East Haven High School
Weekly Newsletter: October 29th, 2023
Congratulations To Our State Champion EHHS Marching Band!
This weekend, the EHHS Marching Band won yet another State Championship, earning a score of 83.0 and winning awards for best music, best effect, best color guard, best percussion and best visual.
Congratulations to our students and staff on another great season!
Halloween Costumes
Students are permitted to wear Halloween costumes to school on Tuesday provided that the costumes is aligned to our expectations for appropriate dress to school. In addition, costumes that include a face mask are not permitted, not is any costume that includes a prop such as a weapon facsimile or anything that might pose a risk to student/staff safety.
Homecoming 2023
Join us for Homecoming 2023 on November 17 at 7pm under the NEON LIGHTS!
Please fill out this Google Form to order your tickets: https://forms.gle/Gsofik7r6sJVikmt5
If you are bringing an outside guest, please fill out the outside guest form in the description and have it approved by an administrator. Once your order is approved, your tickets will be placed on your eFunds account.
The last day to ORDER a homecoming ticket will be November 3. You will have until November 13 to have your outside guest form approved AND pay on E-Funds.
Thank you for your support!
The EHHS Class of 2024 Officers and Advisors
Class Dues
Class of 2024
SENIOR students must pay their class dues this fall! Dues will go towards the cost of caps and gowns for graduation and senior activities (luncheon, trip, prom, etc.). All students should pay $100 over the last four years ($25 for each year you are an EHHS student).
Pay on E-Funds: https://payments.efundsforschools.com/v3/districts/56620/
Check out this video on how to use E-Funds: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RIsKVGmXb4BsMO2p7Zk4Kjfl0GQhAFzc/view?usp=drive_link
Class of 2025
Junior students must pay their class dues this fall! Dues will go towards the cost of upcoming activities and events. All students should pay $100 over the last four years ($25 for each year you are an EHHS student).
Pay on E-Funds: https://payments.efundsforschools.com/v3/districts/56620/
Check out this video on how to use E-Funds: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RIsKVGmXb4BsMO2p7Zk4Kjfl0GQhAFzc/view?usp=drive_link
Also, the Class of 2025 will have an upcoming assembly to meet your advisors, Mr Devany and Miss Limone, and to go over what to expect in your junior year and senior year. Also, keep an eye on our Google classroom (Code: 3envk47), for upcoming events, including the election of your Class Officers. Let"s Go Class of 25!!
Class of 2027
Freshmen Class of 2027- Currently all freshmen have increments of $25 dues fees in their Efunds (one for each year). An instructional video is in our google classroom which they can access with the code: 3dfhuop. There, they can also get updates and info for the entire Freshmen class and stay engaged! Our first Class meeting of anyone interested in helping with fundraising/being an officer/class events is Next Thursday 11/2 in E312.
This week on The Comet we have new articles on the Kindness club's Chalk the Walk and the EHHS Writing Center. Isabella Mott gets cosy for fall with Gilmore Girls in Keepin' It Reel and Willow Torres reviewed Manchester Orchestra's most popular indie song "The Gold" on Buzz Beats by request and is looking for your next requests here. Nora and Newton are the pets of the week on HoneyPaws and STAT CHAT features Alex Dembrowski from our football team. Holly Speers gets "the Hive's Mind" on how many hours we use TikTok per day. And finally, Brooke Ciscone dives into EHHS relationships of the past and present in this week's controversial edition of Roses & Thorns. Check back throughout the week for new posts almost every day.
Check out our site at easthaven.highschool.news
If you don't follow us on TikTok and Instagram, show your support @ehhscomet
We are also looking for community and business sponsors to support our program and keep growing. See our page for more details.
Reach out to Ms. Caturano with any questions ecaturano@east-haven.k12.ct.us
EHHS Maritime Program
Any students who are interested in the EHHS Maritime Program should complete the back of the flyer they received during the assembly on Oct. 27th. You can return the flyer to any of the teachers listed below and they will give you the permission slip needed for the Mystic Seaport Field Trip on Nov. 30th.
- Mrs. Pompano - S322
- Mr. Callahan - S317
- Mr. Oshana - S313
All permission slips will be due by Nov. 14th. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Mrs. Pompano. (mpompano@east-haven.k12.ct.us)
From The School Counseling Department
Advanced Placement Students Taking Exams
AP Students are reminded they must indicate their decision to take (or not take) the AP exam for each of their AP classes by November 1st. Students log into their MY AP account on collegeboard.org and click the "Register for Exam Here" button. Then select the YES or NO option. Those that indicate YES will be charged a $40 deposit per exam in their Student Account, which is paid through EFunds by Nov. 12th.
Connecticut Automatic Admissions Program (CAAP)
CAAP (Connecticut Automatic Admissions Program) eligible students were guided through the "Capture Day" process by School Counselors on Thursday of this past week. Students who changed information in their Common App as part of this process are reminded to change it back to reflect their weighted EHHS decile rank before submitting the Common App (now that Capture Day has passed). A second Capture Day will take place on January 4th for those qualifying students who are applying to schools later in the school year. Students should see their School Counselor with any questions regarding CAAP.
Get Our To See Some College Campuses on Your Upcoming Days Off
Take advantage of the upcoming days off from school (11/7 and 11/10) to visit college campuses! There is much to be gained by an official campus tour, but even walking around on your own can tell you a lot about whether it's a good fit for you. Always come prepared with some questions! Take a tour, walk around campus, eat in the student dining facilities, etc. Check college websites to see if pre-registration is required. rmd.me/COSWo1r0uQy
Mystic Aquarium's Marine Science Career Day
Interested in Marine Sciences? Check out Mystic Aquarium's Marine Career Day on Nov. 5th. For details and to register: rmd.me/hoU5fGlelmf
UConn Field Trip For Those That Are Eligible
Any junior or senior who is eligible to attend the field trip to UConn on November 9th, don't forget to submit your permission slip to Guidance by Oct 31st!
Wrap Up Marking Period 1 Strong
Students, you are almost a quarter of the way through the year. Make sure your grades are where you want them to be, so you can have a great start to Q2! Use Office Hours, email your teachers and keep up with your homework. See your counselor if you are struggling with any of these things.
Seniors Applying to College
Reminder to seniors:
If you are interested in applying to:
--UConn, Eastern, or Central, you can submit your application for free on November 1st
--Western, you can submit your application for free throughout all of November
-Southern, you can submit your application for free Nov 1st-15th
Don't miss out on these Free Application Days!
Drama Club Opportunities
Audition Workshop
Want a chance to build up your audition skills before the spring musical? Join us for an audition workshop on 11/2!
Creative Writers and Actors Wanted
EHHS Drama Club is looking for Creative Writers and Actors to create original short plays for a performance on December 2nd! If you are interested attend our info meeting on 11/6!
Yearbook Reminders
Next Yearbook Meeting
Next yearbook meeting will be on Monday 10/30 in W103. All are welcome!
Purchase An Ad For The 2024 Yearbook
Seniors & Senior parents/guardians, please click on the link for all information about the yearbook--buying ads for your graduating senior, buying a yearbook, etc. There are due dates of things as well. Any questions please reach out to Mrs. Gardner or Mrs. Wright. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/12WmCBjpFvtcBY-7gqMcrTCnoDEDmhMBiM5wIIoWYvT8/edit?usp=sharing
Senior Superlatives
Seniors, link to vote for Senior Superlatives is now active the in the above presentation and it was emailed to you on Tuesday. Voting will close on 11/3.
Purchase Your Copy of The 2024 Pioneer Yearbook
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Fundraiser
FBLA is raising money to help fight Cancer. Please see any FBLA member or Mr Devany in W324 to purchase a Cancer bracelet; $3 for 1 bracelet, $5 for 2 bracelets. FBLA thanks you for your support. FBLA will be meeting on Wednesday 11/1 after school in S106, be sure to stop by and bring a friend. FBLA is planning several activities, including a Holiday Bash in December and a Year-End Banquet. Have a profitable day.
The Comet Beat - Meeting Tomorrow 10/30
The Comet Beat club will be meeting on Monday October 30 at 3:00pm in E121 for anyone interested in joining the Newspaper staff as a reporter, investigator, photographer, artist, etc!
News to Chew On: Hive Happenings
We had a very busy week in the culinary department wrapping up the month of October. Our production bakery spent the week exploring the properties of puff pastry. Students were asked to search for their own recipes to make buttery, puffy and delicious creations. Bacon egg and cheese vol- au-vents, chocolate oreo braids, nutella hearts, strawberry cream cheese napoleons and cinnamon twists were just a few of the offerings.
Culinary 1 practiced knife skills by carving their own Jack-o Lanterns that were on display in the media center. After investigating tips,techniques and how to videos they spent class time transforming the orange gourds into spooktacular decorations. They will be bringing them home to roost on their own porches this weekend.
Culinary 2 took on their second mother sauce and made marinara sauce. They made meatballs and lasagnas that were devoured by the faculty and staff in the Cafe. We actually ran out of spinach lasagna on Friday. We wrapped up the week with a unit on empanadas.
Our double Hive class has been working double overtime operating the staff dining room. Students are taking turns greeting guests, operating the register and making salads and club sandwiches to order. The line is long and they are experiencing what it is like in a real restaurant to have guests waiting for their orders. We are in the process of getting a permit to operate a food trailer. The Hungry Hive truck is on site and students took a tour of the mobile kitchen.
Our Veteran Brunch has been moved to Wednesday November 15th. Please fill out the parent survey form and make plans to join us in the classroom cooking with your children.
Fair Haven Community Health Center - Flu Vaccines
Fair Haven Community Health Center, East Haven High School's Medical School Based Health Clinic, can provide flu shots to students enrolled in their program. See the letters below for more details:
Community Service Opportunity
Volunteer opportunity: 8th Grade Open House Tour Guide
Location: EHHS
Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Time: 6:00 pm
Any student interested in serving as a tour guide and/or assisting a teacher during our 8th Grade Open House on Wednesday, November 8, 2023 can sign up in advance in the main office.