The Booster Beat
October 2023
President's Prelude
“Even the smallest act of caring for another person is like a drop of water. It will make ripples throughout the entire pond.” ~Bryan Matteo
There are many benefits to actively participating in the Band booster program. The biggest benefit is that it starts a ripple of positivity in our students, in their bands, in the band program, in our community as a whole, and even in ourselves.
Each moment that our students’ band educators spend on administrative tasks and raising funds to make sure our students get the best experience possible, is a moment that takes them away from being with our students or from planning spectacular experiences and lessons for our students. The Sun Prairie Band Booster Organization is here to support the Band Program in every way we can so that our students get the best from their educators and the most out of their band experience. Because your student is in band, you are already a part of the band boosters. Now it is time to make a decision to get actively involved when and where you can.
What is in it for you?
- An opportunity to share with your child in something they love and to see them participating in something so much bigger than themselves.
- An opportunity to spend more time with your child, as we are often helping at band events or running fundraisers TOGETHER with our kids.
- An opportunity to raise funds for your child’s personal ledger (see more on this below).
- An opportunity to get to know other parents in the program and to build new relationships and friendships.
- An opportunity to spread kindness and a positive light to our band kids and to our greater community.
Sarah McVeigh
Treasurer Notes
Jazz Clinicians are coming to work with High School Jazz in October & November.
- Reggie Thomas
- Rick Haydon
- Ron Carter
Sammy and the Congregation are coming to Sun Prairie!! Boosters will help support expenses involved. The group will be working with students while they are here for two days!
Band Booster Meeting
Everyone is invited!
Short 30-minute booster meeting
- Election of our Vice Treasurer and Vice President
- Fundraising
- Sammy Miller and the Congregation
- Big Band Dance
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 849 1346 4305
Passcode: 409666
Tuesday, Oct 11, 2022, 06:30 PM
THANK YOU Cathy Brock & Michelle Perko!!
Sammy Miller and the Congregation Band Concert November 1st
Never heard of this band before? Check out these links
The Congregation has brought a new perspective of Jazz to a new generation of listeners.
WHEN: Tue, Nov 1st, 2022 at 7:30pm
WHERE: Sun Prairie East High School Performing Arts Center
Click on this link to Buy Tickets Now
The Boosters hold a variety of Fundraising opportunities throughout the school year.
Pick and choose which ones are best for your family.
For Current Information check our SPBB Fundraisers website
- On Sale NOW through October 13
Fall Fruit Sale
- Details coming soon!
- Sale Dates are October 24 to November 6
- Pick-up/Delivery will be December 3
Apparel Sale
- Coming soon in November!!
Feed the Beat
- Burrachos Night - November 9th
How does Fundraising help you?
By participating in one or multiple fundraisers you can earn funds into your CHARMS Ledger Account! Funds can be used for multiple music fees throughout the school year.
For details check out the following links.
The Booster funds are used to help cover costs for many great opportunities for ALL band members 6th grade through 12th grade. Here are just a few things we help provide for:
- National Guest Clinicians visit and work with the Bands
- Concert and SOSP Band Uniforms
- Lesson Academy
- Jazz Program
- Sound of Sun Prairie Program
- Varsity Point Awards
- Scholarships
Please remember that ALL student ledgers zero out at the end of the school year to preserve the booster tax exempt status. All requests for ledger use must be made before August 1.
Varsity Points
Starting in 9th grade your band student will earn points when participating in various band opportunities. The points will accumulate through 12th grade. Once the student reaches a certain point level they receive an award.
12 points or greater earns a Varsity Letter
24 points or greater earns an Instrument Pin
36 points or greater earns a Ribbon
48 points or greater earns a Medallion
To earn points, student must participate in one or more of the following:
1 point per semester in Band
1 point per semester in Jazz (one point given for Essentially Ellington in NYC)
2 points for participation in Epoch Sound (1 football and 1 basketball)
3 points per season in Sound of Sun Prairie (entered in July)
2 points for participation in SPHS “Pit” Orchestra
1 point for participation in Solo & Ensemble (no points for “Solo Night”)
1 additional point for participation in State Solo & Ensemble (entered on 5/1)
1 point for WYSO
1 point for High School Honors Band
1 point for Winds of Wisconsin
1 point for Full Orchestra
1 point for Chamber groups (.5 point per semester)
Recognition of Varsity Points will be awarded at the
Spring Band Concert and at the end-of-season Sound of Sun Prairie picnic.