Dress Code
Martin Middle School 2019-2020
Martin Middle School's Dress Code Adoption
General Guidelines
2. Students Must Wear*, while following the basic principle of Section 1 above: A Shirt (with fabric that touches the waistband in the front, back, and on the sides under the arms), AND Pants/jeans or the equivalent (for example, a skirt, sweat-pants, leggings, a dress or shorts), AND Shoes.
3. Students May Wear, as long as these items do not violate Section 1 above: Religious headwear. Hats facing straight forward or straight back and must allow the face, ears to be visible to staff any not interfere with the line of sight. Hoodie sweatshirts (wearing the hood over head is allowed, but the face and ears must be visible to school staff). Fitted pants, including opaque leggings, yoga pants and “skinny jeans”. Ripped jeans, as long as underwear and buttocks are not exposed. Tank tops, including spaghetti straps; halter tops Athletic attire.
4. Students Cannot Wear: Violent language or images. Images or language depicting drugs or alcohol (or any illegal item or activity). Or any other substance prohibited under FNCF(LEGAL). Hate speech, profanity, pornography. Images or language that creates a hostile or intimidating environment based on any protected class or consistently marginalized groups. Any clothing that reveals visible undergarments (waistbands and straps excluded). Swimsuits (except as required in class, field trips, or athletic practice see “Extracurricular Activities”). Accessories that could be considered dangerous or could be used as a weapon. Any item that obscures the face or ears (except as a religious observance).
The student and parent may determine the student’s personal dress and grooming standards, provided that they comply with the general guidelines set out above and with the student dress code outlined in the student handbook.
Extracurricular Activities
Dress Code Enforcement
School administration and staff shall not have discretion to vary the requirements in ways that lead to discriminatory enforcement. Campuses may have a more restrictive dress code with approval from the Campus Advisory Council and the Associate Superintendent as long as a more restrictive policy aligns with the “Purpose” defined in the policy.
a.) Students will only be removed from spaces, hallways, or classrooms as a result of a dress code violation as outlined in Sections 1 and 4 above. Students in violation of Section 1 and/or 4 will be provided three (3) options to be dressed more to code during the school day:
-Students will be asked to put on their own alternative clothing, if already available at school, to be dressed more to code for the remainder of the day.
-Students will be provided with temporary school clothing to be dressed more to code for the remainder of the day.
-If necessary, students’ parents may be called during the school day to bring alternative clothing for the student to wear for the remainder of the day.
b.)No student should be affected by dress code enforcement because of racial identity, sex assigned at birth, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, cultural or religious identity, household income, body size/type, or body maturity.
c.)School staff shall not enforce the school’s dress code more strictly against transgender and gender nonconforming students than other students.
d.) Students should not be shamed or required to display their body in front of others (students, parents, or staff) in school. “Shaming” includes, but is not limited to:
-kneeling or bending over to check attire fit;
-measuring straps or skirt length;
-asking students to account for their attire in the classroom or in hallways in front of others;
-calling out students in spaces, in hallways, or in classrooms about perceived dress code violations in front of others; in particular, directing students to correct sagged pants that do not expose the entire undergarment, or confronting students about visible bra straps, since visible waistbands and straps on undergarments are permitted; and,
-accusing students of “distracting” other students with their clothing.
These dress code guidelines shall apply to regular school days and summer school days, as well as any school-related events and activities, such as graduation ceremonies, dances, field trips, school trips, and prom. Students who feel they have been subject to discriminatory enforcement of the dress code should contact the Office of School Leadership at 512-414-4820 to connect with the appropriate level Associate Superintendent (Elementary, Middle, or High School).
Campus Options
Effective Date
Martin Middle School
Website: https://www.austinisd.org/schools/martin
Location: Haskell Street, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-414-3243