OLHMS Weekly 11/14/23
Tuesday's Top of the Mind Topics:
Did you know that OLHMS hosted one of the most impressive demonstrations of honor and respect for our Veterans?
We had the pleasure of hosting 80 Veterans for our Tribute. Our entire school community, District 123 and local community leaders supported this extremely impactful event. Here is the Special Edition newsletter!
Did you know the First Trimester of the 2023/2024 school year is coming to an end?
Trimester 1 ends this Friday the 17th as we begin the Thanksgiving Holiday break! We are sure our Mustang community will enjoy a wonderful break with our family and friends returning to school on Monday, November 27th.
Did you know our PTSA is looking for a new President?
If you are interested in supporting our school in a different capacity please reach out to our PTSA! Also, our meetings will now take place at 6:00pm monthly and there is still plenty of time to join! Maybe you do not have the time to donate, but your contributions can still be made through your membership!
Announcements/ Reminders
Mustang Families,
As we anticipate our Thanksgiving break, please remind our scholars to remain focused and complete each of their given tasks. Help our scholars finish this trimester on a high note- setting the stage for a wonderful trimester two! As we finish this week, scholars can turn in Admin chips for cookies in the cafetorium!
Thank you to all of the volunteers this past Saturday who took their time to rake leaves as part of the D123 annual leaf raking event!
Fall Concert: We are excited to host the Fall Concert tomorrow night at 6:30pm featuring our Intermediate, Concert and Jazz Bands!
Special Education Partner Meeting: D123 will be hosting a meeting on November 15th here in the media center.
NJHS Food Drive: We will began a food drive for Pilgrim Faith through November 15th! Help support our local community in need!
OLHMS Music Booster Fundraiser: Make it an easy dinner and support our incredible music department by eating our at Portillo's on November 16th!
OLHMS Music Booster Spirit Wear: Order your Music Department gear today! The sale ends on November 17th!
OLHMS Spirit Wear: Our PTSA put together an order opportunity before the Winter break! Get your orders in before the 19th.
Feed Six: We are excited for this event on December 9th! More information below on how you can participate or help someone else take part by donating!
Lost and Found: Items left in the lost and found after this week will be donated! Please make sure to have your scholars look for items they may have lost during the trimester.
Early Dismissals: In the event that a student needs to be picked up early from school, please communicate with the main office as advisory teachers may not see our scholar based on their daily schedule.
Our Community: Please be respectful of our neighbors around our school during arrival and dismissal. It is also important to remind our scholars about staying off community members property while waiting for a bus or walking home.
Circle Drive and 99th Street: During drop off and dismissal, please do not pass cars in the circle drive and do not ask your students to run across 99th street to be picked up. We want to make sure all of our students and families are kept safe. We have had a couple close calls! Please be patient and courteous!
Report Card Guidance: Looking ahead to the end of this first trimester, here are some additional support links for standards based grades.
- Standards Based Family Report Card Guide
- Standards Based Reporting – Expanded Meaning Matrix
- Download Skyward Family Access Rubrics
Working Lunch: We are very excited about our start to the year! As we move forward in our year, we will maintain high expectations for our scholars! We have implemented a plan for scholars to finish work during lunch. Working lunch will be used to support work completion and behavioral reflection. Students assigned to working lunch will be given a bagged lunch if they did not bring one.
Graduation Expectations
Our 8th grade scholars and parents have been given the information in this Parent Letter. These expectations have been discussed with scholars and families throughout the beginning of the year and sent home. As the year progresses additional information will be provided for our graduates!
Music Booster
Feed Six is Back!!
NJHS Food Drive
Until 11/15
Membership is $6.00 per student and $10.00 per adult
PTSA Meeting- December 4, 2023 at 6:00pm
All parents/ guardians/ staff & students are highly encouraged to join the PTSA and attend meetings. This is an incredible opportunity, partnership and fun way to support our scholar’s experience at the middle school!
Yearbook Cover Contest
Looking Ahead
11/17/23: End of Trimester 1
11/20-11/24/23: Thanksgiving Holiday Break
12/9/23: Feed Six (Sponsorship Flyer) (Pledge Sheet)
2023-24 School District Calendar
High School Happenings
Pre registration is open for all schools holding entrance exams
Brother Rice Entrance exam - Sat, Dec 2, 2023 at 8 a.m. - https://www.brotherrice.org/
Marist Entrance exam - Sat, Dec 2, 2023 at 8 a.m. https://www.marist.net
Mother McAuley Entrance exam - Sat, Dec 2, 2023 8 a.m. https://www.mothermcauley.org/
Mount Carmel Entrance exam - Sat. Dec. 2, 2023 8 a.m. https://www.mchs.org/admissions/class-of-2028-information
St Laurence Entrance exam - Sat, Dec 2, 2023 at 8 a.m.https://www.stlaurence.com/
St. Rita Entrance exam - Sat. Dec 2, 2023 8 a.m. https://www.stritahs.com/entrance-exam
Oak Lawn Community High School
OLCHS 8th grade Shadow Day is quickly approaching. See flyer.
Shadows and Tours held on Mondays from October 2023-May 2024. Registration is required.
We are offering FREE athletic clinics for 5th-8th graders.
Co-ed Bowling: December 21, 4-5:30pm
Girls Basketball: January 13, 12-2pm
2023 Viewbook: Learn what IMSA is all about! Our Application for the Academy is open!
IMSA Profile: Information about matriculation, courses, and colleges that our students attend
Shadow Days, Fridays at Marist! Registration Required.
Backstage Pass "Chicago"- November 16-19 (6th through 8th grade girls)
Entrance Exam Information- Saturday, December 2 at 8:00 am (8th grade girls)
2023 Fall High School Open House: (See flyer)
Visit our campus to see what makes MPA one of the top-ranked schools in the state of Illinois! Hear from current students and faculty and experience our college-like campus. You will also learn about our indexed tuition model, our commitment to inclusion and diversity, and our engaging global experience.
RSVP: https://www.morganparkacademy.org/admission-events/
Providence Catholic High School
HFS invites prospective students and their families to learn more about HFS, our application process, and the amazing high schools that we partner with through a high school fair. See flyer.
Click here to register for HFS Chicago Scholars Fall Open House
For Schools:
Learn more about the HFS Class of 2028 Application:
Please click here for all the information you need to share with your students and families
For Students and Families:
Learn more about the HFS Class of 2028 Application:
Please click here for all the information you need about the HFS Chicago Scholars Application