Interior Design Guide
Villa Maria College Library
The complete list of databases available can be found on our website.
Articles not available in full text can be requested through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Contact the library for help with ILL.
Online Databases
Multidisciplinary Databases
Subject Databases
Search for Books, eBooks, Print Journals and DVDs
Books in the standard collection may be borrowed for three weeks. Books placed on reserve by your professor will have a shorter loan period. Books not available from the library can be borrowed through AcademicSHARE or Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Contact the library for help. To find items held by Villa and other libraries, try WorldCat.
Don't forget your Villa Maria College ID card to check out books!
Magazines and Journals
Find current and archived magazines in the South Room in the library. Print magazines can be borrowed for one week. Some additional titles are also available for single issues and archives.
- Architect
- Architectural Digest
- Architectural Record (28 day delay)
- Azure
- Contract
- Detail
- Dwell
- Interior Design Full text articles from 1984 on. Interior Design's website additionally has a library of online product catalogs, events and news.
- Interiors and Sources
- Kitchen & Bath Design News
- Preservation
- VM & SD
- World of Interiors
Online Encyclopedias
Additional Resources
A database of evidence-based design content, resources, people and tools developed by faculty from the University of Minnesota.
Digital Librarian: Home and Interior Design
This large collection of web resources ranges from blogs, furniture, textiles, lighting, libraries, museums, woodworking and more.
Union List of Artist Names Online
From the Getty Research Institute, search for information on artists and design houses and firms. Use the Lookup link under Role to narrow down your search to interior designer and/or interior designers.
Compiled by the Buffalo & Erie County Public Library, this is a list of architecture books from the Building Buffalo exhibit that have been digitized and are currently available to view online.
Smitty Abel-Smith
Email: sabelsmith@villa.edu
Website: http://www.villa.edu/academics/library/
Location: 240 Pine Ridge Road, Buffalo, NY 14225
Phone: (716) 961-1864