Raider Nation Summer Newsletter
Collection of Textbooks and Student Schedules
Summer Update #2
Dear Atholton Families,
Summer continues to fly by and we continue to prepare for Atholton’s virtual opening on September 8. This newsletter contains a lot of information regarding our preparations for the upcoming school year. There are three main components to this correspondence:
review of course requests for the 2020 - 2021 school year
technology needs for the upcoming school year
collection of textbooks and other materials from last school year
Please read each section carefully to be fully prepared as we move into our virtual school year.
Student Schedules for 2020-21
As you are now aware, all students were assigned an 8th course based upon their first alternate for our new 4x4 schedule.
You will receive a listing of your child’s courses for the 2020-2021 school year this evening, Friday, August 14th via an email from HCPSS.
Please take time to review the eight courses carefully. It is important that your student has the following:
All graduation requirements.
Eight total courses and credits or Release Time
If your child is missing a course or graduation requirement, please reach out to your child’s school counselor. Additionally, if your child is interested in Release Time (9-12th) reach out to your child’s school counselor. School Counselor assignments may be found below.
Our focus is on ensuring that all students have their required courses for graduation whether it is in the first or second semester. Additionally, given our plan to return to a hybrid environment in the second semester, we are limited to the amount of changes we can make to schedules and therefore will focus a majority of the time on making sure graduation requirements are met.
As you begin to prepare for the upcoming school year, you will find the virtual schedule for all HCPSS students at the secondary level.
Technology -- Chromebooks and Hotspots
Middle and high school families can request a Chromebook using the directions below. In addition to Chromebooks, any family without access to the internet should notify the school system using the directions below. HCPSS is working with the Bright Minds Foundation and Comcast to support families who may be eligible to participate in the Comcast Internet Essentials program. Additionally, HCPSS will prioritize distribution of a limited number of hot spots to families who cannot obtain access to the internet.
To identify your need for a Chromebook or internet:
Parents/guardians should log in to HCPSS Connect.
From the left menu, last choice, select “More Options” then choose “Student Technology” from the center of the screen.
On the HCPSS Student Technology screen, use the drop down arrows to indicate the Technology Requested for each student. Changes are saved immediately.
If a device has already been issued, it will appear in the inventory list. If a student already has a device issued, a new request will not be processed.
Families will receive a confirmation email with necessary information, including pickup location, date and time.
Collection of Textbooks and Other Items from last year
See the directions below
I am looking forward to seeing our families next Wednesday or Friday as you drop off your items. Have a fantastic weekend!
Warmest Regards,
Robert A. Motley
School Counselor Assignments
Ms. Wade -- 9th Grade ONLY (Kim_Wade@hcpss.org)
Mr. Cohen -- Last Name A - E / Grades 10 - 12 (Phillip_Cohen@hcpss.org)
Ms. Meledick -- Last Name F - Kj / Grades 10 - 12 (Dana_Meledick@hcpss.org)
Ms. Clearfield -- Last Name Kk - P / Grades 10 - 12 (Lisa_Clearfield@hcpss.org)
Ms. Rogers -- Last Name Q - Z / Grades 10 - 12 (Yvonne_Rogers@hcpss.org)
Collection Procedures for 8/19 and 8/21
This information is in a PDF document below.
Atholton High School will be collecting all materials of instruction that you still have in possession from the 2019-2020 academic school year including textbooks, media material, ARL items, athletic equipment, band equipment, JROTC equipment and other obligations. Additionally, if you are leaving HCPSS we will need to collect Chromebooks and musical instruments.
Please know that our number one priority is to ensure the safety and well-being of every student, staff and family member during this process. We ask that you adhere to the following guidelines:
· Students and parents/guardians need to remain in their cars during drop-off of materials.
· Students and parents/guardians who will walk/bike to the school should also adhere to social distancing expectations throughout the process and will be directed by AHS staff upon arrival.
· Students and parents/guardians must always wear masks and adhere to social distancing guidelines.
Materials Drop Off
· Class of 2024, current freshman, please drop off all your items at your Middle School from last year. Please click on your school for a link to their website and information on their collection dates (which may vary). Clarksville MS / Hammond MS / Lake Elkhorn MS / Murray Hill MS / Wilde Lake MS.
· Redistricted students from Oakland Mills HS and Hammond HS will drop off their items at their respective schools. Please click on your school for a link to their website and information on their collection dates (which may vary).
· AHS will hold a collection of all items on Wednesday, August 19th and Friday, August 21st for students who are sophomores, juniors, and seniors.
• ARL STUDENTS: If you have any ARL textbooks or materials from last year that need to be returned to the ARL, you may drop off those materials at AHS. Please place your books and materials in a bag clearly marked “RETURN TO ARL” along with your Name and Academy’s Name on the front of the bag.
• Please place all textbooks in one bag, i.e. Library, Science, Social Studies, English, CTE, Music, etc., using a plastic grocery store bag with this Materials/Book Collection Form taped on the outside of the bag. Make sure you fill in your information on the form!
Form is also below.
Driving/Walking Instructions
• Limit of one vehicle per household.
• Walkers: Please contact Mr. Senisi at Michael_Senisi@hcpss.org if you need to walk up with
your materials.
• Vehicle occupants must remain in their car at all times.
• Upon arrival at the school parking lot, follow the established traffic pattern. Arrive using the main entrance into the parking lot per the map. See the map below.
Station 1- Check-in/Obligations
Station 2: ARL Materials
Station 3: Media Material and Chromebooks (if leaving the HCPSS system)
Station 4: Athletics, JROTC uniforms, and Music instruments (if leaving the HCPSS system)
Station 5: Textbooks
Drop-off Schedule – Wednesday, August 19
Block 1 - 8:00am - 10:45am Last names A-H
Block 2 - 10:30am - 12:45pm Last names I-P
Block 3 - 12:30pm -3:00pm Last names Q- Z
Drop-off Schedule – Friday, August 21
Block 1 - 8:00am - 10:45am Last names Q-Z
Block 2 - 10:30am - 12:45pm Last names A-H
Block 3 - 12:30pm -3:00pm Last names I- P
If you miss your time window, please come to the next available one.
Distribution of materials for 2020-2021
• AHS will distribute materials for the 2020-2021 academic school the first few weeks of September. Information will be sent later in August. Please make sure you have cleared any/all obligations, so you can pick up your new materials.
General Announcements / Important Information
Summer Meals Extended to Aug. 28: The free Grab-N-Go summer meals program has been extended through Friday, August 28. There were several location changes effective Monday, August 3. If you have not already done so, please share this information with your community.
Free and Reduced Meals Program: The coronavirus pandemic is causing a lot of hardship for many of our friends and neighbors. Many HCPSS families have been impacted financially by the pandemic, and may be eligible now to receive benefits through the Free and Reduced Price Meals (FARMs) program. Qualifying families can take advantage of a wide range of additional resources and discounts, including testing fees, tuition, internet and more. Click here to learn more or to apply. Please share this information with your community.
Technology accounts for new students: Beginning August 10, 2020, families with students new to HCPSS and whose registration has been finalized will receive an email from noreply@hcpss.org with the subject “Technology account information for new HCPSS student.” The email will be sent to the email address used during the student registration process. The email contains personalized and important information regarding new students’ technology accounts. If you have a child new to HCPSS and do not receive the email and/or cannot locate the email in the junk/spam folder of the email account you used during registration, you can use the Forgot Password or Username button on the hcpss.me student landing page to retrieve both your child’s username and password. Directions for Account Self Service directions are posted online.
Family File now available for the 2020-21 school year: Parents can now access and complete the Family File for the 2020-21 school year. Parents must complete the Family File every year, even during virtual learning, to ensure HCPSS has the most current information for each child. Once logged in, parents/guardians will be asked to verify, or update the following information: Student Information, Parent/Guardian Contact, Emergency Contact, Medical Information, Arrival/Dismissal Procedures (for when in-person classes resume), Photo Approval, Data Confidentiality, PTA/PTSA Directory
Atholton PTSA Announcement
PTSA Officers Needed
As the 2020-2021 school year begins, the Atholton PTSA is looking for volunteers! Thank you for all of those who are returning for another year in their PTSA volunteer positions.
See below the list of open positions for the 2020-2021 school year. See the link below for position descriptions - https://forms.gle/gSKGuVfGTbUeaz768
- 2nd Vice President
- 1st Vice President
- Recording Secretary
- Corresponding Secretary
- Membership Chair
- PTACHC Delegate 2
- Website administrator
- After Prom Chair
- New Student Orientation Chair
- Newsletter
- Community Connections Chair
If you are interested, please see this link (https://forms.gle/gSKGuVfGTbUeaz768) to
complete the volunteer form or contact Amber Coleman at amberrph@msn.com. Incoming new families are WELCOME!!! Volunteering is a great way to get involved in the school community and to stay connected, especially through these unprecedented times.
For more information about the Atholton PTSA and becoming a member, visit http://atholtonptsa.org.
Mark Your Calendar
September 1 -- Deadline for Early Graduation Application
September 3 -- New Student VIRTUAL Orientation (9th Graders / Redistricted Students / New students to Atholton) -- 10:00am
September 8 -- First Day of School for Students
September 8 -- Virtual Back To School Night (more details coming...)
Atholton High School
Click Below for Boosters' Organization News
Email: Robert_Motley@hcpss.org
Website: www.ahs.hcpss.org
Location: 6520 Freetown Road, Columbia, MD, USA
Phone: (410) 313-7065