Pinewood Newsletter
November 9th, 2023 - Pinewood Elementary School
Hello Falcons!
Another week is drawing the a close, and it appears that our weather is taking this as a cue to turn as well. As the weather changes, we want to encourage you all to send your kids in warm clothes. We play outside as much as possible and want to ensure that all of our students stay warm. Speaking of warm, we are working on restocking our clothing closet. We are looking for donations of new or gently used cold weather gear to give students that may have forgotten theirs during the colder months. If you have anything to donate, please send it to the office. This is also a good opportunity to make sure all of your kids' gear is labeled. Our lost and found tends to grow exponentially during this season.
Veterans Day - No School Tomorrow
Tomorrow, Friday, November 10th, school will be closed in honor of Veteran's Day. Enjoy your three day weekend!
Minimum Days All Next Week
Next week, school will get out at 1:00 every day. Teachers will use the afternoons to meet with parents to discuss progress through the first trimester. If you have not yet scheduled your Parent Teacher Conference, please contact your child's teacher as soon as possible.
See's Candy Sales for 4th Grade
Our 4th graders are in the midst of selling See's Candy to fund raise for their Coloma Field Trip. Find a 4th grader, or contact our school office to order. Remember! See's Candy makes excellent holiday gifts!
Spiritwear 20% Off
Our online Spiritwear store is running a 20% off sale. There are tons of great items to show your Pinewood Pride! Spiritwear makes an excellent gift, and right now, they are guaranteeing delivery before Christmas. Click here to access our store, or see the flyer below for more details.
- November 10th -- No School (Veterans' Day)
- November 13th-17th -- Early Release Days/Conferences
- November 20th-24th -- No School (Thanksgiving Break)
- November 28th -- PTC Meeting in Room 2
- November 28th/29th -- Dental Van Here
- December 22nd -- First Day of Winter Break
Bystander Power
Parent Teacher Club
Power's Out? School's In!
Hello Pinewood families and staff!
We invite you to help our yearbook team collect photos of all the fun moments and activities this school year. To help enhance the Pinewood yearbook and ensure it is full of meaningful memories for our students, we ask that you please consider sharing photos you take of school related activities/events (while on campus, field trips, sports and other school events). You may email photos to pwyearbook@ppesd.org now and throughout the year. Keep in mind that the yearbook team will be working hard in the spring to complete and finalize our yearbook. The earlier you send them, the better.
Note: While we want everyone to send photos, due to size and layout limitations, we may not be able to include them all. If there is a photo you want to ensure is in your personal yearbook, remember to take advantage of the 2 free custom pages that TreeRing offers when you purchase a yearbook for your family, and include your special photo(s) there.
IMPORTANT: This email is monitored by a parent volunteer, NOT school staff. Do not send questions or content regarding topics other than the yearbook to this email. Please utilize your normal routes of communication with your student's teacher or the office for all other inquiries.
If you have photos you would like to share with yearbook staff, please email them to pwyearbook@ppesd.org. Ensure to include a description including:
What is the event?
Name(s) and grade/teacher of the kid(s)/people in the photo.
Thank you! Your contribution will help us make a yearbook full of memories for our young Falcons to cherish.
Pinewood Elementary School
Email: jmckeand@ppesd.org
Location: 6181 Pine Street, Pollock Pines, CA, USA
Phone: (530) 644-2384