Crusader Times
August 2015
Words From Our Principal
Welcome Parents and Students to Bonita Vista Middle School for the 2015-16 school year!
We are very excited to have our first edition of the Crusader Times. Our goal at BVM is to ensure the academic, social, and emotional success of all our students. Our staff is committed to make sure that we support the learning of all students, NO EXCEPTIONS! We appreciate your support as your child comes to school ready to learn. We realize that a strong partnership between home and school is vital to academic success. I wish everyone a great school year and I hope you enjoy the Crusader Times!
Eduardo Reyes, Ed.D.
Anti-Bullying Assembly and Spirit Week
Wear Royal Blue Fridays!
Middle School Success 101 Meeting
Staff of the Month
Sweetwater Valley exits Little League World Series in Extra Innings
The Sweetwater Valley Little League team headed to the Little League World Series in Williamsport after defeating Waipio, Hawaii, 12-10 on Saturday August 15th in the West Regional Championship Game. The Bonita-based team outscored its four opponents in the West Regional 50-22. Since August 15th, the Sweetwater Valley Little League team had everyone tuning in and following them on their journey to become World Series Champions.
After battling into extra innings in Thursday’s Little League U.S. semifinal, Sweetwater Valley was eliminated 9-7 by Pearland, Texas in 8 frames.
But what a run Sweetwater Valley Little League did have.
Sweetwater Valley won 19 of its 21 games, including three at Williamsport on youth sports’ biggest stage. Over their nearly two months and six tournaments, they hit 86 home runs and enthralled a fan base that in recent weeks grew exponentially.
We want to congratulate our Bonita Vista Middle students who were part of the Sweetwater Valley Little League and we look forward to your return: Antonio Andrade, Isaac Artalejo, Cameron Barbabosa, and Nate Nankil.
Chula Vista South Defeats Dominican Republic in PONY-13 World Series Final
Health Corner
As we are all aware, the last few weeks in our area have been uncomfortably hot at times. During periods of increased temperatures, everyone is at risk for dehydration, especially children. This has been my first week at Bonita Vista Middle School and many of the visits to the Nurse’s office have been due to students having symptoms of dehydration. There is a simple solution to this problem - drink more water!
To keep well hydrated during school hours, students should carry a water bottle and be sure to drink water throughout the day. Water bottles can be refilled several times during the school day. It is very important that students drink extra water before, during, and after strenuous physical activities, such as P.E. and outside lunchtime activities. We often don’t feel thirsty when we are dehydrated, so it’s a good idea to drink water regularly even when we may not feel thirsty.
Signs of dehydration include: dry mouth, fatigue, poor concentration, dizziness, increased body temperature, dark urine, faster breathing and increased pulse rate. Severe dehydration can lead to very serious conditions such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
To keep healthy during these hot summer months, the solution is to keep well hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day and to increase fluids during periods of increased physical activity.
Stay healthy,
Christi Stoddard, RN, BSN
Counselors Corner
The Counselors at BVM are excited to announce the 7th Grade Compact for Success SDSU Campus Visit, “I Pledge to Go to College” fieldtrip! It will be held on Saturday, October 24th, 2015 from 7:30am-1:30pm. Parent Permission Slip completely filled out is required prior to attending. This year the program will include Keynote Address by Sweetwater Superintendent & SDSU President, informational workshops, campus tours, Sweetwater District & SDSU performers, free tickets to SDSU events, raffle prizes, and sponsored lunch by Rubio’s. Parents when filling out the form, please indicate if you prefer to ride the bus with your student or drive your own vehicle. Registration forms are available in the Counseling Center!
Students, this is another reminder to give it your best effort in all your classes as Progress Reports are quickly approaching! You will be receiving your first Progress Report on Tuesday September 8th, during your Advisory class. Parents please review and discuss your students grades. Checking JupiterGrades.com is also a good way to monitor their progress.
Technology Corner
- Bring your iPad charged to school every day. Plug it in before going to bed at night.
- Bring your charger every day in case the battery runs down.
- Never take your iPad out of the protective case. When you put it in your backpack, you can wrap a dish towel around it for extra protection of the screen.
- Make sure you always back up all of your documents to your Google drive account!
- Use the Calendar and Reminders apps to keep yourself organized!
- Check Jupiter grades daily to monitor your progress in each class.
Important Dates
09/08 Students Receive Progress Reports
09/12 Saturday School
09/15 Middle School Success 101
09/16 Coffee with the Principal
09/17 SSC Meeting
09/21 - 10/05 Fall Break
10/07 Picture Make-up Day
10/12 Saturday School
10/21 ELAC Meeting
10/22 SSC Meeting
10/24 7th Grade Compact Visit to SDSU
Bonita Vista Middle School
Email: Eduardo.Reyes@sweetwaterschools.org
Website: bvm.sweetwaterschools.org/
Location: 650 Otay Lakes Road, Chula Vista, CA, United States
Phone: (619) 397-2200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bonitavistamiddleschool