS.
Senior Parents
Graduation is quickly approaching and I want to assure you that we are hard at work getting everything planned to the last detail. Mrs. Carr is doing a wonderful job of organizing Senior Week and Graduation. In case you have questions, please direct your attention to our Senior page. On this page, you will find a list of FAQs that were asked during the April 8th Senior Parent Meeting. You can also find information about Senior Week and Graduation Celebration - remember that we want to have Mr. Toth pucker up to a farm animal! If you cannot find the information that you are looking for on any of these pages, please contact Mrs. Carr at I know that there are Facebook pages where you can ask questions PHS Graduation/Senior Week, but these are not from PHS. Please contact Mrs. Carr with your questions and she will assist you.
Connect & Grow
Thank you to our parents who have signed up to hear about our PHS Parent Welcoming Committee. Dr. Roan will spearhead this wonderful opportunity for us to make our new parents feel at home in Prosper ISD. We want to give one more opportunity to sign up before we send out the information for our meeting. If you are interested, please complete the form found in this link. Thank you for your consideration in connecting with our new parents and making them feel at home in Prosper ISD. The PHS Parent Welcoming Committee is the perfect example for our kids on how we can connect with others and grow together.
For Kids, John
Office: 469.219.2185
Cell: 469.573.1488
I am currently reading The Principal by Michael Fullan.
Attention Seniors- Sam Johnson Elementary Scholarship
Sam Johnson Elementary PTO would like to award a senior student with an aspiring goal of military, political science or government-associated career path a $1,000 scholarship. Samuel Johnson was a politician who served as Texas US Representative in Congress from 1991-2019. He was in the United States Air Force and served in the Korean and Vietnam Wars. He passed away in May of 2020. In honor of his legacy, our PTO would like to grant a student a scholarship with the same aspirations as Mr. Johnson. Please submit an essay to Sam Johnson PTO expressing your desire for this scholarship and your upcoming plans for the future. All essays will be reviewed by our scholarship committee and by Sam Johnson Elementary Administration. Applicants may submit essays to Essay deadline - May 3, 2021.
If you have additional questions, please feel free to reach out to us at
STAAR Testing
STAAR testing is fast approaching and all students are expected to take STAAR tests on campus to meet graduation requirements and MUST use a district-issued Chromebook for all tests.
NO PERSONAL DEVICES are allowed for use on STAAR tests.
Please note the following if your child needs a district-issued Chromebook:
Chromebooks must be requested via the calendar link below and must be picked up at Prosper ISD's Central Administration Office (605 E. 7th St, Prosper, TX 75078)
Please select a time here:
STAAR End-of-Course, high school exams are required for graduation.
STAAR Dates:
- May 4th - Algebra 1 - 9th grade students currently enrolled in the course
- May 5th - Biology - 9th graders & US History (including dual credit students) - 11th graders
- May 6th - Makeup day for Algebra I, Biology, and US History
*Students who do not test in Spring will have an opportunity to test on June 22nd at Rock Hill High School and then again in December 2021.
Students who will be Juniors and Seniors for Fall 2021 and have signed up for dual credit courses for Fall 2021 please visit our new dual credit blog to review detailed information about enrollment with Collin College.
Here are your upcoming key dates for Dual Credit this year:
- April 20th: Online registration opens for Collin College through CougarWeb
- May 14th: Last day to register for dual credit classes for PISD students
- May 21st: Last day of school for PISD
- July 21st: Last day to pay for classes at Collin College. Failure to complete payment or set up a payment plan will result in you being dropped from registered classes and not reinstated.
Have Questions About College? Ask ADVi!
ADVi is a chatbot who can answer your questions about attending public colleges and universities in Texas. ADVi, short for “adviser”, is free for Prosper HS students and can answer your questions 24/7/365. To start a chat with ADVi, just text "college" to 512-829-3687.
You can ask ADVi anything – no question is too silly or too hard! You can ask questions like: What is ApplyTexas? How long does the FAFSA take? What is the TASFA? Where can I look for scholarships?
ADVi was created by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and is made possible through a partnership with AdmitHub. Learn more at
List of All Test Optional Colleges 2021
This list contains the test-optional colleges that changed their admission policies due to COVID-19.
Virtual Counseling Office
Check out the Virtual Counseling Office.
Utilize the UNT GO CENTER
They will assist you with all of your college questions, applications, ACT/SAT registration, and FAFSA. The GO Centers will be open Monday - Friday: 8am – 8pm
How to access the Chat: Please click here. Then click on the chat feature.
Monthly Career Spotlight
For more information contact: Alicia M. Schulze ( College and Career Counselor - Collin College for Prosper and Rock Hill High Schools
PHS Prom Invitation/Tickets
Who: Junior/Senior Prom (all guests must be 9th grade to 20 years old)
When: Saturday, May 15th from 7-11 pm
Where: Omni Hotel Frisco at The Star (11 Cowboys Way, Frisco)
Ticket Price: $90/person online via My School Bucks, available for purchase from April 5th-May 9th (see link above)
Additional Details:
To ensure the safety and well-being of our students and their dates on this special night, PHS Prom attendees and their dates will be breathalyzed in order to enter prom.
Valet will be offered at $16; self-parking in the garages is free.
Desserts, appetizers, sodas, and water will be provided.
Admittance to the dance will close at 9:30 pm.
Once students leave the dance, they will not be allowed to re-enter.
Masks are optional but highly encouraged.
Non-PHS date? This form must be completed when purchasing tickets if your date is not a PHS student. A picture ID is required of a non-PHS date. This form is also linked to MySchoolBucks at the time of payment.
PTO Scholarship Opportunity
The application deadline is Monday, April 26th. Be sure and have your two teacher recommendations completed before this deadline. The application can be found here
Class of 2021- WINDSONG Chick-fil-A day- April 22
COVID Vaccine Documentation
Class of 2021
Reference the Prosper High School's website throughout the year for senior updates.
What is PISD Graduation Celebration?
Over 14 years ago, a group of Prosper High School parent volunteers created a non-profit, PHS – Project Graduation. The goal was to follow the national charter, which promotes drug and alcohol alternatives for students on the night of their high school graduation. The event was typically at a venue in Frisco, started at 11 pm on the night of graduation, and concluded at 5 am the following morning. Tickets were sold for the event to cover both the cost of the venue and to purchase prizes for the seniors. Ticket prices have varied over the years from $50 to $150, depending on the class size and the price of the venue. More Information
PHS Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
Prosper High School PTO is a volunteer organization made up of parents, teachers, administrators, and support staff who are all dedicated to the successful education of our children. Click here to go to our website and become a member. We hope if you have some time that you will volunteer with us. Please let us know your interests and availability and we will find a spot for you.
The next PTO meetings will be held virtually on April 1st at 10am.
More PTO information can be found here
Spiritwear- Check out the new Spiritwear available for purchase on the PHS PTO website.
Hope Squad/Be Kind Shirts for Sale
Our Hope Squads will sell "Be Kind" yellow T-Shirts as a symbol to simply be kind to one another, which is why you often see "yellow" shirts scattered throughout our district on Wednesdays each week. This stems from supporting our cause of suicide awareness and prevention.
To purchase a shirt, log in to My School Bucks, Go To School Store, Look for Hope Squad T-shirt, Select T-Shirt option (See options below) Student Name. Homeroom = 1st Period Classroom
Orders will be placed at the end of each month with delivery to campuses the following month. 1st Period teachers will hand them to students when they arrive.
PISD will continue to light up the new Children's Health Stadium every Wednesday evening as a simple reminder for our community to show kindness and compassion to one another. If you find yourself driving around Prosper on Wednesday evenings, drive by the stadium to enjoy PISD's symbol for kindness.
Calendar of Upcoming Events
May 3- Student Holiday / Staff Professional Learning
Saturday, May 22, 2021- Class of 2021 Graduation - 7:30 pm at Children's Health Stadium
Tuesday, May 25, 2021- (Graduation Rain Makeup date) - 7:30 pm at Children's Health Stadium.
COVID-19 Daily Screening
A huge THANK YOU to our families who have taken the precaution of keeping students home who are displaying symptoms of sickness. This is helping to prevent the spread of illness whether it is COVID-19, a cold, or other yuckiness! Parents should review the COVID-19 Screening Questions on the District website each day before sending their child to any in-person Prosper ISD activity. If your child tests positive, has been exposed to a COVID positive individual, or has one or more of the symptoms on the screening questionnaire, use the link at the bottom of the questionnaire to notify the school nurse and do NOT send your child to school until receiving clearance to return from the school nurse. Please do your part and keep your student home if he/she is displaying symptoms of sickness.
*If your child has a chronic condition that presents as one of the symptoms on the screening questionnaire, it is recommended that you contact the school nurse and your child's teacher about the chronic symptom so that both of these key school personnel are aware.
Check in/Check out Procedures
Please give us a two hour notice for checking out your student. This will give us enough time for us to get your student ready for you when you arrive. Please email at least two hours in advance to This email is accessed by our House Secretaries to identify who needs to check out from school. Please call when you arrive at the front of the school, but do not try to enter the building. We are closed to visitors unless you have an appointment. Once a member of the Administrative team or a member of our Prosper ISD Police Department verifies the identity of the parent/guardian, your student will come out to your vehicle. When your student returns, he/she will go to their House office to submit their absence note.
State Requirements for Attendance Reporting
We have received further clarification from the Texas Education Agency on attendance procedures. Beginning Tuesday, October 13th (the start of the 2nd nine weeks), a student will be counted present or absent based on their chosen Method of Instruction (MoI): in-person or virtual.
Students who are in-person learners will be counted present only if they are physically in the class when the teacher takes attendance. Otherwise, they will be counted as being absent. Students who are not physically in class can still log in to the Google Classrooms and online class meetings for learning purposes, but they will be counted absent.
Students who are forced to quarantine by the school nurse due to COVID-19 protocols will automatically be switched to being a virtual learner during the mandatory quarantine period. For students who are forced to quarantine, but have an in-person only class(es), the student will have an excused absence with the code “E-PN”. Students under quarantine are responsible for all missed work and encouraged to communicate with their teachers. We will switch the student back to in-person learning at the end of quarantine.
Students who are virtual learners will be counted present when they log in to the Google Classroom/Meet by the time the teacher takes attendance and they are to remain active for the class. Teachers will determine if the virtual student can turn off their microphone and/or their camera based on the needs of the lesson. Students who do not comply with the teacher’s directive for microphone/camera operation may be counted absent due to inactivity during the class. Virtual students who are enrolled in an in-person only class will continue to attend these classes in-person, as they have been.
Submit anonymous tip to Prosper ISD
Tip411 is a new tool to enhance student safety. It is an internet-based communication system that gives students or any concerned citizen a means to quickly and anonymously report threats, potential self-harm, concerns, suspicious or criminal behavior at school or beyond school hours regarding PISD schools, students and/or staff.
When you submit a tip, it is sent to a 3rd party tip service acting as a privacy buffer between you and the Prosper ISD Police Department to preserve your identity and contact information. If you have a tip for the Prosper ISD Police Department please use any of the options on this page to provide important information on crimes or criminals that will help us to keep Prosper ISD safe for everyone.
Tip submissions may not be received until the following day. In case of emergency dial 911.
Contact Information
Location: 301 Eagle Drive, Prosper, TX, USA
Phone: (469) 219-2180
Twitter: @ProsperHS