Linn Lion's Roar
January 2022
United Capital Management
Max Jantz Excavating
United Wireless Communications
Linn Elementary
Email: linn@443mail.org
Website: https://usd443.org/index.php?pageID=543274_3
Location: 1900 Linn Street, Dodge City, KS, USA
Phone: (620) 471-2114
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/linnlions95/
Cold Weather
- We have acquired many items in the lost and found. Please feel free to stop by and check for anything your child may have lost.
- As the weather is getting cold please make sure your child is dressed accordingly. Recess is outside unless there is extreme weather, so please make sure and send your child with a coat and warm clothing.
Nurse's Notes
Vision Health
Did you know annually the school completes vision screens for all students in grades Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd and 5th; as well as on any student that has signs of difficulty with vision? Studies show an estimated 1 in 4 school-aged children have and undiagnosed vision disorder.
As we wrap up our yearly vision screens, let us emphasize the importance of eye health. Vision impairments in students are common; uncorrected vision problems can impair your students development, lead to behavior problems in the classroom, interfere with learning, and lead to permanent vision loss. Early detection, treatment, and ongoing care is important.
If your student does not pass the school vision screen a referral letter will be sent home, it is important to follow up with an eye doctor. After following up with the eye doctor let your student’s teacher or the school nurse know how the exam went. If your student already has glasses make sure your student is wearing them to school.
Happy New Year and welcome back!
I hope each of you had the opportunity to connect with friends and family during winter break!
As the second semester approaches, it is very important that your child has consistent attendance in order to be successful. We will continue working on decoding words in order to become better readers. We will also be learning about each other and the world to understand how different cultures blend together in both families and communities. One skill that we will be working on is comparing and contrasting characters and experiences in stories. We will be adding more sight words to practice at school and at home as well. In math, we are finishing up working on measurement and moving on to number pairs and addition and subtraction to 10.
As the weather starts to get colder we need students to wear a coat every day. We are the first to go outside for recess so it is often pretty cold. As long as the wind chill is 20 degrees, they will still go outside for recess so it is very important to bring a coat every day.
Third Grade
Hello 3rd Grade Family,
This past math module, we learned about area and how to calculate area by multiplying. In reading, we are currently finishing up our unit on cities. Your student worked very hard on a writing project comparing and contrasting them with one of the people we have learned about.
We ask you to please continue to encourage and help your child study their multiplication facts at home. Your child should also still be reading 15-20 minutes every night and filling out their reading log. It’s very important that your child is going to bed early and getting plenty of sleep so they are well rested and ready to learn in the morning! Thank you for all your support and for all that you do!
Happy Holidays!
The 3rd Grade Team (Mrs.Rodriguez, Mrs.Castro, Ms.Engle)
Fifth Grade
Happy New Year! We are so excited to spend 2022 with our students and assist them in getting ready for middle school. We need to get back to work establishing new learning goals and working hard to attain them. Remember, when students are well rested, healthy, prepared for each school day and equipped with a positive attitude, we can move forward to conquer our learning goals!
Calling all readers!! Get ready! It is time for new bookmarks to add to your reading ring. Use them to strengthen skills as we develop powerful readers. Please make sure your student is reading aloud every night for a minimum of 20 minutes for homework.
Math is strengthened when it is practiced often. Please assist us with practicing basic arithmetic facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication, & division) with your student every night for a minimum of 10 minutes. These basic facts should already be mastered by 5th grade. Many students are extremely behind in skills and need all of our teamwork to support them making good choices to catch up on their own time.
Please keep in contact with us as we rev up the rigor and responsibility heading into this new semester!
The 5th Grade Team-
Ms. Blanco blanco.monica@usd443.org
Ms. Figueroa figueroa.gabriela@usd443.org
Mrs. Laskowsky laskowsky.allison@usd443.org
*Remember Talking Points too!!*
We just finished up the 4th and 5th grade programs and are looking forward to start working on the 2nd and 3rd grade programs coming up in February. All students 3-5 have been given information on recorders and we will be accepting the money and order forms through January 15th. That is the absolute deadline as we have to place the order in bulk one time to get the discount. All grades are enjoying the music classes with singing, dancing, games and other activities.