How can a train float? That's something Mrs. Paluch's third graders have been trying to answer. Students have taken on the role of engineers. They need to explain the floating train and how it works to the city of Faraday. As the students investigated different forces, they were tasked with making objects move without touching them!
Another successful year of the chess club has come to an end at Kolmar. We are so lucky to have the chess club available to our students. We are thankful to Mr. and Mrs. Vahl for all their hard work and for making chess club possible!
Returning for the second year at Sward was the highly anticipated Tournament of Books for March Madness and boy does Mrs. Keblusek, Sward's Librarian, know how to pump up the excitement! Why should March Madness be limited to the basketball court when there were so many new books in Sward's library?
On Friday March 17, 2023, Hometown students invited a special person to attend school with them. Grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles participated in gym activities, went to encores, played math games and more. Families were able to get a glimpse into the day and a life of a Hometown Hornet.
Mrs. Monroy's fourth grade is currently learning about waves and energy in Science. Throughout their lesson they have been looking at sound waves and how sound travels. Through discussion they have made real life connections to music and how music carries higher and lower pitches.
The CASE Store is open! CASE teachers and students have been preparing for the reopening of the CASE Store since COVID shut them down like so many other businesses. Each week, teachers and staff are able to place an order for the CASE Store.
Just before spring break, our OLHMS students took their talents to Liberty Middle School in Burbank to compete against every school in the SWIC Conference for Declamation. Ms. Kennedy led and coached the Declamation Team of seven OLHMS students ranging from 6-8th grade.
D123 Ed Foundation hosts community events to support innovative district programming. Tacos & Trivia 2023 is back in-person and ready to test the trivial knowledge of community members on May 5, 2023, at St. Nicholas Church. The event, hosted by the D123 Ed Foundation, aims to raise funds for educational programs in the district.