Scott City Elementary School
Fridge Notes August/September 2023
Contact Information
410 E. 8th Street
Office Phone: 620-872-7660
Principal: Dr. Shawn Roberts
Secretary: Icy Butler
Online enrollment
Online enrollment will open on 8/4/23 for returning students using the above link.
Incoming preschool, kinder-prep and preschool students: If you attended roundup back in April, online enrollment for your student is not open at this time. An announcement will be sent when you can enroll.
Welcome Back
Game On for the 2023-2024 School Year
The theme for the first day of school pep rally is Game On!
Each grade level is assigned a different color shirt. If you already have a first day of school outfit picked out, that is okay. The colors are just for fun. If you have a t-shirt with a game theme, students can wear those, but don't purchase a shirt just for this.
Preschool/Kinder-prep: Red
Kindergarten: Yellow
1st Grade: Blue
2nd Grade: Green
August/September Calendar
Aug. 14 5:00 SCORE Advisory Council
Aug. 23 School Pictures (8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.)
Aug. 23 & 24 Parent-Teacher Conference by Appointment
Aug. 25 First Day of School
Sept 4 Labor Day No School
Sept. 25 Site Council
Picture Day August 23, 2023
Parents will be able to hand the photographer the envelope with their check and not worry that it will be lost between home and school. Photo envelops will be provided that day.
The pictures are digital so parents will be able to see the picture in real time reducing the need for retakes later.
Parents can bring students ready and hopefully will not have to worry about hair getting messed up or clothes out of place.
All students should have their picture taken even if you do not plan to purchase them. These pictures will be used for the yearbook.
August Parent-Teacher Sign Up Links
Back to School Reminders
School Rush
The district’s School Rush system will deliver notifications to you as needed. You can choose the options of phone, text or e-mail. If you are happy with the selection you have currently selected, the system will continue to use that method. If you would like to change your preference or start receiving the School Rush notifications, please contact the office. Be sure to check your email for login information.
Parents Online
If you would like to register for online access to your child’s grades, attendance and other information contact Icy in the office to register for an account.
Be sure you have set up Seesaw with your child's teacher.
Drop off and pick up
Thank you to all of our parents for following the SCES drop off and pick up routines to ensure the safety of our students. A few friendly reminders:
Please be sure to refrain from using your cell phones. It helps us to have everyone paying attention.
Please do not leave your car unattended.
If your child needs assistance getting in and out of the car or putting on their seatbelt, please pull into a parking stall. This will help us keep the car line moving more efficiently.
The doors open at 7:40 a.m. Staff members will not be supervising prior to that time.
The dismissal bell rings at 3:35. Please be here to pick up your child at that time. We typically have students all picked up by 3:45. Many of our staff members work in our SCORE program or coach after school and need to get to their next duty.
Saturday SCORE ART Schedule
Free for all students
September 9
October 7
November 4
December 2
January 13
February 10
March 2
April 6
May 4
Parents Right to Know
It is a requirement that the district let parents know their rights due to the ESES law for all Title I schools. This notification lets you, as parents know that you may request information regarding the professional qualifications of the student’s classroom teachers, including at a minimum the following:
Whether the teacher has met State Qualifications and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction;
Whether the teachers are teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which State qualification or licensing have been waived;
The baccalaureate degree major of the teachers and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teachers and the field of discipline of the certification or degree; and
Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.