Camp Road Cougar News
May 7, 2023
Principal's Greeting
With only 21 days of school left, I want to continue to encourage all of our students to make sure they are turning in all their work and completing any missing assignments. Remember that in order to pass for the year, you need to pass all of your classes with a 60 or better. May 24 will be the last day for students to turn in missing assignments. We will send letters home on May 26 for any students who will not be promoted.
Also, we've got our 8th grade promotion activities coming up. Eighth graders who aren't going to be promoted won't be able to participate in these end of the year activities. We sent out a letter on Friday to all 8th grade families with information about the end of the year activities. After the letter was sent out, we realized that we made one error. The 8th grade students will turn in their chromebooks on May 26, instead of May 30 because they will be on their field trip. Here is a link to the updated letter.
Ms. Rowehl
Upcoming Events
May 8-9 English 1 Final Exam
May 10 School Nurse Day
May 11 Q4 Progress Reports sent home
May 11 French 1 Final Exam
May 11 Spanish 1 Final Exam
May 12 Early Release @ 1:30
May 15-16 SCReady ELA All Grades
May 16 SIC Meeting 5:00
May 17 SC Ready Math All Grades
May 18 SC Pass 6th Grade Only
You can access the whole May Calendar here. It includes all events through the end of the year.
Upcoming Testing
May 8-9 English 1 Final Exam
May 11 French 1 Final Exam
May 11 Spanish 1 Final Exam
May 15-16 SCReady ELA All Grades
May 17 SC Ready Math All Grades
May 18 SC Pass 6th Grade Only
May 23 Algebra 1 EOC
ABC Countdown
Join us in celebrating the last 26 days of school! We will be having a “themed” day that goes with each letter of the alphabet! We will start with A on Monday 5/1 and end with Z on 6/6! All spirit wear must be school appropriate and follow the dress code!
Help Pets in Need by Donating Your Old Shoes
Thank You to our PTO!!
Shout out to our Special Olympians
Congratulations to our Olympians:
Carson Lapp participated in the 100 meter run, the 50 meter walk, and the tennis ball throw.
Addison Varney participated in the 100 meter run and the tennis ball throw.
Hannah Tucker particpated in the 100 meter run, the standing long jump, and the tennis ball throw.
Kaylin Ballard participated in the 100 meter run, the 50 meter run, and the tennis ball throw.
Shout out to...
Also, a huge congratulations to MK Ammons for being accepted into the SC Governors School of the Arts Summer Program!
Volleyball Camp
Football Camps
Coach Dave Sollazo and Coach John Patterson are offering two football clinics this summer specifically designed for offensive and defensive linemen. Together, they bring more than 75 years coaching experience to the table. The clinic will be non-contact, with the emphasis on teaching fundamentals and technique.
The first clinic will be held at West Ashley High School on June 17th. The cost is $60 if registered by June 4th. After June 4th, the registration is $75.
The second clinic is set for Oceanside Collegiate on July 22nd. Early registration (before July 4th) is $60 and after is $75.
Please see the attachments (one for each clinic) for extensive information regarding the qualifications and coaching resumes of the clinicians. The flyers contain a QR Code to be scanned, which will guide the players directly to the registration.
Mental Health Minute
May is Mental Health Month, and we will be featuring information on Healthy Home Environments from Mental Health America. The following is taken from the MHA Mental Health Month 2023 Toolkit.
Practice Tidiness
“Keeping your living space clean is shown to promote calmness and a sense of control over your day-to-day life. Your home environment doesn’t need to be spotless, but clutter can be harmful to your mental state – contributing to depression, trouble focusing, confusion, and stress.
Not only can clutter be distracting, but it has been shown to actually make it harder for your brain to think clearly.
Neatness also provides predictability, which can cut down on brain fatigue and anxiety. Less time looking for lost items or getting distracted is always a good thing.
Start small. If beginning to improve your space feels overwhelming, choose one area to start. Consider setting a timer each day to dedicate time toward improving your space.
Be mindful throughout your day. Instead of putting items down and adding to your clutter, get in the habit of putting them away. Small things, like putting clothes away right after they are washed, can help lessen the tasks when you go to clean later.
Practice mindfulness while cleaning. One study found that people who were mindful while washing dishes – taking time to smell the soap, feel the water, and absorb the experience – reported a 27% reduction in nervousness, along with a 25% improvement in mental inspiration.
Once your space feels clean, think about organization. How can you maximize your space and be intentional about organizing to avoid future clutter and mess? Having a clean and organized space can help you feel in control and calm.
Get rid of unneeded belongings. Periodically going through your space to find items to donate or get rid of can go a long way toward keeping your home minimally cluttered and clean.
School Technology Information You Need to Know...
Students should NOT bring their Chromebook chargers to school. Please charge devices at home each evening. Chargers tend to disappear at school, and we have no way to track them. Students will be responsible for the cost of replacing lost chargers, so please don’t let your student bring the charger to school!
A reminder about the CCSD fee structure for damages and loss of chromebooks:
- Negligent/Accidental Breakage - No charge for first incident per school year $50 per incident for each subsequent event
- Intentional Vandalism - $300.
- Stolen Device - No cost if a police report is provided
- Lost Device - $300
- Lost Charger - $40
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Academic Topics
Academic Topics
Camp Road Middle School
Location: 1825 Camp Road, Charleston, SC, USA
Phone: (843) 762-2784