Crusader Times
January 2018
Words From Our Principal
Greetings Crusaders and Parents,
The spring semester of 2018 is well underway. The students and staff of BVM have been so welcoming and supportive. I am very pleased with how the students have adapted to having a new principal. They are kind and thoughtful and polite and that is a testament to the support you provide at home. I anticipate we will have a successful second semester full of learning opportunities and fun activities.
I have had a chance to meet with several parent groups during the past few weeks. For those of you who have not had a chance to join us at any of these parent meetings, and for those of you who would like to come and learn more about our school, we will be hosting a Meet and Greet. On Tuesday, February 6th at 6pm, we would like to invite you to meet the team of people who will be supporting your students this year. Please join us for coffee and a chat on the evening of the 6th. If you can’t make it, the regularly scheduled Coffee with The Principal will take place on February 14th at 10:00am. I am looking forward to meeting many of you during these events.
It is also important to me to hear student voices. We are in the process of developing a student survey and forming a group that will participate in a monthly Principal’s Round Table during which students will have the opportunity to voice their concerns, ask questions, and act as ambassadors to the student body. Each advisory class will elect a representative who will attend the meetings and report back to them. This will be a great opportunity for me to meet and listen to more students at BVM.
We have many exciting events planned this semester for our students. Make sure you check the Week at a Glance that is sent out every week for upcoming events. The first progress reports will be delivered on February 26th. Credit recovery sessions are starting in February. Also, please mark your calendars for the 8th Grade promotion, which will be held on June 6th at 5pm at Olympian High School. Let’s make it a great semester!
Teresa Kramer
Science Fair
The BVM Science Fair was an amazing event! There were close to 100 Science Fair Projects that science teachers picked to be a part of the BVM Science Fair. Students received awards for their projects. Our district judge looked at every project and chose 29 projects to move on to the District Science Fair on February 8th! This is the largest number of students ever in the history of BVM that have been chosen to move on to the District competition. Around 200 parents attended to celebrate the success of their children.
On January 15th, the Middle School Vex Robotics League Championship was held at Montgomery High School. After a grueling competition, our seventh grade team placed 4th overall and one of our 8th grade teams placed seventh overall out of 35 teams. The 8th grade team also won the prestigious Vex Robotics Build award. Unfortunately, both teams were eliminated in the semifinals, but they were tough competitors with great attitudes.
Congratulations to:
Stephanie Ling
Aiden Garces
Jasmine Montes
Yamel Cardenas
EJ Bagoporo
Alexandra Suarez
Gabby Catalan
Diego Nunes
Pierce Manson
Isabella Scarda
Ethan Dome
Daniel Mella
Ian Nicholson
Aaron Arce
Damien Camacho
Knowledge Bowl
The Knowledge Bowl team is doing a fantastic job! The BVM team made it into the semi-finals and will be competing again on Feb. 21, 2018 at Granger Jr. High. These students are a true reflection of the Crusader spirit and are role models to their peers. Mrs. Heredia and the team would like to thank Mrs. Kramer for her support, as well as the parents that have come to the past competitions. Knowledge is Power!
Fall Sports Celebration
On January 17, 2018, Bonita Vista Middle held it’s Third Annual Fall Sports Banquet in the BVM cafeteria. Our BVM flag football, baseball, girls softball, and cross country players enjoyed reminiscing a great season with teammates and family over a spaghetti dinner. Congrats to our crusader athletes for a great season! Go Crusaders!
BVM Cheer
The BVMS cheerleading team cheered on the Crusader Girls' and Boys' Basketball teams on Saturday, January 13, 2018.
This was the first game our cheer team has ever cheered at! We had a great time. Our girls' and boys' basketball teams are awesome. Go Crusaders!!
We are looking forward to cheering them on this season. Let’s go team!
-BVMS Cheer
ThinkaBit Lab
Student Art Work
Teacher of the Year and Staff of the Month
We are proud to announce the Bonita Vista Middle School Teacher of the Year for 2018, Ms. Karlie Alonso. Ms. Alonso is a social science teacher and cheer advisor at BVM. Her enthusiasm and positive rapport with students contribute to the powerful impact she has on the learning environment in her classes. Please join us in congratulating Ms. Alonso on this distinguished accomplishment. Ms. Alonso, we wish you luck as you continue to the District Teacher of the Year competition!
Counselors Corner
Hello Crusaders!
We hope you had a great start to a new semester! Progress reports will be coming up on February 26th which is right around the corner. Have you kept to those new year plans of staying on top of your homework, accessing tutoring/attending AEC and giving yourself ample time to prepare/study for tests? This is your reminder that everything you do to maintain your grades will be well worth the effort.
For those students who have failed classes, be prepared to attend Credit Recovery this Spring semester. An advisory meeting has been set up to go over the dates, expectations and the importance of promoting. Counselors will also meet with students individually as well as notify parents/guardians of the upcoming scheduled dates of Credit Recovery. As in previous credit recovery sessions, attendance is crucial and students who are absent will be dropped, so please plan accordingly. Sessions will vary and will run on either Saturday and/or before/ after-school. We look forward to seeing you complete those credits and getting one step closer to promotion.
BVM Counseling Team
Digital Citizenship Essentials
Recently my granddaughter visited with me for a few days with her iPad. Because this was her vacation time, we had planned some fun activities while she was here, e.g. the San Diego Zoo, play dates with family and so on. What I discovered once she arrived was that she was binge watching a series of shows on Minecraft and she didn’t want to engage in anything until her series was over. I also noticed she didn’t want to put the iPad down to socialize face-to-face with others, or to go to sleep at night - she seemed to be in her own world and on a marathon. My granddaughter is 8 years old, and I was concerned enough to look up some articles on screen time for 8 year olds. What I learned was that pediatricians recommend no more than 2 hours of screen time a day for her age group. Screen time is defined here ‘as time spent on devices for entertainment purposes’ and this includes TV watching. This two hour a day rule has been criticized by others who argue that parental limits can and should be more flexible and that there isn’t a one size fits all approach when dealing with individual kids.
This is a topic that is important to parents and teachers, and because I work at Bonita Vista Middle School and issue iPads to students, I am wondering how much time students actually devote to the ‘screen’ each day. While the iPad is a tool that we use in the classroom, and teens today need to learn technology skills for future jobs, there are other factors to consider when deciding how much time to spend on our devices. One thing we can all do (adults included) is make a daily schedule for ourselves that includes healthy habits, such as 8 to 9 hours sleep, sports and after school activities, time with family and friends, meals, and so on. Ask yourself, am I developing a healthy lifestyle, and am I including different kinds of fun in my day, or is most of my time spent on a device of some kind?
For more about this topic: I’ve listed some current articles for parents, teachers and students:
To conclude: I am interested in knowing more about middle school students here on campus and their screen time habits. I am currently gathering data to examine this issue more closely. So, Crusaders, if you are interested in taking part in a survey (5 questions), go to: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc6eBUcu_oShgi7RFA6mh44E-QqAz1yaybcJZUiLUaH7jhGMw/viewform
Thank you for your participation!
Terry Funk
Teacher Librarian
Technology Corner
As we start the new year it is a good time to make sure everything is working properly on your iPad. If you are have any technical issues you can visit the Genius Bar for one on one help or visit BVM Student Tech Support for more information. If something is not working right, don’t hesitate to get help to make sure your school work isn’t affected. To visit the Genius Bar ask a teacher for a pass to go during advisory.
Brian Dougherty
Science Teacher
Blended Learning Specialist
Important Dates
01/23 - Knowledge Bowl Competition
01/25 - School Site Council Meeting
02/01 - Incoming 7th Grade Parent Night
02/06- Meet and Greet
02/10 - Saturday School, Saturday Scholars, and Credit Retrieval
02/14 - ELAC Meeting, Coffee with the Principal, and Sweethearts Dance
02/20 - Middle School Success 101 Meeting
02/21 - Knowledge Bowl Competition
02/22 - School Site Council Meeting
02/24 - Saturday School, Saturday Scholars, and Credit Retrieval
03/01 - College Making it Happen
03/03 - Saturday School, Saturday Scholars, and Credit Retrieval
Bonita Vista Middle School
Email: Teresa.Kramer@sweetwaterschools.org
Website: http://bvm.sweetwaterschools.org/
Location: 650 Otay Lakes Road, Chula Vista, CA 91910, United States
Phone: (619) 397-2200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bonitavistamiddleschool