Linn Lions's Roar
May 2022
Linn Elementary
Email: linn@443mail.org
Website: https://usd443.org/index.php?pageID=543274_3
Location: 1900 Linn Street, Dodge City, KS, USA
Phone: 6204712114
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/linnlions95/
Dates to Remember:
Late Start Day
May 13 -
3rd Grade
Kansas Kids Fitness Day
May 19 -
3rd Grade
@ Boothill
May 24 -
Last Day Of School
Classroom News
Our Kindergarteners have been hard at work!
For math we have been working with numbers 11-19 to gain a foundation for place value. We have been counting to 100 by ones and working on our subtraction. For ELA we have been busy working on asking and answering questions about key details of text. We have also been practicing decoding words to become better readers.
yellow, blue, green, have, what, said, was, where, come
First Grade
We are working hard here in first grade as there is a lot to learn!
Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for school and for the weather! Please make sure clothing, backpacks, etc. are school/age appropriate. We go outside every day (weather permitting) and there will be outside activities as the weather gets warmer. As we mentioned, we have a lot to accomplish so attendance is critical (this includes the importance of being on time to school and staying for the entire school day).
Once again we appreciate you and let us know if we can help in any way!
You can always contact us on TalkingPoints.
Second Grade
Hello 2nd grade families!
We are working hard in 2nd grade! So many new things to learn about!
We are currently learning about ways to help our planet! This goes right along with our current story “68 Ways to Save the Planet Before Bedtime”! We are also finishing up our plant unit for Science. The students are very excited about it! We are finishing up our data unit for math. We will be starting our next unit over geometry and time very soon.
A couple reminders: it is still chilly outside, so please make sure your student is dressed appropriately and has a jacket! We do try to go outside everyday (weather permitting) so they will need their jackets most days!
Also please be reading and working on math facts with your student everyday!
We appreciate all your help and hard work with your students! You can always message us on Talking Points if you have any questions, comments or concerns!
Looking forward to finishing the year strong!
Thank you!
Second Grade Team
Third Grade
Hello 3rd Grade Family,
In math we are learning about geometry, area and permeter. In Reading we have started our last Unit. We are learning about government and the United States. We will also have our field trip in May. We ask you to please continue to encourage and help your child study their multiplication facts at home. Your child should also still be reading 15-20 minutes every night.
Thank you for all your support and for all that you do! We are almost to the end of the year.
Let’s finish strong!
The 3rd Grade Team (Mrs.Rodriguez, Mrs.Castro, Ms.Engle)
Fourth Grade
Hello 4th Grade parents,
We are excited to finish the year strong with our 4th graders! We have seen A LOT of growth in our students over the year. We have finished our Kansas State Assessments and can’t wait to share the results with you. We have also finished our last Fastbridge Screener. We will be meeting with students soon to show each student the progress they have made over the year. Please be on the lookout for information to come home regarding your students Fastbridge Data.
Even though our testing is done, we will still be moving forward to keep growing to be ready for 5th grade in the fall. In ELA we are working on forming and stating our opinions about books. Our books will be focused on money and the economy.
In math we are working on geometry and unit conversions. Please continue to encourage your student to work on their multiplication facts. If you need help or ideas of how to practice, please reach out.
We want students to continue reading aloud at home daily as well as practicing multiplication facts. This will help your student be even more successful in school.
Please reach out via talking points if you have any concerns. Thank you for your continued support. We are excited to finish the year on a high note!
- The 4th Grade Team (Mrs. Alfrey, Mrs. T, and Mr. T)
Fifth Grade
Greetings 5th Grade Family and Friends,
Our fabulous year is quickly ending. We have more to do and we will be working hard all the way up until the last day! Students need to finish strong in their academics and behavior. We are Linn Lion PRIDE! We want the students to take our motto everywhere they go, especially onto middle school!
P = Positive Attitude
R = Respectful & Responsible
I = I am Honest
D = Do the Right Thing
E = Effort Matters
Please consider having a family meeting to discuss a routine for the summer that includes reading and practicing math facts every day. We want students to retain and grow their skills to start next year strong.
Please continue to access Talking Points, school flyers, Linn Elementary social media, and DCHS social media. Stay connected!
We look forward to finishing out this year -
The 5th Grade Team-
Ms. Blanco blanco.monica@usd443.org
Ms. Figueroa figueroa.gabriela@usd443.org
Mrs. Laskowsky laskowsky.allison@usd443.org
Counselor's Corner
Your student may be talking to you about learning your phone number because we are talking about personal safety at school. This is basic information that all sources feel is key information in keeping your student safe. Other information is knowing their safe adults and their address. You might ask them about what expected behavior keeps them safe in different situations. Now that it is spring, we emphasize letting your safe adult know before you go anywhere other than where is expected.
Also as we have only a few months left in school, please be aware that there is a box and a table full of winter coats and light jackets in the lost and found by our door. Please feel free to come in and see if your student has an item they have forgotten.
Finally, help us keep your students learning by keeping them in school the complete school day. Teachers fill every minute with some type of learning, and they need to be able to start the following year being on grade level. It is hard to make up even a few minutes of learning missed.
One last thing, thank you for allowing your student to attend Linn Elementary. We truly love and appreciate each and every one!