News From the Principal
Kings Early Childhood Center: November 2023
Dear Families,
We have embraced the new Ohio mandated Science of Reading requirements that recently came into effect. All of our certified teachers are participating in professional development to deepen their understanding of the science of reading. We are also implementing the Heggerty Phonological Awareness curriculum in all classrooms. Heggerty provides daily lessons to explicitly instruct students in phonological awareness activities. This program aligns with our district's kindergarten curriculum and helps us prepare our students for kindergarten readiness and a successful reading life.
Thank you for your support and trusting us with your littles!
Mary Beth
Upcoming Important Dates
November 5th- Daylight Savings Time! Set your clocks back by 1 hour.
November 22nd, 23rd, and 24th: Closed for Thanksgiving Break
November 28th- Picture Retake Day
Teachers will send home further information on the following:
December 6th- Gingerbread House Night (6:00-7:00) for Mrs. Dozier, Mrs. Dunlap, Mrs. LesChander, Mrs. Liesch and Mrs. House's classes
December 7th- Gingerbread House Night (6:00-7:00) for Mrs. Askren, Mrs. Frazier, Ms. Monnin, Mrs. Newman and Mrs. Worpenberg's classes
Cold Weather Reminder!
Kings Early Childhood Center closes when our district is closes for inclement weather. The district utilizes a school messenger phone system to notify you of delays or closings. You will receive a call from me to alert you of delays or closures.
In the event of a delay, the preschool classes operate on the following schedule:
AM 4 day & 5 day classes will begin at 10:55 and end at 12:35 PM.
PM 4 day classes will begin at 1:30 and end at 3:10.
Notes from the Nurse!
Hello Parents! Cold and Flu season is right around the corner. Here are 6 easy tips to keeping your kiddos healthy.
1. Frequent hand washing is the first line of defense.
2. Staying active. Regular activity boosts a child's immune system.
3. Get plenty of sleep. Children need 9-14 hours of sleep a day.
4. Eat a well balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.
5. Decrease stress. Give plenty of down time for rest and creative play.
6. Avoid germy sharing. Prevent sharing of objects that come in contact with their mouth/face.
Stay well,
Nurse David
PTO News
Resources for Families
Lauren Wise is our resource coordinator in Kings. She is available to help families connect with resources they may need. Families can call or email her at the following:
513-398-8050 ext. 15011
Dates for 2023-2023
Open 9-11 am
Nov. 4
Dec. 2
Jan. 13
Feb. 3
Mar. 2
Apr. 6
May 4
Positive Parenting with Green County ESC (virtual)
The Early Childhood Mental Health Team at the Greene County ESC will facilitate virtual meetings to empower parents of children ages 0-10, through positive supportive networking. Each month new information will be presented to encourage us to reflect on communication with our children without blame or shame, but through the use of humor, support, and resource sharing. We will create a space for honest conversations about the challenges of raising children to help avoid burnout and build stronger relationships.
Tuesday, November 7th - 8:00pm-8:30pm
Wednesday, November 8th - 1:00pm-1:30pm
Tuesday, November 14th - 8:00pm-8:30pm
Wednesday, November 15th - 1:00pm-1:30pm
**Attend any of these sessions. The topic changes each month, but for all of these sessions,
will stay the same, centering around social and emotional skills in childhood. Questions from
parents always guide our discussion. Feel free to just listen in or participate!
Registration information is linked below.
Lists for Learning!
Make a teacher's wish come true! Visit www.listsforlearning.com to see what materials and re-sources your child's teacher wishes to have in their classroom. At Lists for Learning, we believe that resources can greatly impact the classroom environment and make your child's learning experience the best it can be! Ask your child's teacher for details.
Fun Fall Pics Below!
Photo/Work Release for Print & Visual Media and Website
To protect confidentiality of students, Kings Local School District’s policy is to identify students’ work and photograph by first and last name. The Kings Local School District has authorization to publish student’s work and/or photograph on the Kings Local School District website and/or school and/or local papers and/or district print publications. Kings Local School District also has authorization to publish student’s work and/or image on videotape for school productions and/or local news media.
As a parent/guardian or eligible student you have the right to request, in writing, that the school NOT disclose the above mentioned information about them. This request must be received in a reasonable amount of time, not to exceed two weeks from notification of rights.
Please send such above mentioned notification to the following address:
Kings Local School District
Attn: Dawn Gould
PO Box 910
Kings Mills, OH 45034